Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

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@cybele65, Good news/bad news - That is definitely what I remember about my waiting time.
I hope that you get some helpful information as a result of the scan next week. Are you able to walk and get some exercise with the ankle, leg, feet swelling? Does it help if you elevate your legs when sitting?

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I am able to get around but it feels like I am walking on a cushion of water. I had another paracenteses yesterday because I gained another 6 pounds in less that a week. They took off 5.8 liters and said I had significant edema. The swelling went down in my feet today and I was able to knock a lot of things off my to do list. However, after a busy day my feet are starting to swell again. I do not understand why people would want the TIPS procedure if the only thing it does is divert fluid from the abdomen to the legs and feet. At least the fluid can be drained from the abdomen if it had just been left alone. The doctors said that for a lot of people the ascites goes away altogether. I must not be one of those lucky people.


I am able to get around but it feels like I am walking on a cushion of water. I had another paracenteses yesterday because I gained another 6 pounds in less that a week. They took off 5.8 liters and said I had significant edema. The swelling went down in my feet today and I was able to knock a lot of things off my to do list. However, after a busy day my feet are starting to swell again. I do not understand why people would want the TIPS procedure if the only thing it does is divert fluid from the abdomen to the legs and feet. At least the fluid can be drained from the abdomen if it had just been left alone. The doctors said that for a lot of people the ascites goes away altogether. I must not be one of those lucky people.

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@cybele65, I nearly died from bursting varices that I had tied off. These were repaired. A day after I was released from the hospital they burst again. I was again helicoptered up to the regional hospital, intubated, and went through hours of surgery to try to stopped the upper GI bleed caused by cascading bursting varices. I was brought back to ICU and awakened long enough to be told I would bleed to death if I didn’t have the TIPS procedure.

The procedure saved my life. It does much more than divert fluid. It stops varices from forming in one’s esophagus that may burst and cause internal bleeding.


Hellooo everyone. I miss u all
I want to have coffee with all of u.NOW ! I believe if we lived near each other we would b really good friends, or good drinking buddies...haha kidding.
Well up date on my trip to the hospital in Feb 7 could not get the drug eversheld cause I had a fourth shot of phyizer I know spell wrong .I had a blood test last Saturday, my result for covid antibodies came back very high.
I was so excited...Yahoo..guess the forth shot did the trick!! When I was getting my transplant all I was told was the 33 yr old man was brain dead
And family donated all organs.
Yes I felt sad for them, but glad they were so generous by donating to make life better for a lot of people . Pass it that not what we r suppose to do with this life? Do not feel guilt.
I do keep in mind this person who donated that I live a good life.happy life.grateful life and healthy not only for me but To honor him by doing so

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Hey there woman! It’s so good to hear from you! Glad you have antibodies to Covid. You missed my dreadful bout with Covid. I’m supposedly protected now for 3-6 months from the monoclonal antibodies I received. I now walk into my public facing office, double masked 😷, close my door, turn on my new air purifier, and remain masked. Ugh.

Perhaps this summer we can meet halfway (CT?) for coffee!

Be well! Athena


@marinab, I'm happy that he has been able to make his decision. I imagine that this has to be a relief to have taken that step. However, I am so sorry that he now has to wait. It's probably not much comfort, but he is not alone with having a delayed surgery due to a covid surge.
I was looking at some old notes today, and saw that I had gained 7 1/2 inches on my waist before my 1st paracentesis. I don't know how much fluid was drained. But I remember the discomfort with the fluid. Is your husband going to be able to get the fluid drained when he needs it during this delay?

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I couldn’t fit into my shoes and went from size small to stretchy large pants! Never having been pregnant, I had new found respect for all moms and what they go through to carry a baby in their belly!


@rosemarya We don't know for sure if TIPs will definitely be delayed but suspect so. We are following up with them tomorrow - they are aware that he will need fluid draining if TIPs procedure is delayed and said they will accommodate that. Fortunately there is a special ward at the hospital just for liver transplant patients and since he is listed he has access to that ward,

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Mr best wishes to your husband on getting the TIPS procedure. Please let us know how things go for him. And, thank you for being a wonderful caregiver!


2022 has already been busy in this group. I might need to add some extra chairs around our virtual table chat!
This morning, I decided to bring you who posted in January together to meet each other and to extend invitation to anybody reading this! You are always Welcome.

