Ima bad person, I don’t know who I am

Posted by birdielox @birdielox, Dec 15, 2023

IM a bad person and I don’t want to try to change. I don’t have any mental health problems, but there’s something wrong with me. I probably just go through what every other teen goes through. (I’m 15)But I have lost my self and I’m ruining the life of my family. I get almost like hyper, I’ll not be tired, spend all my money in my online account, my mom said I can be off putting when I’m like this, and I’m mean. Those feel nice for me till I’m out of it and find out I was a mean and annoying person. Then just randomly I’ll just stay in my bed and always be sleeping, sad, worried, cant stop crying, and just feeling low, also missing school which I NEVER do I love school. I feel fine now but I don’t know who I am any more and I feel like a dead weight. Is there anything I can do for my family and friends so I don’t ruin there life.

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Thank you! (When I typed the name I didn't have your comment open so I could be sure of the correct name!)

If you can, interested to know if this resource (HealthNet) effectively can address at least some of what you're facing.

Warmth and good vibes!


You probably have bipolar disorder. I have this and your problems seem familiar. Get yourself to a Psychiatrist soon! They can help and there is nothing wrong with getting help! You might not have bipolar, but you need help now. Write in a journal, do harmless thing you enjoy. Take a walk in nature. Blessings!


You probably have bipolar disorder. I have this and your problems seem familiar. Get yourself to a Psychiatrist soon! They can help and there is nothing wrong with getting help! You might not have bipolar, but you need help now. Write in a journal, do harmless thing you enjoy. Take a walk in nature. You are NOT a bad person - you are just experiencing negative emotions. Blessings!


Kinda a random thing but for the past week or two I feel like a non “real” person is following me. I think it’s an evil spirit, like death. I can feel them watching me, waiting to attack. And sometimes I hear them calling my full name. Now I know it’s not a real person so I don’t know if this is normal. through out the day at times it is worse but right now I seem okay. I just want to know if I’m over reacting and this is normal or if it’s not and I need some advice.

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You may or may not have schizophrenia. Either that or you are on drugs or suffering bad side effects from a drug. Go to a psychiatrist or mental health hospital now! It’s not a bad thing to look after yourself and take care of yourself and ask for help ! Take Care!


Thank you! I’ve started writing in a journal and spending time with family! Merry Christmas too! Also you don’t really think I have bipolar

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If you’re concerned about that diagnosis speak with your parents about seeing a mental health professional to find out. Do not look on Tic Tok or anywhere else online for this answer. You’re too special and too important to yourself and your family to get this wrong. You’re allowed to experience growing up and you’ve read other’s stories about their horrors growing up too. Most of the respondents to your post are old folks like me and when we were growing up mental health care was non-existent so we suffered through it. You don’t have to and shouldn’t do it without support of your family and/or mental health support. This also includes your friends as healthy relationships are important as we grow older.


I suggest you see a psychiatrist. These problems sound like your suffering from a mental health issue and your not alone. There’s lots of support out there including psychologists, books, family, friends and phone hotlines.


Ima bad person… 15 years young you could do a great life that can help your family, friends, and yourself. Living your human life gets your choice of good or bad, hard or easy… my cousin, 35 years old, makes a choice of himself: hard or easy… he takes illegal drugs - all day long - going to jail again then he buys more drugs when he goes back to his home.. What’s the word “hard” or “easy”? “Hard” means helping other like: Cooking that helps your mom; Picking tools for your dad; Teaching for little kid that he needs of learn of stories and words… and on… “Easy” means taking care of yourself like: taking illegal drugs, giving sexual but no love, lying against other people, and in…

Take care of yourself doing the best things inside you - love, help, good understanding for others...
Greg D.

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