I’m getting my ICD soon, anyone care to share their experience?

Posted by hpboss84 @hpboss84, Jun 17, 2024

I am scheduled to get my ICD next week so I am a little nervous, lol.
does anyone have any advice for me?

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I just had mine implanted today. As expected, you will be sore. Wear the arm sling to take pressure off from your arm. They did a good job with the surgery.


Hello @hpboss84 and welcome to Mayo Connect.
I would be more than a little nervous! I don't blame you at all. Have you had a chance to look around here on Mayo Connect?
I'd like to introduce you to @irishpeaks who has a lot of experience with an ICD. If you care to, click on his name and it will take you to his posts. He's got so much to add to this discussion.
I don't have an ICD, but my advice would be no matter what, do what you are doing...look for information and educate yourself as much as you can about your condition and what your options are.
Next week is pretty quick! Is your cardiologist familiar with HCM and how to treat it?


My ICD is literally a lifesaver. After a septal myectomy I had dizziness and later 2 syncopes. I was SO, SO HAPPY when it was installed and these two aftereffects immediately ceased. I slept in a recliner for a short time, was not to not reach above shoulder level for a short while and the incision healed quickly. Can't hold babies on that side and have to remember to avoid turning my upper body tightly to the right. I tell them at airports and am screened differently, I am often told to just walk around other screening situations. It's always scary to deal with medical interventions, evaluating the pros and cons along with asking your cardiologist any questions will help you to make the best decision for yourself.


My ICD is literally a lifesaver. After a septal myectomy I had dizziness and later 2 syncopes. I was SO, SO HAPPY when it was installed and these two aftereffects immediately ceased. I slept in a recliner for a short time, was not to not reach above shoulder level for a short while and the incision healed quickly. Can't hold babies on that side and have to remember to avoid turning my upper body tightly to the right. I tell them at airports and am screened differently, I am often told to just walk around other screening situations. It's always scary to deal with medical interventions, evaluating the pros and cons along with asking your cardiologist any questions will help you to make the best decision for yourself.

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thanks for sharing your experience. i’m sort of looking forward to it. but it will cause me to give up my job of driving commercially. oh well, things change don’t they


I just had mine implanted today. As expected, you will be sore. Wear the arm sling to take pressure off from your arm. They did a good job with the surgery.

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are you spending the night at the hospital?


Hello @hpboss84 and welcome to Mayo Connect.
I would be more than a little nervous! I don't blame you at all. Have you had a chance to look around here on Mayo Connect?
I'd like to introduce you to @irishpeaks who has a lot of experience with an ICD. If you care to, click on his name and it will take you to his posts. He's got so much to add to this discussion.
I don't have an ICD, but my advice would be no matter what, do what you are doing...look for information and educate yourself as much as you can about your condition and what your options are.
Next week is pretty quick! Is your cardiologist familiar with HCM and how to treat it?

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oh thanks! yes we have a good cardiovascular health system here and i do feel comfortable with them. i will check out the link. thanks.


are you spending the night at the hospital?

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I did not stay the night.


are you spending the night at the hospital?

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It seems to me that everyone is having a different experience when receiving an ICD. I did stay overnight and no one even suggested a sling.


It seems to me that everyone is having a different experience when receiving an ICD. I did stay overnight and no one even suggested a sling.

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I wore a sling for 2 days


@hpboss84 Good place to come for information. Please though let your EP or cardiologist guide you in what you should be doing and not doing. My EP did not want me to wear a arm sling. Said could cause shoulder to freeze up from non activity and something he did not want me to have to go through. He is the Director of EP/Pace Clinic at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville.

I am on my 3rd ICD/Pacemaker. The first is always the worse. You will have some pain in the area and you need to limit moving your arm above your head as well as back and forth. I spent the night (24 hour watch) each time I had it done. Mine used a glue to close wound so healed quite quickly.

A ICD is a life safer. At first I was really afraid of it and having it in my body. My EP said to me "It is like having your own EMS there to give you life saving shock." And that is correct it will monitor your heart rymthm and take action if it does not resolve itself. The shock (I used to have many but medication have stopped that) is quite pronounced but it saves your life. Most of the time a EMS cannot get to you in time to save you or a long time to get to you.
Most of mine came after I fainted (tachacardyia). Are you having a pacemaker also? Mine was put in to help with heart rymthm. It will pace your heart on a regular basis which helps prevent tachacardia and low pulse problems or arrymthmia.
Bottom line it is a life saver and have grown to give me peace of mind kowing it is there to bring me back.

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