Been diagnosed with Fatty Liver: What can I do about it?

Posted by trellg132 @trellg132, May 26, 2020

doctor says I have a fatty liver what to do?

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Does anyone else have fatty liver?

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Hi, @teresa123 Welcome to Connect.
Fatty liver is something that is generally underdiagnosed. I have read that doctors should look for it when a person is overweight or has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Our diets tend to often not be the healthiest.

I had cirrhosis which happens when fatty liver is not diagnosed and is allowed to progress. Cirrhosis causes scarring of the liver and cannot be reversed whereas fatty liver can be reversed with healthier eating and cutting out alcohol. Even with hallmark symptoms of cirrhosis, it took about 15 months for my cirrhosis to be diagnosed. I had a liver transplant in September 2016.

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver then I implore you to take it seriously so you can reverse it. You may benefit from seeing a hepatologist since they specialize in "the liver, the biliary tree, the gallbladder and the pancreas". If your PCP is good you may do fine with just their care but my PCP tends to refer people to specialists because specialists do know the most about whatever their specialty is.


Does anyone else have fatty liver?

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Thank you for your time to answer my question I appreciate it.😊


Does anyone else have fatty liver?

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I have fatty liver, my pcp told me my liver enzymes were high for a couple of years then said I had fatty liver and then NAFLD, sent me to a gastroenterologist who ran bloodwork another year or so then she said my bilirubin was high which meant nothing to me. She said I need a liver biopsy but I felt perfectly fine. We planned and had daughters wedding, and my husband passed with cancer. So I finally had biopsy and was told I have Cirrhosis in 2020. I lost 85lbs and now correct wt for height, and have never drank alcohol. I too suggest you get a hepatologist, don’t wait. I have one now! 💚


Does anyone else have fatty liver?

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Yes I would agree it is definitely a sneaky disease. I also felt fine was dx with NAFLD/cirrhosis 1/ 2020 and by October 2020 I was in liver failure and having a liver transplant. I have no underlying diseases, in good health except liver disease.
If diagnosed with cirrhosis, fatty liver be proactive b/f it gets worse 😊💚


Does anyone else have fatty liver?

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Hello @teresa123 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. There are several members who also have fatty liver and have been sharing about it in an existing discussion so you will notice I have moved your post here to join them:
- Been diagnosed with Fatty Liver: What can I do about it?:

When were you diagnosed?


Hello @teresa123 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. There are several members who also have fatty liver and have been sharing about it in an existing discussion so you will notice I have moved your post here to join them:
- Been diagnosed with Fatty Liver: What can I do about it?:

When were you diagnosed?

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I was diagnosed with the fatty liver about two and a half years ago. I don't have a medical background history to completely understand what this means.


I was diagnosed with the fatty liver about two and a half years ago. I don't have a medical background history to completely understand what this means.

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Teresa all I can tell you is change the way you eat, if you can be vegetarian that will be the best I started with fatty liver since 2001 then May 14 2020 I had my liver transplant that even is not working properly the new liver started with Cirrosis one more time


I was diagnosed with the fatty liver about two and a half years ago. I don't have a medical background history to completely understand what this means.

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I had fatty liver when I had way too much weight on me. I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers.


I had fatty liver when I had way too much weight on me. I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers.

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Thank you for your comment it was very helpful I also need to lose weight.


Teresa all I can tell you is change the way you eat, if you can be vegetarian that will be the best I started with fatty liver since 2001 then May 14 2020 I had my liver transplant that even is not working properly the new liver started with Cirrosis one more time

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Thank you for your comment it's very helpful I do need to lose weight and eat less meat.

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