know any causes of Chronic Nausea?

Posted by socalfriend @socalfriend, Sep 26, 2023

I'm really really seeking any type of insight into unusual or rare causes of chronic nausea. I am a 27yo female and have had chronic moderate-severe nausea daily for going on 10 months with no known cause. I have ruled out pregnancy and GERD, and know that it is not from anxiety (I am a MH professional). It is seriously debilitating and I have seen many specialists that all have coincidentally found something but not the cause of the nausea. The other symptoms I have include headaches, palpitations/PVC's, chronic fatigue, occasional nightsweats, dizziness/chest discomfort when standing up, and just an overall sense of unwellness. In the midst of this search for answers I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, but dont believe it's the cause for many of these symptoms as the lump in my throat feeling and fatigue have improved a little w/ Hashimotos treatment but most of the symptoms I mentioned previously have only continued to get worse. Does anyone know of any possible causes for the symptoms I have been struggling with, particularly the nausea? Or is anyone familiar with Hashimotos and has had a similar experience of having this intense persistent nausea for months?? I feel like my medial providers aren't thinking outside the box and aren't taking it as seriously as I am to consider potential causes. I feel very desperate as I can feel myself getting sicker. This will sound dramatic but since I have only continued to get sicker over the past 10 months its hard not to wonder if I have some type of serious illness thats just going untreated. Thanks in advance.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Have you checked in with someone for health anxiety/depression?

Thoughts/worry can make you nauseous.

Stress/anxiety presents itself in many different ways for people.


@socalfriend Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I certainly hope we can help you! The nausea must really interfere with your total life. Have you lost weight? I honestly can’t tell you what is wrong but I will check out the Digestive Support group to see what i can find. In the meantime, lets wait for other members to comment. But, you might also check out the discussions on Hashimoto’s Disease.
I checked out the Digestive Health group and they may have lots of answers for you.
Will you return and let me know if you get any hints? Did a rheumatologist diagnose the Hashimoto’s?


Hey There, I have had hashimoto's since 2016. I can so relate to your symptoms symptoms of headaches, palpitations/PVC's, chronic fatigue, occasional nightsweats with this. I do not have the nausea & dizziness. Thyroid disease can cause a lot of issues. To be honest, when the palpitations started with me, I went to a cardiologist as they would wake me up in the early morning. My heart was fine but I was diagnosed with PVCs. I don't know what thyroid med you are on, but, could that be causing the nausea & dizziness? I have the nightsweats around 4:30 in the morning and facial flushing and I believe it's thyroid related. I also have Graves Disease and take Methimazole for that, so I have both thyroid diseases and I fluctuate back and forth between Hypo & Hyper. I have never done anything halfway in my life! LOL. God Bless You. I am praying for relief for you.


Constant nausea is definitely a miserable condition. A couple of things come to mind when I also read about your other symptoms. Were you ever tested for POTS? Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It’s not uncommon, especially in women and can include many of the symptoms you describe. Also can coexist with autoimmune illnesses. Here is a link where you can learn more about it.
Another GI cause in addition to GERD is gastroparesis- stomach doesn’t empty normally.
Nausea can also be caused by inner ear disease.
I have had constant nausea for a year now. I’m almost certain my nausea is caused by gastroparesis or similar. I am going to have a gastric emptying study done.


Have you been checked for AFib as well. Those Sx’s sound like maybe you are having bouts of AFib but I am not a doctor I know the this is not addressing the chronic nausea but it caught my eye


Have you checked in with someone for health anxiety/depression?

Thoughts/worry can make you nauseous.

Stress/anxiety presents itself in many different ways for people.

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I actually am a mental health therapist, so I am very familiar with how physical and somatic symptoms manifest. This isn't the case for my situation and I have ruled this out. Thank you for your comment though, I appreciate it!


Have you been checked for AFib as well. Those Sx’s sound like maybe you are having bouts of AFib but I am not a doctor I know the this is not addressing the chronic nausea but it caught my eye

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I had an echo done.... It was strange to me because they said that I was having some unusual rythms/PVC's and could see them during the ekg but on the echo nothing is structurally wrong w/ my heart so just to ignore the PVC's/arrythmias unless I have any faiting. Seems strange to me since they're pretty uncomfortable!


Constant nausea is definitely a miserable condition. A couple of things come to mind when I also read about your other symptoms. Were you ever tested for POTS? Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It’s not uncommon, especially in women and can include many of the symptoms you describe. Also can coexist with autoimmune illnesses. Here is a link where you can learn more about it.
Another GI cause in addition to GERD is gastroparesis- stomach doesn’t empty normally.
Nausea can also be caused by inner ear disease.
I have had constant nausea for a year now. I’m almost certain my nausea is caused by gastroparesis or similar. I am going to have a gastric emptying study done.

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Thanks so much for your comment and I'm so sorry to hear that you have this constant nausea too. It's honestly terrible huh! I actually don't know anything about POTS, so this is a helpful consideration. I'll definitely ask my doctor about it!


Hey There, I have had hashimoto's since 2016. I can so relate to your symptoms symptoms of headaches, palpitations/PVC's, chronic fatigue, occasional nightsweats with this. I do not have the nausea & dizziness. Thyroid disease can cause a lot of issues. To be honest, when the palpitations started with me, I went to a cardiologist as they would wake me up in the early morning. My heart was fine but I was diagnosed with PVCs. I don't know what thyroid med you are on, but, could that be causing the nausea & dizziness? I have the nightsweats around 4:30 in the morning and facial flushing and I believe it's thyroid related. I also have Graves Disease and take Methimazole for that, so I have both thyroid diseases and I fluctuate back and forth between Hypo & Hyper. I have never done anything halfway in my life! LOL. God Bless You. I am praying for relief for you.

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arent these symptoms miserable?! so sorry to hear that you experience them too. It's so strange to me because I was completely fine and very healthy until a year ago when this all blew up at once. The body is so strange. The PVC's are pretty awful, huh! Thank you for you comment, I really appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts. Praying for you as well!!!


@socalfriend Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I certainly hope we can help you! The nausea must really interfere with your total life. Have you lost weight? I honestly can’t tell you what is wrong but I will check out the Digestive Support group to see what i can find. In the meantime, lets wait for other members to comment. But, you might also check out the discussions on Hashimoto’s Disease.
I checked out the Digestive Health group and they may have lots of answers for you.
Will you return and let me know if you get any hints? Did a rheumatologist diagnose the Hashimoto’s?

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hi! thank you so much. Unfortunately i have had the opposite, I have gained weight. I'm thinking it's probably because of the hashimotos. I'll definitely check out the link you send. I truly appreciate it! I was diagnosed by an endocrinologist 🙂 Thanks for your help!

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