Question about the Keto diet. Is it healthy or a fad?

Posted by sailor1750 @sailor1750, Jan 19, 2020

Keto diet....No fruit,no veggies from below ground: beef,pork,fish and fat....Is it healthy or a fad?

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I agree with you…I grew up eating what they now call the Mediterranean diet.
It’s common sense eating and my mom shopped the produce stands in our neighborhood and the butcher and fish market. It was indeed the “good old days” and I carried that way of eating through early days of marriage and raising children. BTW we are all Irish/English descent. My mom made me liver and eggs for breakfast very often.
My children, God bless them, are good cooks and all the grands eat well (oh yeah they go to fast foods too but not too often). And , genetics aside, there is not an overweight or obese person in my family. I never remember a relative with major organic health problems.
My mom and dad died in their 80s…mom died in her sleep and Dad from a mini stroke. He had a sweet tooth and was a pipe smoker but I never remember either of them taking medications or having any particular health concerns.

My 2 cents
FL Mary


Hi Everyone,

I am new this group and glanced over most saying or have questions about the Mediterranean diet. For me, it was a simpler transition to the diet because it was what I grew up with with my Italian Grandparents. From a religion prospective its like eating lent food - just daily, if that helps anyone. Here is an image that may help people out. BTW... the Keto diet makes absolutely no sense to me - if it works for you great but I feel there are better options.

Update: I could not upload the image and since I'm new I cannot share the link, lol. It is on the Cleveland clinic website and it is article 16037 - Mediterranean diet. That should help one google it, if you would like to check it out.

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Welcome @klm3, you will be allowed to post URLs in a few days. Allow me to post the link to the Cleveland Clinic page for you:
--- Mediterranean Diet:

I don't do the Keto diet, in fact I don't think any diet is that good of an idea mainly because if you think of it as a "diet" then it seems more like punishment. 🙃 I did make a lifestyle change to eat fewer carbs, less sugar and to avoid processed foods. I also found that using intermittent fasting regularly that I can eat pretty much what I want and still maintain my weight.

I'm glad to hear you have something that works for you. There are some other discussions you might find helpful in the Healthy Living Support Group here -

Do you mind sharing how you found Mayo Clinic Connect?


Welcome @klm3, you will be allowed to post URLs in a few days. Allow me to post the link to the Cleveland Clinic page for you:
--- Mediterranean Diet:

I don't do the Keto diet, in fact I don't think any diet is that good of an idea mainly because if you think of it as a "diet" then it seems more like punishment. 🙃 I did make a lifestyle change to eat fewer carbs, less sugar and to avoid processed foods. I also found that using intermittent fasting regularly that I can eat pretty much what I want and still maintain my weight.

I'm glad to hear you have something that works for you. There are some other discussions you might find helpful in the Healthy Living Support Group here -

Do you mind sharing how you found Mayo Clinic Connect?

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I was looking into support groups for a medical condition and was drawn to nutrition because it was a part of my condition.


@sailor1750 from what I have read it's ok in the short term but not healthy long term. The best ways to eat are Mediterranean or the Mayo Diet.


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Check out Dr. Eric Eastman from Duke University. He has been using keto with patient for over 20 years. He uses a very simple protocol. I've ame interested in ket because my husband has type 2 diabetes and was on meds for that. I watched many Low carb down under videos then had a consult with Dr. Westman. My husband lost 35 pounds and his diabetes meds were reduced by 75 percent.
We stopped any sugar use cold turkey and ate only "real food". It is really a lifestyle and not a diet
Good luck with your decision making


I have been on the keto diet for 6 weeks. My Triglycerides are down to 60 and my HDL has risen from 36 to 44. However my LDL has gone to over 200. From websites I go to they say that my HDL to triglycerides is the most important factor in determining heart health and they say mine is around 1.3 which is very good. They say the LDL is the big fluffy king and is not dangerous, so therefore ignore it. I feel great on Keto. But these sites are very pro Keto diet. I was wondering if the Mayo Clinic had an opinion of this.

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Low carb down under videos are helpful as is Dr. Eric westman's simple keto protocol


The Keto diet helped me loose 100lbs. I eat protein, veges, some fruit. Being 100lbs lighter has made me healthier. Keto is how I eat.

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