@btg, How's the planning for testing going? Has it been scheduled yet?

@marinab, Your husband was in the process of deciding on the TIPS procedure. Has he made any decision? How is he doing?

@lcd, Just checking in to say, Hi. Thanks for the positive vibes! Any updates that you want to share?

@digibson, I hope that you are doing okay. What is the transplant team saying about a liver transplant in your future?

@cybele65, How are you feeling after your recent TIPS procedure? Are you noticing any decrease in ascites

@lauraloo81, I'm happy that you have recently joined us on Connect! Do you have anything fun planned for today?

@athenalee, Thanks for sharing your wisdom and positivity to the discussion.

Me - What am I up to: I had my routine labs drawn yesterday. A treat that my husband and I allow ourselves is a stop at local bakery!! Yummy way to start yesterday Valentine's Day. Did you know that yesterday was Donor Appreciation Day?

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Your the best mentor Rosemary and I truly appreciate you! I had my labs taken on Valentines Day too. My awesome new liver is perfect! I get to reduce Tacrolimus to 2 mg AM & PM!! 👏👏👏


Hey there woman! It’s so good to hear from you! Glad you have antibodies to Covid. You missed my dreadful bout with Covid. I’m supposedly protected now for 3-6 months from the monoclonal antibodies I received. I now walk into my public facing office, double masked 😷, close my door, turn on my new air purifier, and remain masked. Ugh.

Perhaps this summer we can meet halfway (CT?) for coffee!

Be well! Athena

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Oh no! U poor baby..thank God u recovered😊yes CT sounds good..I too wish and can't wait till we let upon the masks....stay well


@cybele65, I nearly died from bursting varices that I had tied off. These were repaired. A day after I was released from the hospital they burst again. I was again helicoptered up to the regional hospital, intubated, and went through hours of surgery to try to stopped the upper GI bleed caused by cascading bursting varices. I was brought back to ICU and awakened long enough to be told I would bleed to death if I didn’t have the TIPS procedure.

The procedure saved my life. It does much more than divert fluid. It stops varices from forming in one’s esophagus that may burst and cause internal bleeding.

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I am so happy that you survived that horrible ordeal. I do not mean to sound ungrateful in these posts, I am just very frustrated. I am aware that one of the main reason for a TIPS procedure is to combat varices and bleeding. That was not why I had mine, I have low blood pressure and had no sign of varices. The reason I had mine was because of large volume ascites. I was getting drained once a week of about 8 liters per week. (sometimes up to 10 liters) The transplant team decided that TIPS was my best option as it could stop the ascites completely. My frustration is that now I still have ascites plus edema that I did not have before.


I am so happy that you survived that horrible ordeal. I do not mean to sound ungrateful in these posts, I am just very frustrated. I am aware that one of the main reason for a TIPS procedure is to combat varices and bleeding. That was not why I had mine, I have low blood pressure and had no sign of varices. The reason I had mine was because of large volume ascites. I was getting drained once a week of about 8 liters per week. (sometimes up to 10 liters) The transplant team decided that TIPS was my best option as it could stop the ascites completely. My frustration is that now I still have ascites plus edema that I did not have before.

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My apologies @cybele65, I do know we all have our different health circumstances and I should have recognized yours. I know how miserable ascites are, so you definitely have my sympathies. Your gastroenterologist doesn’t have any solutions for your situation?


I am so happy that you survived that horrible ordeal. I do not mean to sound ungrateful in these posts, I am just very frustrated. I am aware that one of the main reason for a TIPS procedure is to combat varices and bleeding. That was not why I had mine, I have low blood pressure and had no sign of varices. The reason I had mine was because of large volume ascites. I was getting drained once a week of about 8 liters per week. (sometimes up to 10 liters) The transplant team decided that TIPS was my best option as it could stop the ascites completely. My frustration is that now I still have ascites plus edema that I did not have before.

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@cybele65, I had ascites and edema before transplant. I wish I could offer some relief to you. I recently looked at my pre transplant notes that I kept, and I saw where at one time I had gained 7 1/2 inches around my waist. That was my 1sr paracentesis procedure. I needed repeat procedures up until my transplant. Walking became difficult for me, too. The best part that I made myself focus on, was the immediate relief after each draining, and the looseness of my extra large sweatpants.
Do you have to go any distance to get a paracentesis? Are they easy for you to schedule?

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