Irritated and itchy skin with no rash

Posted by 1953 @hopeful1953, Oct 20, 2022

Has anyone experienced itchy skin in one area that travels to another area in a line. I thought it might be shingles. There is great pain inside my body’s underarm. A swab sample was taken in the ER. The test turned out negative for shingles. This condition started about 3 week after my positive test for COVID. My Dr ordered a script for neurontin which has calmed the pain. I have had this condition for at least 5 weeks.

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I to developed yeasty itchy skin


yes, another thing i have, itchy skin, only mine will have a rash in different areas, large or small that pop up when it feels like it..

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I have the same thing terribly itchy and dry skin - hives that move around and the feeling that my skin is on fire. Started during covid started to let up 5 weeks later and then came back. plus if I scratch it I get red lines - my dermatologist had no answers other than moisturizer - cortisone cream and antihistamines - she said it was hives and dermagraphia. Neer had anything like this before - the occasional itchy rash but nothing like this - it's driving me crazy


Hello, I am an Alpha strain COVID survivor from Jan 2 2021. I was not hospitalized but probably should have been. It was the first intense wave of infections and I was more afraid of the hospital than I was a managing my symptoms at home!
In the acute phase of my illness, I had the most INTENSE itching on the bottoms of both feet. I was afraid I was going to open the skin with everything I tried to scratch it with. I’ve never talked to anyone who experienced this. The Drs were puzzled, but prescribed hydroxazine. I already take Lyrica. I did feel crazy about this symptom. At around the 6 month mark it transitioned in a burning, especially acute when walking. This gradually subsided although the burning will reoccur if I am not thoughtful about my shoe/insert combo.

At about the one year post COVID I developed the same kind of itching on my head. I tried dandruff shampoo, anti itch shampoo, of course they didn’t work because it wasn’t a skin issue, it was COVID still raising it presence. I finally got into (Mayo-PHX) dermatology, Dr Pittlekow, and received an explanation. He has been keeping abreast of the dermatology aspects of COVID, telling me that this has been the slowest area to receive study. My understanding is that it doesn’t seem to be a skin issue but a nerve issue. This is why cream or topicals don’t provide much relief. Since I already take Lyrica, which would be something to consider with dealing with nerve endings or neuropathy (misfiring nerve endings) he had me add mirtazapine. It is a drug in the serotonin class used for depression. I was not depressed but he tells me it sometimes works for the itching I describe. BTW I never had any visible “rash” other than what I scratched open. Long story, this worked for me. Those around me noticed I was not scratching my head all the time.

So, my head stopped itching, but I have one more new (strange) skin manifestation. On the tip of my left ring finger and the web of my right hand it feels like a have a cut; however, nothing is there. No cut, nothing under the skin. Aaaa another COVID reminder is my thought. I see Dr Pittlekow again soon and I’ll ask.

I share this long story because I too feel crazy with issues coming up 1-2 years Post COVID. While just a few Drs have minimized or shrugged their shoulders most have listened. When I say “I feel crazy” about this they assure me my experience is my journey with COVID. The medical world still has a lot to learn about post COVID problems. I write today because I wanted to echo you who have experienced the wierd COVID rashes or no rashes itching/burning etc. that it is there. Bring up the nerve involvement if your Dr doesn’t. A final note, a visit with a neurologist with a specialty in neuropathy might be worthwhile if you are struggling for help.

Please continue to mask, even if you are the only one in the room doing so. I am not a fearful person but what I am scared of is GETTING IT AGAIN. The US seems to believe it is gone or of no consequence if you get it. I think we know better. My best to you-post Coviders!


I have the same thing terribly itchy and dry skin - hives that move around and the feeling that my skin is on fire. Started during covid started to let up 5 weeks later and then came back. plus if I scratch it I get red lines - my dermatologist had no answers other than moisturizer - cortisone cream and antihistamines - she said it was hives and dermagraphia. Neer had anything like this before - the occasional itchy rash but nothing like this - it's driving me crazy

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Hi @beebee000 and @chrisweber. Over a year now and finally at point where only small few pinpoint coldsore rash breaks out when I feel worse🙃. Hang in there as hopeful your bodies will go thru this healing process, and as you’re able to get back to your old daily water filled hygiene with extra layers of hydrating skin sensitive lotion, your skin issues will subside or at least lessen to livable🙂. Found many doctors dont realize many of us are physically unable to shower everyday and sponge baths dont seem enough dealing with this as our biggest organ system is fighting a unique everchanging battle in our bodies that we all will conquer!🌈


