Increased Enzymes post liver transplant for ALF
Our Son aged 6 had acute liver failure for unknown reasons and underwent liver transplant surgery on 01/09/2022. It was a living donor transplant where his mother was the donor. He was recovering well for 2 weeks and was discharged from hospital on 09/09/22. However, when doing regular blood tests it was noted that his LFTs showed an abnormal increase in enzymes from 20/09/22 until now (31/10/22), where it has gone very high AST/ ALT at 2,200. But the underlying cause is still not identified.
Also platelets came down suggesting of “Thrombocytopenia”, but both IPF and IRF tests came in normal range which was repeated twice, however the platelets manual count is ranging from 45,000 to 60,000 for the past month.
i) when LFTs sparked in 28/09 Acyclovir IV was given for 4 days and the enzymes dropped to 50% (approx.), however when changed to ‘Oral’ it increased again.
ii) Upon increase Acyclovir IV was introduced on 14/10/22 with IVIG (20g) given on 15/10/22 and again enzymes dropped close to 50%, but with concerns over platelets, the treatment was stopped and enzymes went subsequently high.
iii) Acyclovir IV was started again on 25/10/22 but is not responding this time.
Hospital has done the below investigations so far.
1) Biopsy (1st) to rule out rejection (21/09/22) – The result came negative for rejection, suggesting ‘Lobular Hepatitis/ Viral?’ in the transplanted liver.
2) Biopsy (2nd) to rule out rejection (12/10/22) – The result came negative for rejection, suggesting ‘Lobular Hepatitis/ Viral?’ again! With 4 immunomarkers suggesting faint expression of EBER-ish and lymphocytes on the transplanted liver
3) All blood viral tests (Hepatitis, CMV, EBV, Adeno, Varicella etc… and PCR (for CMV, EBV) appeared negative.
4) Contrast CT Scan of Full Abdomen done on 28/09/22 showed transplanted liver graft was fine.
5) Auto immune reports concerning ANA, ASMA and LKM1 (done on 01/10/22) all appeared negative.
6) Immature Platelet Fraction and Immature Reticulocyte Fraction appeared in normal range twice despite low platelets in concern of “Thrombocytopenia”.
7) Donor Specific antibodies done on 28/09/22 appeared minimum risk of rejection.
Please share anyone's experience with a similar situation and other tests or treatments that can be done!
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@suhara, Welcome to Connect. Please give a gentle hug to your dear son when he is feeling well enough to receive one. And to your dear wife for her most loving gift or a portion of her own liver.
I see that the medical information was recorded soon after your son's transplant surgery. In my experience, as a recipient, I had lots of medical tests and labs following my own transplant in 2009. On Connect, we are patients and we do not have the qualifications to interpret results, although it is possible for someone to see themselves in the information that you shared. Thank you for posting anonymously.
I would like to ask a few questions that might make it easier for someone to contribute to this discussion. Were these tests a part of his post transplant protocol? Did he have complications? What have the doctors told you about the tests results?
How is your son doing with recovery?
Thank you. The tests were done part of protocol.
His recovery is quiet slow. In the sense his liver enzymes are still not reduced.
Doctors are confused and does not tell an exact reason for this situation.
Presently there is not significant complications. He is clinically fine.
Did anyone come across a similar situation?