Let's Talk about Gardens

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Mar 31, 2020

Spring is on it's way and many of us are looking forward to some sunshine and warmer weather and being outdoors...and gardens!
Perhaps you look forward to digging in the fresh spring time soil as you prepare for a summer garden? Do you plant flowers? Do you plant vegetables?
Do you garden for enjoyment? Do you garden for health benefits? What do you want to share about your garden?

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The plumber just left, beautiful day to fix our sewer pipe! The great news is that the sidewalk must come out. I lost a daffodil garden to the work, but plumbing is essential!

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Oh, the agony of losing a garden!
Did you save any bulbs? If your daffodils are hardy like mine, they will be popping up next spring! My daffodils are specials to me, and they are plain old basic farm variety from my grandfather's garden. Lots of happy memories of picking them for grandmother's table.
Bravo on getting the necessary plumbing fixed!


@rosemary Here's orange pansy

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@lioness, Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the photo.
Did you know that if you TAP on the photo, it will automatically enlarge? Try it- It is even prettier 🙂


@rosemarya, @Erinmfs, @lioness @wyngnit, @fiesty76 and everyone...I, too, have the plumber coming for a quote and chat about finishing the redo of my bathrooms! Hopefully, in 2 days.....will finally get them finished. Been working on them for 100 years!

I have a couple boys coming to help me with planting a few border plants, rocky ropes?????, a light green in front of darker green leaf liriope. Used to always plant full beds of red/white mixed petunias or vincas or similar flowering plants, but can't do it anymore, or keep them looking good. So, these are perineal succulents and with mulching will look ok. Not great, but ok.

Also, having them repot pots and baskets for the patio and front. General cleaning up.....

Wish I could plant bulbs. Don't do well in sandy, hot Florida....I'm a bit jealous of you, @rosemarya, to have bulbs from your grandfather! That's special...

Well, enough for now. Blessings all. elizabeth


Oh, the agony of losing a garden!
Did you save any bulbs? If your daffodils are hardy like mine, they will be popping up next spring! My daffodils are specials to me, and they are plain old basic farm variety from my grandfather's garden. Lots of happy memories of picking them for grandmother's table.
Bravo on getting the necessary plumbing fixed!

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I have some bulbs from across the driveway. I was admiring their tenacity, not ready to bloom yet, but I can transplant some and fill in the gaps from the carnage of digging that big trench.


Spring is on it’s way! Mother Nature is already hard at work creating her garden.

This past year all of you have shared some great gardening tips and information.
I have enjoyed reading, learning, and even weeding alongside of you! I am thinking of going with flowers in pots this year.

@fiesty76, @ess77, @artist01, @mayofeb2020, @gingerw, @scottij, @funcountess, @2011panc, @katiejo59, @lioness, @jimhd, @fredm, @oxbeaux, @contentandwell, @parus, @Erinmfs, @sueinmn, @thumperguy, @januaryjane, and anyone that I missed. Newcomers are always welcome!!

How about you? What are you thinking and planning. Do you have a picture to share? Maybe you want to simply pull up a chair and enjoy the arrival of Spring.

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@rosemarya This year I plan to sit on the patio chair and watch everything grow.


Spring is on it’s way! Mother Nature is already hard at work creating her garden.

This past year all of you have shared some great gardening tips and information.
I have enjoyed reading, learning, and even weeding alongside of you! I am thinking of going with flowers in pots this year.

@fiesty76, @ess77, @artist01, @mayofeb2020, @gingerw, @scottij, @funcountess, @2011panc, @katiejo59, @lioness, @jimhd, @fredm, @oxbeaux, @contentandwell, @parus, @Erinmfs, @sueinmn, @thumperguy, @januaryjane, and anyone that I missed. Newcomers are always welcome!!

How about you? What are you thinking and planning. Do you have a picture to share? Maybe you want to simply pull up a chair and enjoy the arrival of Spring.

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@rosemarya Hi! I've been missing from Mayo Clinic Connect for a while. Bad health lately.
Proud to say I've repotted one of my struggling little orchids, and have two more to go. Thanks to info from members here, I got orchid potting soil and specific orchid pots from Amazon, which made my task so much easier. Doing my little babies one at a time, since my stamina is not great this week.
Warm hello to all my mates! Laurie


@lioness, Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the photo.
Did you know that if you TAP on the photo, it will automatically enlarge? Try it- It is even prettier 🙂

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@rosemarya Thanks didn't know


@lioness, Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the photo.
Did you know that if you TAP on the photo, it will automatically enlarge? Try it- It is even prettier 🙂

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@rosemarya Are those forsythes?


Spring is on it’s way! Mother Nature is already hard at work creating her garden.

This past year all of you have shared some great gardening tips and information.
I have enjoyed reading, learning, and even weeding alongside of you! I am thinking of going with flowers in pots this year.

@fiesty76, @ess77, @artist01, @mayofeb2020, @gingerw, @scottij, @funcountess, @2011panc, @katiejo59, @lioness, @jimhd, @fredm, @oxbeaux, @contentandwell, @parus, @Erinmfs, @sueinmn, @thumperguy, @januaryjane, and anyone that I missed. Newcomers are always welcome!!

How about you? What are you thinking and planning. Do you have a picture to share? Maybe you want to simply pull up a chair and enjoy the arrival of Spring.

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@rosemarya I think I will be sitting most of the gardening out this year. My health issues are kinda demanding it. I can sit on the side porch across the street and watch my bestie bust her butt in her garden, and she does a great job! I will say the weeds popping up between my rocks are cheering on my inability to get to them! Would love to hire a youngster to help pull weeds and straighten up, but they don't seem to want to work ;((

Daffodils, hyacinth, primroses have all bloomed out so that is nice. Hmmm, planning of next year....

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