Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

so very very sorry for what you are suffering.

I have been around a dangerous, narcissistic person who had some control over my life. It was a nightmarish experience.

I hope that you can find a way to some therapy. In counseling you could brainstorm with the therapist to see if there are strategies re her behavior.

And maybe resources as well? I don't know.

I ran into a lot of red tape trying to get help for my own problems. It certainly hasn't been easy.

And I know others who have been through real horror stories.

I have a friend in NYC. 65 years old. In subsidized housing. Disabled with some mental health issues. His own roommate tried to assault him with a knife!!

Luckily he was much larger and much stronger than the roommate and was able to protect himself.

A lot of people will not believe this, but it took NYC fully 6 MONTHS to remove the roommate!!!

He lived 10 feet away from a guy who tried to kill him...for 6 MONTHS.

So, yes, I am familiar with red tape and the refusal of authorities to obey simple common sense and simple decency.

My friend did finally get a decent and safe place to live.

It was a nightmare to get there, but he got there.

I hope there is some path for you to get out of your difficulties as well.

take care now.


I just wanted to let you know you are not alone! I saw myself in so much of what you wrote, marriage and all. Thanks for sharing, sometimes it is difficult to be open but you hit the nail on the head with me. To bad we can't sit down and share!


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I agree, letter writing is a lost art. However one of my Grandchildren while she was in college, wrote to me and said she would like to exchange letters with me.
We wrote probably monthly through that year, it was fun. Now she is married with a baby 5 weeks old and she has a shared album on line that she adds pictures to for whoever she wants to share it with, that’s fun also.


In a therapy session years ago journaling was suggested as a way to get those constant thoughts out of my head and on paper. It's been 10 years now and still try to put something down every day. I used to think I had to write something important but read somewhere that journaling can be anything like doodles, sketches, single words, poetry, sentences, lists, photos, etc. and days where I just can't come up with something to write I put down these words "no writing today" and that's okay. However, I will admit that I haven't had the courage to go back and read those journals.

I am from the generation that loved writing letters and mailing them which I think is a lost art in this age of technology, sound bites, and all sorts of abbreviations with letters in text format. Now I wish I had a pen pal to keep in touch with others and still write.

So I say write what you feel and in the format you want for each day is different. They is no right or wrong way. There is only YOUR way and enjoy your journey.👏😃

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For Marjou
I accidentally posted this somewhere else, so took a picture of it for you to see.


Hello to all

Today my wife and I drove up
I95 to Ft Belvoir where my wife
and I are having a long day of it..
she is back in cardiology now, and hopefully they can figure out what is causing several bothersome heart symptoms and prescribe some medications for her to feel better..she then has a 2:30 appointment at dermatology for some overdue skin care and possible skin cancer between at 1:30 is my ophthalmology follow up….
we were extremely lucky 🍀 getting up here this morning…

My thoughts and feelings are mixed with tension and hope for some relief for my wife…It is a very lonely road we are on..and I do not see that light at the end of this road…all I see is a siding with my wife waiting on it…the longer I wait out here in the waiting area, the more I become concerned 😟 and then a few PVCs, then out pops my cardiologist talking with a patient, she waives because I initiate a wave…not sure if she recognizes who she is waiving too…but she is very personable.. If my wife is not out in an hour I will be off to my 1:30 ophthalmology and hook up with in the main lobby before her 2:30 at dermatology..
We like so many others have this road to ride…I am full of gratitude for all the good things that I have been given, and I wish all of the bad thoughts away…this is life living in the world today..this is a place of comfort for me to come to just say my thoughts hopes and fears and know that there are those here who relate to tension and anxiety…when you awaken from a bad dream 😴 there is relief that the bad dream is over … there is always something good that comes … 🙏pvctom


Hello to all

Shortly after posting yesterday, while I was in ophthalmology , the alarm went off in the hospital alerting ER team to a certain part of the bldg for a code ?? I had my eyes already dilated and the Dr was going over my scans.. I had no idea that that alarm was for my wife who had fallen on her way to her dermatology appointment.. I was summoned to the ER where her X-ray revealed a fractured right humerus…4 hours later we’re home, did not get to pick up refills because the base traffic for some reason was at a total gridlock…she spent the night in a lot of pain and is thankfully sleeping now.. I was successful in getting an orthopedic appointment with Mary Washington orthopedics thanks to this marvelous young lady who really showed compassion for her fracture..she got ahold of the on call orthopedic doctor, got back to me in 2 hours and was able to schedule her for next Thursday at 2:45….in the meantime if things get too bad, we can go back to an urgent care or the Mary Washington ER here…I am a nervous person and worry under better circumstances, but this is a serious wake up call…both of us have fallen in the span of 3 months..fortunately I did not fracture anything,,but I’m saying my simple prayer for God to take away my anxiety and give me peace…I am living in this world today, and we’re all going to make it through……need to get on a meeting tonight just for some company but I am ready to help Wendy whenever I can…the truth is we were trying to do too much in one day…but this Mayo Clinic connect is a good place to write out my feelings and thoughts 💭 wish all that come here a safe and happy day🙏pvctom


I would like to journal but I don’t know how. Paper and pen would work for me. Where can I learn?


