Klonopin & Gabapentin for sleep

Posted by weijamin @weijamin, Jan 30, 2023

Hi, I am 78, almost 79 & have been taking klonopin, .5 - 1mg for almost 30 yrs. Now it isn’t working so well, so Dr added gabapentin, 2-300mg.
It is working, but I understand the dependence w/ klonopin & in the past have tried to quit, but it has been too hard. Just would like to hear from others if anyone else is taking both of these meds, & what people think about their safety.

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I have been taking klonopin-started off at 1mg 3 x day, now at 1 mg at night only, but not working well as I have been on klonopin for almost 30 yrs so Dr added 300mg gabapentin. It is working, but not really feeling good about it. These are the only meds I take as my health is excellent otherwise. I have tried to get off klonopin many times, but could only get it down to 1 mg…..then it just became to difficult to stop all together. So, I’m thinking, at this age(almost 79) I’ll probably just keep on…any comments are appreciated.


Hello @weijamin, Welcome to Connect. While we wait for others to share their experience with klonopin and gabapentin, there are two other discussions you might find helpful for answering your questions.

-- What is the best way to taper off Klonopin?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/klonopin-2/
-- Gabapentin for sleep: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/gabapentin-for-sleep/.

Also, these user reviews from Drugs.com might be helpful:
-- User Reviews for Gabapentin to treat Insomnia: https://www.drugs.com/comments/gabapentin/for-insomnia.html.

Did your doctor provide any suggestions or directions for tapering off of klonopin?


Anyone out there taking both of these meds? I have been on klonopin, 1mg for almost 30 yrs, but it isn’t working & dr added gabapentin 300mg. It is working. I have tried to get off klonopin many times in past- went down from 1mg 3 x day to 1mg at night & have stayed there. I am almost 79….these are only meds I take as otherwise in good health….would appreciate any comments, suggestions, etc


I have been taking klonopin-started off at 1mg 3 x day, now at 1 mg at night only, but not working well as I have been on klonopin for almost 30 yrs so Dr added 300mg gabapentin. It is working, but not really feeling good about it. These are the only meds I take as my health is excellent otherwise. I have tried to get off klonopin many times, but could only get it down to 1 mg…..then it just became to difficult to stop all together. So, I’m thinking, at this age(almost 79) I’ll probably just keep on…any comments are appreciated.

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The only medication my husband has ever found that lets him shut his mind off is klonopin (generic). He has taken it since 2009. He only sleeps about six hours a night but has always been that way. He is never groggy and does not feel "drugged". He does not intend to stop taking it as it only seems to help him get the rest he needs. May I ask what side effects most people are having that make them want to quit this particular medication? I would like to be aware if it is a danger to my husband in any way. Thank you, comments are appreciated. He is 65 years young.


Hi Patricia,
Like I said, I have been taking for 30 yrs. No side effects for me either, but it really isn’t working well now, and I will not go up. Maybe because of my anxiety about it, I realize I am dependent(addicted) to it. I sleep with it, but not well. When I don’t take it at all, I am usually awake most of the night. Maybe I am afraid-at this age-I will start having memory problems because of it, or something else. Kl;onopin & Gabapentin are the only meds I take. I’ve tried to wean off before, but to quickly. This time will go much slower. I totally understand how your husband feels.


I also have been taking Klon long term, without a lot of remaining sleep benefit, but a two year withdrawal was so hideous (I stopped sleeping almost completely, among other scary things), I just couldn't do it. My doctor, who had been pushing me to discontinue, changed her tune when she saw my deterioration. Long term daily benzo use is not good for us, I think we've established that. Neither is long term sleep deprivation. So we take a drug that no longer helps with sleep, to avoid a total lack of sleep. Feels to me a lot like being caught in a trap. I've
taken low dose 100 or 200 mg gabapentin. It was the only of many meds that helped me with sleep during K. withdrawal. The sedating effect lasted for 1-2 months, our bodies will find their way to homeostasis by adapting to the effects of ALL sedating drugs sooner or later. For example, my sister takes 1500-2000 mg daily for spine pain and has zero sedation, because her body has adjusted to its presence. I couldn't go higher on gabapentin because of side effects, and that drug itself causes a nasty withdrawal. I had to liquid taper from 100 mg, ridiculous, but I am extremely sensitive to meds, and it was the second time around with gabapentin, which can make discontinuation more difficult. So you may not have this problem. I did notice the one time I got up do about 400 mg very briefly that it made me really wobbly - drunk feeling - in my legs. These drugs both have the ability to affect balance, so watch out for that.


why do you need to stop klonopin? it's a safe drug, in my experience has no side effects, gabapentin has few side effects. If you must get off it, cut it in small pieces, smaller and smaller every day, & ask your doctor to help you. gabapentin's side effect that may be bad for both of you, me too, as we age, is its affect on balance. taking it at night only should be fine, though, so long as the dose is low, which it is, so low i doubt it alone will help you sleep. If clonazepam is not helping you sleep anymore, ask your doctor if it's safe to increase to 1.5 mg. Don't increase the gabapentin. Balance problems even just getting out of bed and taking showers can be scary.


I have taken anti-seizure medication for 57 years and wouldn't recommend it for sleep. Have you tried to improve your sleep hygiene? No doubt it can help sleep in some people but it isn't without potential risk. You may not have experience side effects, but that doesn’t mean others won't.


I have taken anti-seizure medication for 57 years and wouldn't recommend it for sleep. Have you tried to improve your sleep hygiene? No doubt it can help sleep in some people but it isn't without potential risk. You may not have experience side effects, but that doesn’t mean others won't.

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Thanks, but I'm content with my medicine.


Hi hope you’re well. According to the drug interactions on drugs.com it’s shows moderate risks because both are sedating. However my doctor said it’s relatively safe. I had suffered from anxiety so calming down was the end goal. (.5mg of Kolonipin and 300mg of Gabapentin.) Kolonipin is habit forming; the only option would be to tapper off slowly. This particular benzodiazepine has a long half life so addiction is less than Xanax or other stronger versions. However, it’s still a possibility especially if the effects aren’t the same after awhile. It’s good your doctor prescribed something else instead of increasing the dose because that’s would cause higher dependency. If that’s not something you’re interested in doing I understand. I take klonopin as well and it helps. I have taken gabapentin as well. Together a few times. Gabapentin is for nerve pain by accessing the receptors in the brain and klonopin increases gaba in the brain. If you’re taking it at bedtime it should be safer, but just keep in mind it has sedating effects so be careful and monitor any symptoms the first few days. Make sure to eat healthy and drink lots of water.

FOUND THIS: Using clonazePAM together with gabapentin may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination.

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