Kidney which was transplanted is pushing on bladder.

Posted by joanferguson @joanferguson, May 30 6:38am

It was discovered tge bladder was not emptying as the new kidney was pushing on the bladder.

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@joanferguson, I want to welcome you to Connect where we are all patients and where we share from our own medical experieinces to support and learn from each other. I am a transplant recipient who has received both a liver and a kidney transplant. My kidney is transplanted in my lower left abdomen and it has not caused any issues with my bladder emptying, and it is not pushing against my bladder.

I am going to wait and watch with you for someone with a bladder that is not emoptying due to new kidney pressure to respond. In the meantime, here is a discussion where you might want to s
meet others and share your concern:
- Kidney transplant: Need support dealing with complications

@joanferguson, How long ago was your kidney transplant? Who told you that your kidney was causing your bladder to not emptying? Have you discussed this with your kidney transplant team?


@joanferguson, I add my welcome. Since this was discovered, what has been suggested to encourage the full emptying of your bladder?

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