Let's Talk about Gardens

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Mar 31, 2020

Spring is on it's way and many of us are looking forward to some sunshine and warmer weather and being outdoors...and gardens!
Perhaps you look forward to digging in the fresh spring time soil as you prepare for a summer garden? Do you plant flowers? Do you plant vegetables?
Do you garden for enjoyment? Do you garden for health benefits? What do you want to share about your garden?

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@fiesty76 What a great message. So newsy and you....I love hearing about your activities....you got your scan!
Hope all is ok.

You and I are both trouble makers, I think. The younger generations don't understand about me and my cell relationship. I enjoy it now that I spent hours, days working to set it up and learn how to use it. Sort of....But, it's not attached to my hip, don't keep it with me all day, mostly when I go out. I still have a land-line. That phone I answer. not the cell. although, the scam calls are a very real problem. my blocked calls in the phone is full! can't block anymore, so now have to learn how to clear it out to add new ones....I want those folks to leave me alone!

I love the thought of a climbing aloe! Never heard of it. Wish we were neighbors...I'd take it right now.

Those squirrels are nasty buggers. I'd be a wild woman if they ate my bulbs! Wild!!!! I love watching them eat all my wild bird seed, hanging upside down by their toes on the side of the feeders. But, I got the seed w/ground chili peppers. They hate it! it burns their mouths. So, squirrels are eating the seed with nuts and fruits the cardinals and woodpeckers and others all love. I don't have a feeder they can navigate anymore. They have to feed on the ground, dropped seed. I want to help them out, but can't afford to keep them happy, so, they eat dropped.

I just now, about a week from when I put it out, am seeing birds eating the spicy seed so I'm happy...they like it. I also got a feeder designed to drop down and cover the seed openings if anything heavier than my birds lands on the perch. I actually saw it work. No squirrels there now & I put out peanut suet balls thanks to John Bishop. Took them a few days, but now the birds are loving it! And, have seed/suet cakes and wire holder for my woodpeckers. Have a hummingbird feeder up now...can't wait to watch them find it and have fun! Used to have a hummingbird bush, yesterday/today/tomorrow......birds covered it every dusk. It died and I haven't done much for the tiny babes since. This will be a good addition.....

Now, I think I'm through adding feeders and bird stuff. I'm focusing on plants....need to repot, plant and clean-up now, more. My 'boys' are coming over in a few days to help. Goody!!!!!

I'm loving this, my friends. It's so fun, invigorating and satisfying to have the birds feed at the window feeder, all the others . They are full of energy and joy and give me great joy! And, of course, the beauty or the garden....It makes life so better, doesn't it? Such a good thing for us! I rarely think about health issues now. Love it! But, at the same time, I'm remembering my father's favorite reminder, from the Bible.....'everything in moderation'. So right. Then we have a more even life. our bodies learn to relax a bit, to live w/o the pain, as much. Getting there, friends.

Happy day and many blessings. elizabeth

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@ess77, Just read your response to @Erinmfs and have to say that Lowes is my first stop favorite for plants and all-to do with gardening supplies. With their credit card, not only do I appreciate the discount on any purchase there but so often can find their discounted plant racks a real boon whenever needing some additional fillers for almost nothing!

Like you, I'm drawn to unusual plants for a spark of uniqueness and some work better than others. My bottle bush lasted for several yrs as well but I've not tried a shrimp plant nor crown of thorns. Maybe next yr?

Luckily, because of multiple bird feeders, squirrels can't access the feeders and are left with scrambling for the spilled seeds. I've tried several diff types of hummingbird feeders but none too successfully. They readily feed on late blooming Turkscap and other bright flowers but although I've placed the feeders in diff locations and changed and cleaned the feeders every few days, they seem to "wait" for summer bloomers like my butterfly bush which also attracts, moths, butterflies and bees.

Yes, Elizabeth, I, too, have had a long love/hate relationship with phones. I've had both my landline and 1st flip and now "smarty" cell phones with the same numbers for yrs. I just use the cell for car and travel; don't even know that number and have been pleased with rare scam calls.

