Learn more about Autoimmune Disease

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Jul 26, 2023

The Autoimmune Organization is holding a free, virtual summit in October. Everyone is invited! The speakers will cover topics such a diagnosis difficulty, fatigue, why women-especially black women-are more prone to AD, and much more.
Registration starts mid-August so keep this link handy.
Let me know your thoughts on attending!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

I have been walking ..30 min in morning 30 min in evening...


He told me to repeat all labs and u/s in 6months..told me to lose weigh and exercise.. he said I was not a candidate for weight loss surgery or any medication. But he said they are working on new meds for nash and by the end of the year they might be ready. It is hard for me to understand there is nothing to help ..maybe the future will bring hope..my condition is hereditary..I have no markers for nash..thanks for checking ...I will be checking with mayo to see if they post new treatments

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@bettersleep68, I was diagnosed with a progressive liver disease nearly 20 years ago, and it has no cure (yet). So, I can understand how you must be feeling to know that there is no 'medication', available to cure fatty liver disease. Remember that there are things that you can do to improve your outcome and your doctor is doing the right thing by advising weight loss and by repeating your labs at regular intervals. Getting a diagnosis early is givng to be in your favor.

Here is the link to Liver Disease from from Mayo Clinic Health Library > Diseases and Conditions
- Liver Diseases (includes fatty liver) You will want to save the link as a reference.


@bettersleep68, I was diagnosed with a progressive liver disease nearly 20 years ago, and it has no cure (yet). So, I can understand how you must be feeling to know that there is no 'medication', available to cure fatty liver disease. Remember that there are things that you can do to improve your outcome and your doctor is doing the right thing by advising weight loss and by repeating your labs at regular intervals. Getting a diagnosis early is givng to be in your favor.

Here is the link to Liver Disease from from Mayo Clinic Health Library > Diseases and Conditions
- Liver Diseases (includes fatty liver) You will want to save the link as a reference.

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Thank you for the information..wanted to ask you if you had a high b12 serum blood ...mine is high


Absolutely. I have many oil immune diseases and I’m 81 years old. I have had them starting at 16. Life has been a little tough to say the least but I have never given up. So yes I am very interested in whatever you have to say, and perhaps I can learn something different That I can teach to my rheumatologist in South Florida. Thank you.


More news from the autoimmune assoc
Autoimmune News | August 2023


I have Celiac disease, peripheral neuropathy, psoriasis, DH rash, dermatitis, vestibular migraines, syncope and near syncope, heart murmur, having issues with bleeding and polyps and my body is making estrogen ( don't have fallopian tubes or one ovary), diverticulitis and bleeding also. Accidentally was gluten and my body has just gone wild is that normal? My numbers are still off the chart I know I was told at Mayo Arizona that they may never go down. Dawn


@dmmeyers62 I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with theses multiple autoimmune issues. It must be so difficult. You might find it helpful to sign up for this virtual conference which discusses all the factors surrounding autoimmune diseases.
You still have time to register.
You went to Mayo Arizona, did you get any help or treatment for your diseases?


@dmmeyers62 I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with theses multiple autoimmune issues. It must be so difficult. You might find it helpful to sign up for this virtual conference which discusses all the factors surrounding autoimmune diseases.
You still have time to register.
You went to Mayo Arizona, did you get any help or treatment for your diseases?

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Yes Mayo was the one who figured out what was going on when the Wisconsin doctors couldn't. They are great.


I have Celiac disease, peripheral neuropathy, psoriasis, DH rash, dermatitis, vestibular migraines, syncope and near syncope, heart murmur, having issues with bleeding and polyps and my body is making estrogen ( don't have fallopian tubes or one ovary), diverticulitis and bleeding also. Accidentally was gluten and my body has just gone wild is that normal? My numbers are still off the chart I know I was told at Mayo Arizona that they may never go down. Dawn

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I also had diverticulitis, but last April had 18” of it removed. Finally healing, as I also was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s was off the charts when testing my PTO Antibodies. This test was done on me while checking my TSH (Thyroid) levels. They were off the charts high and I’ve since gone Gluten-Free, Dairy Free and Soy Free. Feeling much better and I’m also in the process of seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor and having my food allergies tested. I’m hoping to find out more foods that I’m allergic to so that I can stop eating them and feel even better. I’m sorry you’re suffering, but I would try eliminating those three foods I mentioned above and I’m going to bet that you’ll feel better. Feel better!


I also had diverticulitis, but last April had 18” of it removed. Finally healing, as I also was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s was off the charts when testing my PTO Antibodies. This test was done on me while checking my TSH (Thyroid) levels. They were off the charts high and I’ve since gone Gluten-Free, Dairy Free and Soy Free. Feeling much better and I’m also in the process of seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor and having my food allergies tested. I’m hoping to find out more foods that I’m allergic to so that I can stop eating them and feel even better. I’m sorry you’re suffering, but I would try eliminating those three foods I mentioned above and I’m going to bet that you’ll feel better. Feel better!

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A waitress in New Mexico was the only one who made the comment to me when I told her, I was gluten free/ soy free,
“ Oh, you must have Hashimoto disease. “
None of my doctors in northern Indiana could understand why soy effected me so bad with hives. So that is how I learn more about hyperthyroidism. It also made me feel better to know I was not insane about my allergies.

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