Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@jakedduck1 As I said, I keep it to an ounce a day. I buy the big bars of very dark chocolate, break them into squares, and keep them in a covered dish. I do actually weigh what I eat. Today so far I have 0.3 ounces of 95% dark chocolate. By mid-afternoon though I have been going totally off the rails and eating everything in sight - not good.

Do you have an Apple phone? If so go to the Itunes store and that will tell you how to do it. I have used that but not recently or I would give you directions. Now I will need to start from fresh again if I want to add music to my phone, it's been way too long for me to remember how I did it before.

Ask your physical therapist if you can do some balance exercises for older people that are on Youtube. I do some of them and they always suggest having a chair next to you to hold onto or to grab if you need it. I have a lot of trouble standing on my L leg, and I have trouble balancing when I close my eyes.

I made the mistake of buying loads of Halloween candy early this year. Now my husband is thinking it might be too risky for us to hand out candy! I will have to work on him before Halloween. I usually give that task to him so he would be affected one.

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“I made the mistake of buying loads of Halloween candy early this year.”
As you can imagine I never looked at buying Halloween candy early as a mistake. I’m probably going to go get mine today plus I have 5 empty candy dishes begging to be filled.
My friend invited me to dinner last night and as usual sent me home with all the leftovers. Chinese food, cheesecake and a pound of See’s candy. Life is great!!!


You wear me out just reading all that you do.
Play with the kids & walk a mile then work at your daughters.
if I did the things in your post above I would be thinking about getting a nanny, maid or home organizer, plumber and a finisher contractor and a driver to take me for a massage.
Although I have walked a bit recently too. Shocking isn’t it!

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Fortunately I had dinner cooked and waiting to be heated. I'm hoping tomorrow is a day off, my body is tired out.


Oh, what a cheerful group to meet up with on a walk/romp in the leaves!

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We always have fun. And Mommy and Daddy appreciate a little uninterrupted time for Saturday chores and a cup of coffee. And we always find really fun things. Today we studied the galls on fallen leaves and learned they are little homes for insects. And that you can drum on metal bleachers and make awesome rhythms.


@jakedduck1 Well, Leonard, 15 miles is a bit much for a normal human being, so are you not normal??? Had a gorgeous walk with Poppy today. The wind was blowing a gale so i had to cover my ears, even though it wasn’t very cold. Did i tell you that i got a personal trainer for 3 days? Now I’m doing all those weight machines! sure helps if I’ve done my walk first!

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I have to admit I am far from normal. I like to think of myself as abnormally normal. The 15.9 miles was over 7 days but is still impressive for me.


I have to admit I am far from normal. I like to think of myself as abnormally normal. The 15.9 miles was over 7 days but is still impressive for me.

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Awesome, Jake! You’ll burn all those candy calories off.
Did you see the P M I sent to you?


Grrr! My walk today was immediately aborted by the wind and the smell of burning leaves (those with sensitive lungs will understand.) So I decided to pout while watching football and sewing away merrily on my new quilt.
It took 2 years for one special piece of fabric to tell me what it was supposed to look like, and I'm very pleased with how it is coming together, even though I have redrawn the design 3 times now. Now I need to go out and get a template for trimming all those blocks...doesn't every job call for a new tool?


“I made the mistake of buying loads of Halloween candy early this year.”
As you can imagine I never looked at buying Halloween candy early as a mistake. I’m probably going to go get mine today plus I have 5 empty candy dishes begging to be filled.
My friend invited me to dinner last night and as usual sent me home with all the leftovers. Chinese food, cheesecake and a pound of See’s candy. Life is great!!!

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@jakedduck1 You cannot possibly eat all of the candy that you talk about, you would weigh a ton and be so terribly unhealthy. I have been raiding my Halloween stock so yesterday I sent it all home with my daughter. She and her husband spent the whole of last week with us. She had to hide it in her luggage or he would eat it! He's not heavy but he does love sweets.

Chinese food and cheesecake sound good. I don't eat Chinese food much because of the sodium but I do like it very occasionally.


There was an excellent article in the newspaper today. “Exercise may help to ease ‘chemo brain’”. It was by Gretchen Reynolds with the New York Times. I’m going to see if i can find it online.
Let me know if you find it first! Found it!


Awesome, Jake! You’ll burn all those candy calories off.
Did you see the P M I sent to you?

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That was the best private message I could ever wish for.
I think I told you why I was so late in responding didn’t I?
I’m counting the days!!!


@jakedduck1 You cannot possibly eat all of the candy that you talk about, you would weigh a ton and be so terribly unhealthy. I have been raiding my Halloween stock so yesterday I sent it all home with my daughter. She and her husband spent the whole of last week with us. She had to hide it in her luggage or he would eat it! He's not heavy but he does love sweets.

Chinese food and cheesecake sound good. I don't eat Chinese food much because of the sodium but I do like it very occasionally.

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I don’t have a lot of Chinese food but probably more than I should. My sodium was low so I figured it wouldn’t hurt.
Yep, I devour every bit of my candy, cookies cake, pie & pastries. Going to a birthday party Saturday so more goodies. The electricians were here today and I offered them some candy bars, cheesecake, punpkin pie or See’s candy but they both declined. Can’t say I was disappointed.
I know people who never eat sweets and they have high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. All this talk about candy being bad in my opinion is propaganda.
Have some candy and get healthy!!!

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