If ever there was a yr for needing a team of garden helpers, this has been it. I am still removing leaves from beds and for some, this is the 3rd big effort accumulations coming from winds carried from other neighbor yards. Weeds are a diff story entirely. This is the 1st in 20 yrs of gardening, that these little devils have sprung up in flower beds.

With the Connect changes, my messages are going once more to my Spam folder and not reaching either the special filter site or reg. Yahoo mail. Hoping my help req. to @colleen young will rectify the problem. Until that happens, I'm struggling with the format changes and finding what I want to follow. Doesn't help that I am cyber deficient regardless. Sigh.

Your dad's reminder of "everything in moderation" was a favorite of my parents' as well. Alas and although I heard it frequently growing up, I've yet to master it. Smiles

It is beginning to dawn on me that all of my plant splurges this spring will require maintenance care and water...and more water. If last yr was one for our record books for extreme heat and drought, I can only imagine what my water bill will be this season with forecasts for an even hotter, drier summer. Good at justifying though, at my age, I know my active gardening years are limited and so I'm pushing my efforts and loving the time outside.

However we experience nature, seasonal changes and the surprises it never fails to inspire are true gifts for the heart. Yesterday I watched 2 Colorado Cardinals, which I'd fed all winter, doing the courtship flirt which may produce more offspring...How exciting is that?


@ernmfs Is that a bottle brush tree? Love them....another of the strange kinda' weird plants that get my attention. I have a large clay pot w/bottle brush plant, will grow into a bush in landscape I think, need to look it up. Had it for a couple years, another one of the 'throw-aways' from Lowe's garden store I got for a couple of $$. It's survived well through winter and coming back, filling in the pot and overhanging. I want to see how full and beautiful it'll get this year.

also, have a shrimp plant, same thing. It needs a lot of water so I'm having to decide where to plant if I do or how to keep it happy. I don't yet have ability to schedule watering every morning, or every day, but that's one goal. I want to be more scheduled. We'll see....anyone have any watering tips for hot/warm climate? tips on how to keep a schedule with all I have going on? i know that's an important part of overcoming these multiple censitization issues, but I've not yet conquered. Suggestions?

Had some of the storms working across southern states last night, lots of wind and rain, thunder but not a real thunderstormy kind of thing. Just the individual components, if put together at one time would have been real stormy night. Seemed to get one part of the storm at a time.....nice. Calm, windy storm!!!

Working on how to best see my messages or ones I want to see. Suggestions there? I think I know the options with new system, but haven't found what's best for me. Want to get more messages in my new folder, but don't want to have to go through the front page of site where you can't see individual conversation patterns. So, working on it....

Spent lots of time downstairs enjoying the patio with the new colorful, blooming baskets, geranium mixed pot is having a ball, and my crown of thorns - very special as raised from tiny pup and had over 11 years, still happy and blooms 365 days year, stalks fill the big clay pot, about 21/2 feet tall with new growth. I have some kind of ivy flowing over the sides that looks nice, I love that plant. Read they usually live about 10 years.....hope we prove the experts very wrong!!! I'll grieve if anything happens to that beauty....will send pics in day or two. blessings to all. elizabeth

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Elizabeth - there are a number of pre-packaged drip watering systems you can set up and connect to timers - there's flexibility because you can put more or higher capacity drippers in the water-loving plants. Or you can just irrigate the frequent waterers and hand water the rest. Do a little searching for patio watering systems. I'm a techno-nerd, married to a tinkerer, so I have very elaborate systems with multiple-outlet timers - too much to describe here.


@ess77, Just read your response to @Erinmfs and have to say that Lowes is my first stop favorite for plants and all-to do with gardening supplies. With their credit card, not only do I appreciate the discount on any purchase there but so often can find their discounted plant racks a real boon whenever needing some additional fillers for almost nothing!

Like you, I'm drawn to unusual plants for a spark of uniqueness and some work better than others. My bottle bush lasted for several yrs as well but I've not tried a shrimp plant nor crown of thorns. Maybe next yr?