Hi @beebee000 and @chrisweber. Over a year now and finally at point where only small few pinpoint coldsore rash breaks out when I feel worse🙃. Hang in there as hopeful your bodies will go thru this healing process, and as you’re able to get back to your old daily water filled hygiene with extra layers of hydrating skin sensitive lotion, your skin issues will subside or at least lessen to livable🙂. Found many doctors dont realize many of us are physically unable to shower everyday and sponge baths dont seem enough dealing with this as our biggest organ system is fighting a unique everchanging battle in our bodies that we all will conquer!🌈

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Thanks for the encouragement - I've been having a hard time dealing with this and the doctors just don't understand


Hello to everyone!

Somehow i felt relieved when I found this post.

I am 36. I had my covid infection on the first days of August, 2022. High fever (39 to 40 degrees Celsius) for a couple of days and nothing else. On the 5th day the self test came out negative.

Four weeks later, suddenly I was so tired. I couldn’t do much. My blood test showed high level of ferritin (409 ng/ml) nothing else abnormal.

And then? a rash! What kind of? Pityriasis rosea. It was October of 2022. I received medication and the rash did go away within a week.

Here is the serious part of my story. Since November of 2022, i have itchy skin with no rash! Itching all over my body and tiggling sometimes. I get tested again and again. My ferritin level is normal now but I have extremely high IGE (500 IU/mL) and of course itching still here. However I can handle it without any kind of medication and I think is getting better over the months.

But I am so anxious about it. I never had a rash or itchy skin before in my whole life!
This is so stressful that recently I got gum disease and night sweats.


Hi @beebee000 I am sorry that you are experiencing this condition. It is difficult to explain this skin condition. Has any product had an effect on the itch?

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My contact skin irritations went away once I started on a once a day zyrtec. Best of luck


My contact skin irritations went away once I started on a once a day zyrtec. Best of luck

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Itchy skin or there was rash as well?


Hello to everyone!

Somehow i felt relieved when I found this post.

I am 36. I had my covid infection on the first days of August, 2022. High fever (39 to 40 degrees Celsius) for a couple of days and nothing else. On the 5th day the self test came out negative.

Four weeks later, suddenly I was so tired. I couldn’t do much. My blood test showed high level of ferritin (409 ng/ml) nothing else abnormal.

And then? a rash! What kind of? Pityriasis rosea. It was October of 2022. I received medication and the rash did go away within a week.

Here is the serious part of my story. Since November of 2022, i have itchy skin with no rash! Itching all over my body and tiggling sometimes. I get tested again and again. My ferritin level is normal now but I have extremely high IGE (500 IU/mL) and of course itching still here. However I can handle it without any kind of medication and I think is getting better over the months.

But I am so anxious about it. I never had a rash or itchy skin before in my whole life!
This is so stressful that recently I got gum disease and night sweats.

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I have intermittent itchy tingly skin all over with no rash. I had covid at Christmas time. It drives me crazy and then goes away the next day.


Hello to everyone!

Somehow i felt relieved when I found this post.

I am 36. I had my covid infection on the first days of August, 2022. High fever (39 to 40 degrees Celsius) for a couple of days and nothing else. On the 5th day the self test came out negative.

Four weeks later, suddenly I was so tired. I couldn’t do much. My blood test showed high level of ferritin (409 ng/ml) nothing else abnormal.

And then? a rash! What kind of? Pityriasis rosea. It was October of 2022. I received medication and the rash did go away within a week.

Here is the serious part of my story. Since November of 2022, i have itchy skin with no rash! Itching all over my body and tiggling sometimes. I get tested again and again. My ferritin level is normal now but I have extremely high IGE (500 IU/mL) and of course itching still here. However I can handle it without any kind of medication and I think is getting better over the months.

But I am so anxious about it. I never had a rash or itchy skin before in my whole life!
This is so stressful that recently I got gum disease and night sweats.

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Hey there! Have any of your medications changed companies? By that I mean for instance, I use to could take Ceftin for sinus infections (the white tablet) then a few months back I was prescribed Ceftin (blue tablet). I woke up itching from head to rash. I believe it was the blue dye in the tablet. I took Zyrtec and stopped the Ceftin and the itching went away. Also, soak in Aveeno oatmeal soak baths if you can. Use Curel fragrance free lotion for dry skin and also have you tried Benadryl cream for the extreme itching places? Just a few thoughts and I hope they hope. Covid causes so many crazy symptoms that are not fully understood yet.
God Bless!

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