I have never used any street drug yet I keep testing low for meth

Posted by robinmungle @robinmungle, Nov 30, 2023

I keep testing positive for methamphetamine when I've never taken street drugs or anything illegal in my life please help I take Zoloft metformin potassium lasix Lisinopril and atenolol please help it's driving me crazy I don't know why this is happening

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As you can tell from previous comments, there are others who have encounter similar false positives. There are prescription drugs and some over counter drugs that might trigger false positive if they have similar chemical makeup .

Unfortunately meth users may try to claim it was caused by something else, so providers need to determine who is lying and who has legitimate claim of false positive.

Was this your first time being tested?

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I have a couple of questions here. I have 6 almost 7 months clean but yet failed drug test for meth. Level in my system was 350 but no metabolites were present nor did the next test with levels at 230. I have not been around anyone smoking meth so I am confused by my results. I was a heavy daily user for 3.5 years. Like I said I have been clean for over 6 months almost 7. I have worked very hard for my sobriety & I’m distraught over my current situation. I take 12 panel drug screens. On these last 2 I barely covered the bottom of a 12 panel drug screen cup after using the small amount of urine to do the test in the cup are accurate tests possible at a lab?
You also mentioned the second hand smoke or absorption of meth are possibilities for positives but I am being told that that is impossible. I’m also confused by the lack of metabolites on the lab test which would be present if my body was breaking down the drug after use. Please any information you can provide will help me, These tests determine everything in my life & I know that I have not been using any illicit or illegal substances. I take no medications I’m told that would cause this. This is all so very confusing at the end of the day and makes me wonder why I’m even trying at this point to do right if this sort of thing can happen?

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