Just started Xanax...anyone have experiences to share?

Posted by alanism @alanism, Jan 31, 2019

I recently moved to a new house I am not liking, and have always struggled with anxiety. My anxiety has spiked and has been out of control over this move which I feel was a mistake. My doctor prescribed sertraline, but I understand I will not feel the affect of the sertraline for 6-8 weeks. For the past couple of weeks I have been taking two .5 mg of Xanax a day, which has really helped. My doctor said Xanax is not a long term solution but that this is a safe dose. I am afraid of addiction and of Xanax, but right now it seems to be the only thing calming me down. Just wondering what others have experienced with Xanax.

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A couple of years ago I was on Xanax .5 mg once a day. My therapist told me it wasn’t what I should be on so I weened myself off. Horrible side effects. Had rebound anxiety, which was worse. At this point I’m trying to use essential oils, and exercise.


Many years ago, when I was working, I worked in what I would call a hostile work environment, and became so paranoid, could not concentrate to do my job, and felt that my co-workers were out to get me. I was prescribed xanax .25 mg generic, to help me control the anxiety. Please note, this was the only medication I was taking. Every morning when I got to work, I took the .25 mg of xanax... I got so calm, and I was totally focused on my jobs responsibilities. I never took more than .25 mg. once a day in the morning after getting to work. After a month, I started cutting back to 1/2 of .25 mg., then 1/4 (was a crumb) as the anxiety subsided, because I started to realized that in the office where I worked, the only thing that changed was me, and how I was reacting..., it was my attitude toward the things that were happening, After 4 months, I kept the xanax handy, with me, just for an emergency, but rarely took the xanax.

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Thank you for sharing this insight! We can all use the reminder to being present in our bodies, what a wonder filled revelation. Love this!


Xanax is the best but getting hooked on it is the worst. Actually ended up in the ER from abruptly stopping Xanax.
All of these very happy tales of using Xanax is not the norm (I assume bc why are you even asking this question?) I haven’t taken it in over ten years but I can remember how good it made me feel. I used to get severe panic attacks feeling like I was suffocating so maybe it was necessary but I was too young to control and it ended up being a very ugly end.

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I have had good luck with Xanax. Only take when really necessary. I have been using it as needed for several years.


I have had good luck with Xanax. Only take when really necessary. I have been using it as needed for several years.

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Everyone has good luck with Xanax and other Benzos. They’re wonderful drugs. It’s also how we all got severely addicted.


We are talking in chronic pain about CBD and Xanax and there is an interaction, and yes Xanax and helpful a drug as it, titration off is near impossible, super addictive. I'm going seek expert help to even reduce it a little.


A couple of years ago I was on Xanax .5 mg once a day. My therapist told me it wasn’t what I should be on so I weened myself off. Horrible side effects. Had rebound anxiety, which was worse. At this point I’m trying to use essential oils, and exercise.

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When my late husband's alcoholism became out of control my doctor prescribed Xanax which I took at bedtime because I wasn't sleeping. It worked well and I kept on it until one month before he died from cancer, alcoholism, obesity, eating disorders, and other issues. I decreased the dose by taking it every other night, then every second night etc. I had no side effects at all and was fine during and after the funeral. I have never had problems going off opioids after surgery for pain and do not use over the counter meds at all for pain or anything else.
I suspect that dark chocolate is addicting to me, however. I can't explain it but am a self confident person despite challenging lifestyle at times.


When my late husband's alcoholism became out of control my doctor prescribed Xanax which I took at bedtime because I wasn't sleeping. It worked well and I kept on it until one month before he died from cancer, alcoholism, obesity, eating disorders, and other issues. I decreased the dose by taking it every other night, then every second night etc. I had no side effects at all and was fine during and after the funeral. I have never had problems going off opioids after surgery for pain and do not use over the counter meds at all for pain or anything else.
I suspect that dark chocolate is addicting to me, however. I can't explain it but am a self confident person despite challenging lifestyle at times.

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Addiction is different for everyone. Some have a disposition to addiction. That's where the term a drug is a drug is drug comes from I think, AA meetings. I don't have that dna, but being on Xanax for 30 years might also add to the problem. It's not impossible, but it can be difficult when it's the drug that has worked for you for so long. I question to get off it, once I get to to like .25 twice a day if I can, I think then I may be able to switch to a 100 percent homeopathic path. That is the goal. Anxiety comes from everywhere, and if there is still chronic pain, there may not be anything that does the same thing. It is a difficult road to remove a drug, I wish it were as easy as was for you, I think the need for a drug increases its dependance. I surely will try . You never know if the pain is coming from a chronic/ acute pain issue, or from the withdrawal? Some conditions never heal, measuring the pain level and what can control it is half way there, then you have to get there slowly. My Dad is older and getting off a more addictive drug he took to sleep. The doctor is going to start him on 10 mg of time release melatonin seeing he is 90 years old, once he is able to get off that medication.


@alanism I have the exact history that started me on Xanax. My doctor gave me .25 twice a day he said it is addictive but at that dose you could stay on it the rest of your life. From what i've read it is the most prescribed drug! If that was the only thing I took I may not worry. Now as a medical cannabis patient for a injury, I find there is an interaction between the two, and may need to choose one or the other as more health issue may result.


@alanism I have the exact history that started me on Xanax. My doctor gave me .25 twice a day he said it is addictive but at that dose you could stay on it the rest of your life. From what i've read it is the most prescribed drug! If that was the only thing I took I may not worry. Now as a medical cannabis patient for a injury, I find there is an interaction between the two, and may need to choose one or the other as more health issue may result.

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I suspect that taking the Xanax at bedtime helped me sleep better which gave me needed relief without thinking about it, and then my days went pretty well for coping with the stress.
So I was not at all anxiety ridden most of the time and thus less dependent on medication for coping well enough to do all my work needed during the ten year period. Perhaps that made it easier to drop the medication when I realized my troubles were about over. I am 87 now after 16 years of healing from my past, and have no need for dealing with stress and anxiety. I was married 50 years and have five wonderful, successful children and five grandchildren who are grown and forming families, so I am grateful for my bright future even though it may be short. Dorisena


I suspect that taking the Xanax at bedtime helped me sleep better which gave me needed relief without thinking about it, and then my days went pretty well for coping with the stress.
So I was not at all anxiety ridden most of the time and thus less dependent on medication for coping well enough to do all my work needed during the ten year period. Perhaps that made it easier to drop the medication when I realized my troubles were about over. I am 87 now after 16 years of healing from my past, and have no need for dealing with stress and anxiety. I was married 50 years and have five wonderful, successful children and five grandchildren who are grown and forming families, so I am grateful for my bright future even though it may be short. Dorisena

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Hi Dorisena, I think you're right, it did the job when you needed it and the fact you didn't increase or use it to cope with things allowed you a perfect dismount. I imagine for many people this is what doctors hope is that people don't use them as tic tacs and create a problem.
When they don't work for any reason people will increase the dose, that's the issue with it.
I have come off of 3 mg before down to 1 mg day now without a issue. I don't think it's one of the most addictive drugs in itself. The drugs interactions with CBD may distort the doses by its activation through the liver, THC also becomes THCA which is ten times stronger leaving the liver. So key to getting off the Xanax merry go round may be lowering dose slowly of both. Alcohol increases this toxicity to the third degree. So much for my occasional glass of wine. Happy Holidays

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