I would like to journal but I don’t know how. Paper and pen would work for me. Where can I learn?

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@lakesofdelray The best way to start is to simply start! As you look through the posts here, you will see references to classes, or books. There are several ways to journal, and you might find yourself experimenting with different ways to find one that you like. And nothing says you need to stick with one method! Some people try art journaling along with written word. Do you want to do a letter to yourself/someone else as a way to write about your day and things you are going through? Would you like to try doing poetry? Writing down what you see each morning, or at the end of each day? You might want to look into using a prompt or "trigger" to start your entry. My father was an avid journaler, and he always started with the weather, where he was at, the time of day, so it gave him a reference point.

If you google "journaling for beginners" there are many ideas and websites to check out! From and their suggestions may be something you'd like to read up on.

I would love to hear again from you, telling me what success you have had, and how this new journey has been for you. Could you do that? And remember, don't "should" on yourself. No "I should write today" No "I should get started on journaling" No "I should do this particular style" Don't do that!


Hello to all

Shortly after posting yesterday, while I was in ophthalmology , the alarm went off in the hospital alerting ER team to a certain part of the bldg for a code ?? I had my eyes already dilated and the Dr was going over my scans.. I had no idea that that alarm was for my wife who had fallen on her way to her dermatology appointment.. I was summoned to the ER where her X-ray revealed a fractured right humerus…4 hours later we’re home, did not get to pick up refills because the base traffic for some reason was at a total gridlock…she spent the night in a lot of pain and is thankfully sleeping now.. I was successful in getting an orthopedic appointment with Mary Washington orthopedics thanks to this marvelous young lady who really showed compassion for her fracture..she got ahold of the on call orthopedic doctor, got back to me in 2 hours and was able to schedule her for next Thursday at 2:45….in the meantime if things get too bad, we can go back to an urgent care or the Mary Washington ER here…I am a nervous person and worry under better circumstances, but this is a serious wake up call…both of us have fallen in the span of 3 months..fortunately I did not fracture anything,,but I’m saying my simple prayer for God to take away my anxiety and give me peace…I am living in this world today, and we’re all going to make it through……need to get on a meeting tonight just for some company but I am ready to help Wendy whenever I can…the truth is we were trying to do too much in one day…but this Mayo Clinic connect is a good place to write out my feelings and thoughts 💭 wish all that come here a safe and happy day🙏pvctom

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Hello to all

I am leaving the mall now..reluctant to come here today but my wife said she was ok.. the pain comes and goes and hopefully she will heal soon and our expedited appointment Thursday will give her some mental uplifting…my best wishes to all that come here for a safe and healthy weekend 🙏pvctom


Hello to all

I started the new work week by awakening with anxiety and a peculiar sense of wife had a bad night and morning and the meds she is careful to take are only staving off the pain from the fracture.. I managed to get past a wreck on I 95 and got up to Ft. Belvoir exchange pharmacy to pick up her much needed medication refills that were there last week an made it back…she is sleeping an awful lot it seems to me, but I guess rest and Tylenol and Motrin are a good way to cope with the pain…I will be so glad when she can see the orthopedic doctor down here on Thursday…I am trying to think positive thoughts and not let the negative unwanted thoughts take over….positive cognitive thoughts 💭 and good times are the stuff of the day…I must make them…even if I wanted to give the finger to a dozen crazy wreckless drivers that think that a horribly congested I 95 through D.C. and Va. is a place to play race cars 🏎️….. I wish all who come here a safe and good peaceful week…🙏pvctom


Hello to all

This weekend is coming to a close and Sunday will find me doing clothes and being my wife’s dominant arm … she’s still in a lot of pain, but it comes and goes thank God…and with it, lots of anger and frustration knowing that she’s unable to do basic daily tasks…and I am frustrated for her and with her…
We go back June 6th for a follow up with the PA that works with the orthopedic surgeon…it can’t get here too soon…that’s living in the world today for me and my poor bedeviled wife…wish all who come here peace and happiness and FUN … 🤩🙏pvctom

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