Luckily, because of multiple bird feeders, squirrels can't access the feeders and are left with scrambling for the spilled seeds. I've tried several diff types of hummingbird feeders but none too successfully. They readily feed on late blooming Turkscap and other bright flowers but although I've placed the feeders in diff locations and changed and cleaned the feeders every few days, they seem to "wait" for summer bloomers like my butterfly bush which also attracts, moths, butterflies and bees.

Yes, Elizabeth, I, too, have had a long love/hate relationship with phones. I've had both my landline and 1st flip and now "smarty" cell phones with the same numbers for yrs. I just use the cell for car and travel; don't even know that number and have been pleased with rare scam calls.

If ever there was a yr for needing a team of garden helpers, this has been it. I am still removing leaves from beds and for some, this is the 3rd big effort accumulations coming from winds carried from other neighbor yards. Weeds are a diff story entirely. This is the 1st in 20 yrs of gardening, that these little devils have sprung up in flower beds.

With the Connect changes, my messages are going once more to my Spam folder and not reaching either the special filter site or reg. Yahoo mail. Hoping my help req. to @colleen young will rectify the problem. Until that happens, I'm struggling with the format changes and finding what I want to follow. Doesn't help that I am cyber deficient regardless. Sigh.

Your dad's reminder of "everything in moderation" was a favorite of my parents' as well. Alas and although I heard it frequently growing up, I've yet to master it. Smiles

It is beginning to dawn on me that all of my plant splurges this spring will require maintenance care and water...and more water. If last yr was one for our record books for extreme heat and drought, I can only imagine what my water bill will be this season with forecasts for an even hotter, drier summer. Good at justifying though, at my age, I know my active gardening years are limited and so I'm pushing my efforts and loving the time outside.

However we experience nature, seasonal changes and the surprises it never fails to inspire are true gifts for the heart. Yesterday I watched 2 Colorado Cardinals, which I'd fed all winter, doing the courtship flirt which may produce more offspring...How exciting is that?

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I just went and looked again at my 4-yo crown of thorns - thought it was dead a month ago after the February freeze, but it is indeed coming back from the roots. The younger ones didn't survive though. If you decide to try one, buy a local one - not from Lowe's - there are different varieties and the natives will survive a light freeze here in TX, but not the imports.
As for watering see my reply to Elizabeth - drip, drip, drip - all of the water goes EXACTLY where needed, none is wasted.


I just went and looked again at my 4-yo crown of thorns - thought it was dead a month ago after the February freeze, but it is indeed coming back from the roots. The younger ones didn't survive though. If you decide to try one, buy a local one - not from Lowe's - there are different varieties and the natives will survive a light freeze here in TX, but not the imports.
As for watering see my reply to Elizabeth - drip, drip, drip - all of the water goes EXACTLY where needed, none is wasted.

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@sueinmn, When I had my lawn irrigation system professionally installed, 3 areas in back near fence were drip lines. They simply didn't work for me and I had them removed and different ht pop-ups added to those areas which have worked more successfully. So happy for the irrigation system but even so, there are some areas which still require hand watering.

Yes, while Lowes is my first stop, Sue, I also purchase from local nurseries and growers. The growers particularly do a great job because of their knowledge of our soils, temps, etc.

Sunday was a purely perfect Spring day with temp up to high 80's. Yesterday heading out to doc appt at 8 am, temp was in low 30's and never got above 50 late afternoon. Exasperating to say the least and more of the same predicted until next week.

After the horrific TX freeze earlier, I'm still hoping that despite two additional short term freezes recently, more of my perennials will still emerge. So happy that your 4 yr old crown of thorns is reviving and feel sure that like your younger plants, many of mine may have bitten the bullet.

In the meantime, I'm attempting to root both Eng. Ivy and Powis Castle’ artemisia along with a variety of seed starters in little seed pots. Also using the wet paper towel method to check for viability on other, older saved seeds from previous years. Thank goodness for my vacc that will be seeing extra duty once the dining table and breakfast bar are cleared of potting mix.

