How long do Lupron side effects last after treatment concludes?

Posted by jbuuck @jonbuuck, May 10, 2021

I've been on Lupron for two years. The treatments have ended. How long do the side effects last? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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Great comments.. I was on ADT for 2 years and have been off it for 1 year.. still have hot flashes at night.. psa still undetectable ❤️. I am 73 not pleasant but it beats rising PC

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Did the fatigue go away after ADT stoppage. How often is your PSA checked now? Thanks, bruce


Did the fatigue go away after ADT stoppage. How often is your PSA checked now? Thanks, bruce

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Lots of exercise fatigue.. psa every 6 months


I decided to get a baseline testosterone reading going forward now that I have decided not to take the 3 (out of 4) additional Lupron Depot therapy injections. The results just out < 20 Total T so have my work cut out for me. Normal is
I have/am experiencing all of the following side effects I’m optimistic that with diet and exercise over time T will return to normal range. Normal is approx +150-800 for a male my age.

In males, lower testosterone levels can lead to:

hair loss
a reduction in muscle tone
more fragile skin
a reduced sex drive
mood disturbances
memory or concentration problems

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I am 73 and pretty much all of the conditions you describe are present except hair loss. PSA has been < .1 since my radiation therapy in 2016-17. My T is as low as my urologist has ever seen but I can still lift my 850 lb motorcycle to an upright position and do all my normal chores around the house and as a volunteer in a state park. I just tire a bit more easily. I can live with that.

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