I keep relapsing when I try to get off prednisone

Posted by yeb @yeb, Jun 22 1:06pm

I was diagnosed with PMR in 2015. I keep trying to get off prednisone but every time I get to 4mg I relapse and have to go back to 15 or 20 and start over. Very discouraging. I want my life back. I have tried weekly methotrexate with the prednisone but it does not seem to help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I have finally reached zero prednisone starting today ( 20 weeks starting at 10 mg ) As I tapered off this time I started kevzara The pain I have now is different. My medial knees my butt cheeks and neck but not scapular. I cannot get up from the floor and climbing steps is difficult due to week legs My blood test this week dropped to 2.8 from 3.4 two weeks ago 4 weeks ago 2.4 and 6 weeks ago 3.8 for WBC In the past when I tapered off prednisone and my PMR returned my sed rate increased. Right now my pain is different and my sed rate is < 1 I have gained weight. I am afraid dr will tell me to stop kevzara due to low WBC I really was hoping my weight and most pain will decrease when adrenals start working and produce cortisol
Hope the call from dr will not stop Kevzara

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Having a low WBC while on Kevzara might be "transient." I experienced mild neutropenia on Actemra which is another IL-6 inhibitor similar to Kevara. My rheumatologist said neutropenia is a common side effect of IL-6 inhibitors, but not usually associated with an increased risk of infections.

It might not be necessary to completely stop Kevzara because of a low WBC. Sometimes skipping an injection rather than completely stopping Kevzara is all that is needed.

Congratulations on getting to zero Prednisone. I hope things continue to improve. Prednisone has a way of masking pain that isn't always caused by PMR. When I got off prednisone there were some underlying conditions that I didn't know I had. Those underlying conditions are being treated with other interventions.

I have remained Prednisone free for the past 3 years and my overall health has improved dramatically. The improvement in my overall health didn't happen as soon as I stopped prednisone---it took some time.

I still do a monthly infusions of Actemra to treat PMR. I took Prednisone daily for more than 12 years for PMR. It was a great feeling to finally discontinue Prednisone. I know my adrenals appreciate not being suppressed all the time by Prednisone.


I am slow tapering - 1 mg every 4 weeks. My rheumatologist said if symptoms return go back to prior dose for 2 weeks & try again. So far it’s working for me. I am at 7 mg.

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