Addressing MCI, but ignoring the obvious: Overweight

Posted by geppetto @geppetto, Dec 4, 2024

My wife was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment almost two years ago with suggestion to be as active physically and mentally as possible. Since then she has taken at least 3 nasty falls, has injured hips, back, shoulders and knees. Hence she has seen her family dr, neurologist, back doctor and shoulder doctor. Here's the rub, she is overweight by easily 70 to 80 lbs. (weights over 230 lbs, up from 130 to 150. In no case have any of these doctors suggested a weight loss program. I have mentioned this to family dr. with response being she knows it, it's up to her to first recognize it, then address it. Other dr's have not even addressed it. She is on several meds that if her weight were addressed could alleviate use, or at least reduce dosages. I'm at a loss as to what to do.

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Weight loss might help with better mobility, health and feeling better, but with MCI, I’d wonder if weight loss is a realistic priority. What about just maintaining? I read another thread about your wife’s condition and you described her struggling with focusing, remembering and functioning. Since weight loss often requires all those things, I wonder how feasible it would be. Does she prepare the meals? Would she be able to remember what she should eat or if she already ate?

My dad forgets he had his snack and then wants another one. I hide the ice cream bars because he would eat 6 or 1….whatever is in the freezer, he’ll eat. So, we have to restrict it or he would get sick. His doctor told him to stick with one ice cream treat a day, but he doesn’t remember it. We just steer him to keep the treats down to a reasonable number. I don’t want him to gain weight because the larger he is the more difficult it will be transferring him to and from bed and wheelchair. His weakness is progressing, so it will eventually happen.

Do you think she wants to lose weight?


Dear @geppetto

xxx YOUR WIFE xxx
Walking down hits lighter-bone as times go. Didn’t problems of bone hips, back, shouter & knees… falling down could happen of her, me, and others hit her back of her head, brazing her brain. I’ve been there on the back of my head - a few times. I’m adding a helmet & holding the strap if I walk-down to keep safety on my head.

For the last 12 years ago, I became a brain-injury accident member. For now, I lose the falling down in the back of my head into my brain-parts. Be careful to her and adding a new helmet/strap is safer for her.

Now, her weight loses her lbs down to 130 lbs? What reason of her weight; could it be her falling-down and her physical problems & her falling down inside parts of her brain-injury?

Be careful of her. Falling-down hits her mind and her body. Should she understand of trying to hear the sounds of questions? Help her with your live and your family.

Greg D. @greg56xx

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