Leg pain + low blood pressure

Posted by jim63 @jim63, Jun 29 2:13pm

My aneurysm is no 4.5 and this week my legs have hurt unusual and today my bp was down to 78/ 50 the lowest ever. Wife wanted me to go to the hospital. Any advise?

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I think your wife has given you sound advice.


I think your wife has given you sound advice.

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When your blood pressure goes that low, Your organs and your brain are not perfused enough. Your legs are hurting because your blood is trying to stay in your organs. It’s a dangerously low blood pressure… 90/60 is as low as any blood pressure should ever go. Your heart rate is probably up too unless you’re on a beta blocker.
You could die with blood pressure that low. You really need to find a way to get it higher because you’re having symptomatic low blood pressure. Listen to your wife and listen to your body.

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