I’m having a Catharization and possibly a stent? Will I be okay?

Posted by tropicgal711 @tropicgal711, May 25 6:05am

I am a 68 year old female with diabetes and high triglycerides (genetic) I work out 3-4 times a week and have always exercised! I could stand to lose 20 lbs. my last A1C was 6.8. I love my endocrinologist and she wanted me to go for a stress test to see if I had any blockage. They did an echocardiogram which was fine. But my stress test was Abnormal showing a small area that might be blocked. So next week, I go for a Catharization and possibly a stent. I’m a little concerned, thoughts?

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I am type I and have been for over 20 years. I haven’t had a stent, but my dad’s had 4. He had no issues at all with it. I hope your procedure goes well, whether you need a stent or not. Sending well wishes your way.


I recently went in for the same procedure (2 weeks ago) so I know it can be a bit scary. And it’s OK to be anxious.
But remember that this procedure is commonplace these days.
You will go in, the team will be very nice, they will prep you for the procedure. You will be very comfortable and relaxed (anesthesia induced).
You may even be awake during the process and able to watch it on the monitor. Which I hear is an incredible experience. I was not, I was knocked out.
Trust the process. You will be fine and live a fuller, more confident life moving forward.


I am type I and have been for over 20 years. I haven’t had a stent, but my dad’s had 4. He had no issues at all with it. I hope your procedure goes well, whether you need a stent or not. Sending well wishes your way.

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Thanks so much!


I recently went in for the same procedure (2 weeks ago) so I know it can be a bit scary. And it’s OK to be anxious.
But remember that this procedure is commonplace these days.
You will go in, the team will be very nice, they will prep you for the procedure. You will be very comfortable and relaxed (anesthesia induced).
You may even be awake during the process and able to watch it on the monitor. Which I hear is an incredible experience. I was not, I was knocked out.
Trust the process. You will be fine and live a fuller, more confident life moving forward.

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Makes me feel so much better! Thanks!


In fact, I know quite a few people who have had catheterizations and they all went well.


I had 2 stents a year ago. I am back to work and doing my normal things. The only thing that is different is I now have a number of meds to take and watch my salt. I am in my 70.


My then 87 year old dad had a complete blockage in his right carotid, and his left was 90% blocked when he finally realized he needed to find out why he was winded and why he couldn't think straight (mining engineer in earlier days). The vascular surgeon told him his right carotid was toast and she wouldn't dream of doing anything. The left was salvageable, and she offered to repair it with a bypass called 'endarterectomy'. They take a vein from elsewhere and bridge the occluded area. He came through that with flying colors.

Stenting and bypasses are like bread and water these days....anyone can have it with a coupla bucks and an appetite or need. Yes, it's a disruption in routine, which almost nobody would like, and there is risk in every surgery. But, the risks are very tiny, and you should go in with calm and confidence, and let the experts fix you!



You didn't note your full lipid numbers, CAC score, or whether you on a statin or injectable?


The catherizations are very common these days and highly successful. You will be in good hands and other than dealing with limiting activities after it you should be fine. I have had 3.

I was not given any stents but put on statin to prevent plaque from getting any worse. The surgeon can see how much your blood flow is restricted to see if a stent is needed.

Those stents are life saving. I have many many friends who have had them and make great changes in ther physical abilities and pain and discomfort. They too have become common place and a common procedure if cardiologist deems best and if needed.

The catherization will be one of the most precise test you can have to accurately diagnose the degree of cardiovascular disease you have or don't have the the appropriate treatment for it.


The catherizations are very common these days and highly successful. You will be in good hands and other than dealing with limiting activities after it you should be fine. I have had 3.

I was not given any stents but put on statin to prevent plaque from getting any worse. The surgeon can see how much your blood flow is restricted to see if a stent is needed.

Those stents are life saving. I have many many friends who have had them and make great changes in ther physical abilities and pain and discomfort. They too have become common place and a common procedure if cardiologist deems best and if needed.

The catherization will be one of the most precise test you can have to accurately diagnose the degree of cardiovascular disease you have or don't have the the appropriate treatment for it.

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After the stent, they gave me a ECG. It’s says I have normal sinus rhythm tu also says an anterior Fascicular block on left?? I go for follow up on July 22 so I’ll find out! Thanks for your help!

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