I'm having multiple odd episodes that are keeping me undiagnosed. Help

Posted by johnwes5819 @johnwes5819, Mar 10, 2019


I posted before in another group in its entirety but I think it's too broad and there could be a multitude of theories and explanations. So I'm going to break my story down into my most bothersome episodic symptoms. To start, everything on the surface looks like panic disorder or anxiety. However, my different episodes seem to be helping each other keep me feeling frantic more days than not so on the surface it looks like anxiety. I've had lots of lab work testing including thyroid, Lyme, sleep apnea home test, brain MRI, spine MRI, abdominal ct scan, and way too many doctor visits with no answer, but they do agree on one thing. The symptoms are weird and seem to be more than just anxiety. There are little bits here and there but unfortunately not enough to go on.

Keep in mind these episodes aren't all going on at the same time but they're not giving me any recovery time and feel like i'm sinking further down the hole. It's like fighting 5 bullies one at a time and losing. Just as you feel like you can get up another bully hops in.

Episode 1: After waking up with head pressure, teeth chattering, shivering, lower back pain, and sweating. Oral temperature is ALWAYS between 93.8 F and 94.8 during these episodes. Also, every day is constant cold hands and feet that never happened until all of these episodes started.

Episode 2: Brain fog, head pressure that feels like you're being pushed down when standing (like when you've had one too many drinks), usually later in the day when that feeling wears off, I'll have adrenaline body tingling, uncontrollable thoughts of self-harm and head chatter. (Not dwelling on things or worried about things, it's just the mind doing what it does and I have no control.) Also, my eye will twitch like crazy before and during these.

Episode 3: When standing for a long period of time, like cooking or washing dishes, and sweating starts to happen my heart rate increases and get extremely dizzy and feels like I'm being physically pulled down.

Episode 4: An overly excited feeling, almost like needing to yell or run to get adrenaline out, Heart rate is low.

Episode 5. Sharp colon pain, yellow stools (frequently), stools that look sickly or unhealthy, and constipation more often than not. I had a colonoscopy recently and I was told everything looks good.

I've tried SSRI's and benzodiazepines and they don't stop these episodes from occurring. I've tried strict diets and those don't help.

If you have any thought about even one of these episodes please don't be shy to comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to read.

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Have you ever gotten to the bottom of your issues? I had very similar symptoms after cholecystectomy which affected nutrient absorption.


Wow that is strange. I assume you have had your thyroid checked. Nervous wired feeling, unexplained weight loss, frequent bowel movements, fatigue, maybe Graves disease. Keep after it until you get the answers you need.


I would ask for them to run a lab panel for Lupus/MCTD, diabetes. Things can be weird with these. Also, visit a urologist to make sure your bladder and urethra are working properly--my husband's dizziness, sweating and shaking seem to be caused by this particular malfunction. He also gets "white outs" when this happens. Buy an oximeter, a good quality blood pressure cuff (we have Omron) and take measurements when these symptoms occur. Keep a basic log for a couple of weeks. We do keep glucose tabs for lightheadedness. If you have other symptoms tied to eye twitching or other facial effects, tell your doctor, perhaps get an neurological evaluation. With this information, has Mayo accepted you as a patient?? I do not agree that it is anxiety or depression, either. Let us know how you do.

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