I don't even know where to start..Pain everywhere

Posted by cahnny @cahnny, Nov 2, 2017

I really don't even know where to start here. I'm 71. I started with RA in my left knee when I was a child. Supposedly went into remission later in life after a surgery and way too much steroids which left me with a whole other set of problems. Actually I'm having my left eye eviscerated next week due to years of damage from chronic secondary glaucoma and uveitis. I've been told I should have both knees replaced. I have degenerative disc disease so my back is a mess. I have gut issues including IBS-C and OIC from using hydrocodone for pain. I get spasms anywhere (even anal) and anytime my body feels like giving me a little extra zap. My spine itches so badly sometimes it drives me crazy. I hurt everywhere, even my skin hurts. It feels like my nervous system is really screwed up....the signals from my brain to my nerves...or maybe it's the other way around seem to fire off pain signals all the time. Weather changes?...forget about it...I'm a walking weather station. My skin hurts, my muscles hurt, my bones hurt....everything hurts.
I'm now in a wheelchair so I don't get much exercise. Yep..you got it. The weight started piling on regardless of what I do or don't eat. I really should lose 40 lbs.
At my age I'm not going to start having surgery after surgery for both knees, my back, my neck, etc. I can't afford expensive drugs and the side effects of some of the newer medications you see advertised on TV are daunting and aren't adviced because of my stomach issues. So why am I even asking anyone for their thoughts? I don't have a clue. I guess I'm frustrated and feeling overwhelmed. Homepathic thoughts? Eating habits and ideas on healthy foods? I think I eat a pretty healthy diet...fish, chicken, fruits and veggies. My one weakness is a sweet tooth. I don't eat much in the way of cookies, cake, pastries, etc but I do eat a container of slow churned 1/2 fat Dreyers chocolate ice cream over the coarse of 8 weeks, 4 or 5 mini York peppermint patties in the evening while watching TV, and suck on 3 to 5 Matlow's peppermint hard candies a day. Does anyone feel like eating sugar triggers pain?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Oh, I’m so sorry to hear everything you’re going through! I’ve had similar (and some of the same) issues since 2009, and I’m only 58!

If you’re on Facebook—or if you aren’t, I suggest you sign up—join CBD Oil Users Group. It sounds as if you may have fibromyalgia, so I’d also recommend joining their sister group, CBD Oil and Fibromyalgia.

I am a living, walking poster child for CBD oil, and you will see many, many others just as excited about their new leases in life as I am.

Also check out (Google) “endocannabinoid system.”

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Thank you for the links. Yes, I was (finally) diagnosed with fibro (among other things) in 2010.

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