Let's Talk about Gardens

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Mar 31, 2020

Spring is on it's way and many of us are looking forward to some sunshine and warmer weather and being outdoors...and gardens!
Perhaps you look forward to digging in the fresh spring time soil as you prepare for a summer garden? Do you plant flowers? Do you plant vegetables?
Do you garden for enjoyment? Do you garden for health benefits? What do you want to share about your garden?

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Somebody mentioned daffodils not long ago, I’m in our local daffodil garden, they are so beautiful!

@colleenyoung i cannot find the Garden discussion thread to write this post?

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Beautiful! Can't grow well in my area, but I do love them. enjoy and tks for sharing....blessings, elizabeth


@ernmfs Is that a bottle brush tree? Love them....another of the strange kinda' weird plants that get my attention. I have a large clay pot w/bottle brush plant, will grow into a bush in landscape I think, need to look it up. Had it for a couple years, another one of the 'throw-aways' from Lowe's garden store I got for a couple of $$. It's survived well through winter and coming back, filling in the pot and overhanging. I want to see how full and beautiful it'll get this year.

also, have a shrimp plant, same thing. It needs a lot of water so I'm having to decide where to plant if I do or how to keep it happy. I don't yet have ability to schedule watering every morning, or every day, but that's one goal. I want to be more scheduled. We'll see....anyone have any watering tips for hot/warm climate? tips on how to keep a schedule with all I have going on? i know that's an important part of overcoming these multiple censitization issues, but I've not yet conquered. Suggestions?

Had some of the storms working across southern states last night, lots of wind and rain, thunder but not a real thunderstormy kind of thing. Just the individual components, if put together at one time would have been real stormy night. Seemed to get one part of the storm at a time.....nice. Calm, windy storm!!!

Working on how to best see my messages or ones I want to see. Suggestions there? I think I know the options with new system, but haven't found what's best for me. Want to get more messages in my new folder, but don't want to have to go through the front page of site where you can't see individual conversation patterns. So, working on it....

Spent lots of time downstairs enjoying the patio with the new colorful, blooming baskets, geranium mixed pot is having a ball, and my crown of thorns - very special as raised from tiny pup and had over 11 years, still happy and blooms 365 days year, stalks fill the big clay pot, about 21/2 feet tall with new growth. I have some kind of ivy flowing over the sides that looks nice, I love that plant. Read they usually live about 10 years.....hope we prove the experts very wrong!!! I'll grieve if anything happens to that beauty....will send pics in day or two. blessings to all. elizabeth

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@ess77 ,
the botanical center that I enjoy is adjacent to my church. So, I attend church and walk the gardens regularly. The gardents are in a city park. A Friend of mine used to manage this garden but doesn't any longer. The plants are seasonal typically, but displays are rotated in, like the Amarillus is new, for the Easter season. the powder puff tree (similar to a bottle brush tree) is always there, but obviously blooms in season indoors.

there was a new plant, a 'goldfish plant' on display today, I should be sharing a photo of that!


Good Morning, @davidmooore. Please accept my Welcome to Mayo Connect, a patient support community where patients support other patients. I agree with your first message that vibrant flowers are a welcoming sign of spring, and it is fun to identify the unknown varieties. I personally have fun browsing thru the garden departments in the springtime and admiring the many varieties of plants that are available in my local community!

David, What attracted you to this "Let's talk about Gardens" Group? Has gardening played a special role in a medical journey for you?


This isn't really a gardening topic...

My wife had an orchid plant that she'd given up on. A few months ago, she gave it to me to see if I could "rescue" it.

All through the winter I gave it a few drops of water daily. It seemed to revive a little.

To make a long story short, it eventually bloomed (5 flowers), and now there's a new shoot popping up from the base.

Being disabled, I can't get outside and dig in the dirt. But I did bring some beauty indoors!


This isn't really a gardening topic...

My wife had an orchid plant that she'd given up on. A few months ago, she gave it to me to see if I could "rescue" it.

All through the winter I gave it a few drops of water daily. It seemed to revive a little.

To make a long story short, it eventually bloomed (5 flowers), and now there's a new shoot popping up from the base.

Being disabled, I can't get outside and dig in the dirt. But I did bring some beauty indoors!

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Hey Scott This is beautiful. I know your wife is thrilled!!!
I did have to open the photo by clicking on the image to see all of it. Perhaps because I’m on iPhone.


This isn't really a gardening topic...

My wife had an orchid plant that she'd given up on. A few months ago, she gave it to me to see if I could "rescue" it.

All through the winter I gave it a few drops of water daily. It seemed to revive a little.

To make a long story short, it eventually bloomed (5 flowers), and now there's a new shoot popping up from the base.

Being disabled, I can't get outside and dig in the dirt. But I did bring some beauty indoors!

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Wow, Scott - you did great! Reviving orchids is such an exercise in patience and persistence. Now that she is on the mend, you might want to switch to a weekly "drink" of 1 ice cube per inch of pot diameter - just drop on top of the potting medium and let them melt.
And after blooming is done, maybe a new pot 1" larger and some new orchid potting mix. Be careful! You might get hooked.


Wow, Scott - you did great! Reviving orchids is such an exercise in patience and persistence. Now that she is on the mend, you might want to switch to a weekly "drink" of 1 ice cube per inch of pot diameter - just drop on top of the potting medium and let them melt.
And after blooming is done, maybe a new pot 1" larger and some new orchid potting mix. Be careful! You might get hooked.

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Thanks, but with only one hand, I doubt I'll be doing any repotting, as much as I'd like to.

Unless I can get my wife to help...


Thanks, but with only one hand, I doubt I'll be doing any repotting, as much as I'd like to.

Unless I can get my wife to help...

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Good for you! Orchids love to be root bound so no repotting. Once you get hooked on orchids you'll be looking for the clearance area for sad orchids to rehab!

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