Learn more about Autoimmune Disease

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Jul 26, 2023

The Autoimmune Organization is holding a free, virtual summit in October. Everyone is invited! The speakers will cover topics such a diagnosis difficulty, fatigue, why women-especially black women-are more prone to AD, and much more.
Registration starts mid-August so keep this link handy.
Let me know your thoughts on attending!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

I am hopeful there will be something on Central Nervous Sjogrens. Information on line is little and has many contradicts.
I feel like I am out here all by myself. No one in my area has had a patient with this disease. I am stumbling around with good doctors that are saying I am teaching them. Starting another round of steroids to get this disease under control.
Looking forward to hearing some reliable information. Thank you for doing this.


Doctors Thought It Was All In My Head – Until I Was Finally Diagnosed With An Autoimmune Disease
https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/invisible-illness-ellen-rudolph. This article just came in my email. It is from the Autoimmune Association newsletter. Many of you have experienced the same issues so I thought it might interest you.
What is your take-away from the article?


I thought that with all the latest interest in the covid virus, that you might wish to read this scientific article.
Here is another article done by different researchers but with a common conclusion
The articles talk about the direct link between the virus and autoimmune disease.
There is NO LINK between the vaccine and autoimmune. NONE
What is your take away from these articles?


I thought that with all the latest interest in the covid virus, that you might wish to read this scientific article.
Here is another article done by different researchers but with a common conclusion
The articles talk about the direct link between the virus and autoimmune disease.
There is NO LINK between the vaccine and autoimmune. NONE
What is your take away from these articles?

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There is a link between Covid-19 vaccination and autoimmune diseases. For example, please see the attached article published in Autoimmune Reviews entitled "Insights Into New-Onset Autoimmune Diseases After Covid-19 Vaccination".
My medical record shows clear evidence of autoimmune-mediated sensory and motor nerve damage provoked by the Covid vaccines.


There is a link between Covid-19 vaccination and autoimmune diseases. For example, please see the attached article published in Autoimmune Reviews entitled "Insights Into New-Onset Autoimmune Diseases After Covid-19 Vaccination".
My medical record shows clear evidence of autoimmune-mediated sensory and motor nerve damage provoked by the Covid vaccines.

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I read the abstract of the article "Insights into New-..."
published this year 2023.

Here is a quote from it-- copied and pasted.
"In fact, we believe that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the possible risks and encourage people to get vaccinated."

They think there may be a risk to the vaccine, but there is no definitive proof yet of cause and effect.

There is a risk to every medication. Ibuprofen (a generic like Advil) almost killed me. I am allergic and didn't know it. There is a risk to everything that we put in our bodies.

There are risks to a Covid infection, too, like Long Covid. And sadly some people have died from it.

I urge people here to talk with their doctors before making a final decision about the vaccination. I won't base my decision exclusively on the posts here, although I do believe the posts are true and sincere.

We have to consider the risks and the benefits in everything we do. Like, "Should I make that left turn into traffic now, or wait?"
We aren't used to doing risk-benefit analysis about our health care. We have been lucky in the past that we have not had to do so. Now, with a new, deadly disease, we have to do the risk-benefit. Our doctors can help us weigh the risks versus the benefits.

I can really sympathize with the folks who got autoimmune/other sicknesses after a vaccination. It's like no good deed going unpunished. I've got an autoimmune disease so I know the hell it can be. I think I would be really bitter and angry about it, too.

There really needs to be more research, and it needs to be expedited and made public. It's like they are letting the perfect outweigh the good. We don't have time for a ten-year study!

A tough decision for everyone. Good luck to us all!


There is a link between Covid-19 vaccination and autoimmune diseases. For example, please see the attached article published in Autoimmune Reviews entitled "Insights Into New-Onset Autoimmune Diseases After Covid-19 Vaccination".
My medical record shows clear evidence of autoimmune-mediated sensory and motor nerve damage provoked by the Covid vaccines.

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Pacer3502: Your post is most appreciated and it helped me make my decision about the new Covid-19 vaccination booster.
After suffering with RSV Vaccination side effect of painful neuropathy symptoms in my left hand and fingers I was reluctant to continue my dedication to remain fully vaccinated. It took much lab work to rule-out several anti-immune complications and after 8 weeks the neuropathy type symptoms in my left hand fully resolved.
After much study and consultations with peers and medical professionals I nervously received the newest Covid-19 booster vaccine. I experienced the typical response of fever, aches, fatigue, headache and general malaise- three days in bed. I am feeling better after 5 days and hoping that I will not have the anti-immune after effects as I did previously with the RSV Vaccine. I think the positive protection of this vaccine out weigh the chances of negative outcomes.
Thank you for providing me with the information I need to continue to make the best decisions regarding my health. Best to you

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