Jaw numbness: Anyone with Sjogren's experienced this?

Posted by robertjgoldenjr @robertjgoldenjr, Jun 29, 2022

I have possible Sjogren's. Has any one experienced under the lower jaw numbness with this disease? I would appreciate any feed back. Thank you.

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@lilymol It must be awful to have this almost constant pain in your jaw. Have you found anything that works to subdue it?
Have you seen your dentist for a good workup?

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I saw my dentist this am he says it is not thrush and he has no idea of what is causing it said it could be an autoimmune problem. Wanting to send me to another doctor the knows more about the mouth than a dentist. The inside of my right cheek is very painful sometimes especially with drinking the jaw is also painful. I am so frustrated. He gave me a prescription for the mouth tablets they give for thrush to try. The awful taste remains not matter what I eat or how I brush.


@dancing1 I”M glad you went to your dentist even though you didn’t get answers. We often forget that they are the real experts in things like mouth problems. You might think about posting your question in this discussion:
Ear, Nose and Throat: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/ear-nose-throat-conditions/

When will you have an appointment with the ‘other doctor’?


Yes and maybe my GI doctor also. Thank you.


@dancing1 I”M glad you went to your dentist even though you didn’t get answers. We often forget that they are the real experts in things like mouth problems. You might think about posting your question in this discussion:
Ear, Nose and Throat: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/ear-nose-throat-conditions/

When will you have an appointment with the ‘other doctor’?

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@becsbuddy Can I ask you a question ?


@becsbuddy Can I ask you a question ?

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Hi @stephencraige, feel free to ask questions on the forum. Can I help you?


I have occasional numbness on left side of tongue.
I am going to an acupuncturist and am amazed at my energy level after one treatment!
I would find a good acupuncturist.


I have not noticed if they are or not to be honest. How do you check that?

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Lemon drops will cause that "gland" feeling if they are blocked. However, I believe that you would be experiencing more pain than numbness.from the parotid glands. I would also check into the possibility of TMJ (Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction), which does rarely cause this--we are prone to weird stuff. https://www.williamssquaredental.com/services/general-dentist/general-dentistry/tmd#:~:text=Rarely%2C%20TMJ%20will%20cause%20numbness,resulting%20in%20loss%20of%20feeling.

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