Are you back in TX for the spring/summer? Your growing location and mine so differ in the same state that it is almost like we reside in different countries, yes?


Somebody mentioned daffodils not long ago, I’m in our local daffodil garden, they are so beautiful!

@colleenyoung i cannot find the Garden discussion thread to write this post?


Somebody mentioned daffodils not long ago, I’m in our local daffodil garden, they are so beautiful!

@colleenyoung i cannot find the Garden discussion thread to write this post?

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Hi Molly, I moved your message to the Let's Talk about Gardens discussion. I find the best way to search for a discussion is to use the Discussion search window. See pic below.

This search looks specifically for keywords in titles and the first post of discussions.


Hi Molly, I moved your message to the Let's Talk about Gardens discussion. I find the best way to search for a discussion is to use the Discussion search window. See pic below.

This search looks specifically for keywords in titles and the first post of discussions.

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I’m on my iPhone, I didn’t use the Search, I tried the ‘drop down” listing, and Gardens wasn’t in the list (on my phone.)


@ernmfs Is that a bottle brush tree? Love them....another of the strange kinda' weird plants that get my attention. I have a large clay pot w/bottle brush plant, will grow into a bush in landscape I think, need to look it up. Had it for a couple years, another one of the 'throw-aways' from Lowe's garden store I got for a couple of $$. It's survived well through winter and coming back, filling in the pot and overhanging. I want to see how full and beautiful it'll get this year.

also, have a shrimp plant, same thing. It needs a lot of water so I'm having to decide where to plant if I do or how to keep it happy. I don't yet have ability to schedule watering every morning, or every day, but that's one goal. I want to be more scheduled. We'll see....anyone have any watering tips for hot/warm climate? tips on how to keep a schedule with all I have going on? i know that's an important part of overcoming these multiple censitization issues, but I've not yet conquered. Suggestions?

Had some of the storms working across southern states last night, lots of wind and rain, thunder but not a real thunderstormy kind of thing. Just the individual components, if put together at one time would have been real stormy night. Seemed to get one part of the storm at a time.....nice. Calm, windy storm!!!

Working on how to best see my messages or ones I want to see. Suggestions there? I think I know the options with new system, but haven't found what's best for me. Want to get more messages in my new folder, but don't want to have to go through the front page of site where you can't see individual conversation patterns. So, working on it....

Spent lots of time downstairs enjoying the patio with the new colorful, blooming baskets, geranium mixed pot is having a ball, and my crown of thorns - very special as raised from tiny pup and had over 11 years, still happy and blooms 365 days year, stalks fill the big clay pot, about 21/2 feet tall with new growth. I have some kind of ivy flowing over the sides that looks nice, I love that plant. Read they usually live about 10 years.....hope we prove the experts very wrong!!! I'll grieve if anything happens to that beauty....will send pics in day or two. blessings to all. elizabeth

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@ess7, I’m heading back there to find out ! I’m here now, it’s a Powder Puff Plant, tropical member of the pea family.


I’ve never seen a red Easter Lilly? There’s one here at the Conservatory. Attendant here says it’s Amaryllis .


I’ve never seen a red Easter Lilly? There’s one here at the Conservatory. Attendant here says it’s Amaryllis .

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Well, aren't you having a ball! Taking a fun day out to observe? Love it and love the pictures. Thanks.....the red flower of the powder puff plant is exactly the same as the bottle brush plant/tree, I think. At least, they're related and yours looks the same size plant as mine in a pot. I love it. It and the shrimp plant I have near-by do attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Yes, that is an amaryllis. Beautiful isn't it? I have lots of them around my place, in our public median/area and around my condo. I went out and grabbed a lot of bulbs when the pavement was redone and they were gettting thrown away!!! I was horrified, so hobbled out with my walker like a crazy little old lady and picked up as many as possible. Now, they're growing on my patio and on the side of my front area. I love the plant itself and the flower is lovely, if too short lived.

Enjoy the day, my friend, and all the pretties. Blessings on this lovely day. elizabeth

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