Want to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse

Posted by Tanglefoot @tanglefoot, Aug 2, 2015

I am looking to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse that other ladies have experienced as well. I would also like to comment on incontinence as well. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to prolapse bladder etc and it seems to be a silent epidemic among women. If there are others out there like me, lets talk about it and I have some solutions. I am surviving prolapse bladder without surgery and I have been living with it for over ten years. I wear a support garment that is light and easy weight and fits right under my existing underwear. Don't know what you are doing or wearing, but I would like to hear from you. Thanks.


February, 2017.

Thanks to a Connect member, it was brought to our attention that @tanglefoot may have a vested interest in promoting the support garment "hideaway" mentioned in this discussion. Further investigation revealed that @tanglefoot is the designer and inventor of this product, and that she routinely posts on discussion forums using pseudonyms. Posting solicitations or advertisements of any kind violates Mayo Clinic Connect's Terms of Use. We have decided to leave @tanglefoot's past messages as to not interrupt the flow of conversation, but she will no longer be able to post to the community.

Colleen Young

Community Director, Mayo Clinic Connect

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Had a bladder lift and partial hysterectomy in 2019 so far so good. Hope nothing changes. Wish all the best.


I will comment on this as I had surgery for a prolapsed bladder on Thursday. The surgery is called colpocleisis. It is sewing shut most of the vagina so the bladder cannot prodrude through it. It is a surgery mostly used by women who are not sexually active. After just two days I feel huge relief. I stayed in the hospital overnight but most people go home the following day. I have taken a pain pill last night and this morning. So far, very good!


Thank you for having our back.
My appt with a urogynecologist is march 20, 2023.
But after reading all the disaster stories, since I was a Mayo patient in 2019 I think if i decide to have surgery, i will go to the Mayo Clinic. Thank you, take care


Had a bladder lift and partial hysterectomy in 2019 so far so good. Hope nothing changes. Wish all the best.

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What type of surgery was performed on the bladder?
Thank you


I will comment on this as I had surgery for a prolapsed bladder on Thursday. The surgery is called colpocleisis. It is sewing shut most of the vagina so the bladder cannot prodrude through it. It is a surgery mostly used by women who are not sexually active. After just two days I feel huge relief. I stayed in the hospital overnight but most people go home the following day. I have taken a pain pill last night and this morning. So far, very good!

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Very interesting.
I had a total hysterectomy 25 years ago. This is the first time i heard about this surgery. I will look into this. Take care
Thank you


I am scheduled for prolapse repair at the Mayo Clinic on April 28th. Tried the pessary and physical therapy but prolapse kept getting worse so now am at a grade 3. After examination in the pre-op dr. will determine if vaginally or open abdomin will give me best results. They prepare for the longest surgery to start which is the open. I am worried about the recovery and if it will be long lasting.

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How was your surgery for the prolapsed bladder st Mayo clinic?
How are you feeling?
Are you okay.
Were there any complication?
Who did the surgery.?
I have a prolapsed bladder, going to a urogynecologist on march 20, 2023.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you


How was your surgery for the prolapsed bladder st Mayo clinic?
How are you feeling?
Are you okay.
Were there any complication?
Who did the surgery.?
I have a prolapsed bladder, going to a urogynecologist on march 20, 2023.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you

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My surgery went well! It was a little more involved than most people's so my advice would be to not wait as long as I did. I had issues with pressure on my tailbone during the 3 hour ride home which caused extra pain. All in all even though it took a little longer than most women, I am all healed up now and so happy with not having to rush to a bathroom anymore and no bulge!


Would definitely recommend the Mayo Clinic for this surgery.


Hello Restless 67

Please do not underestimate the pain of prolapse SURGERY. I have spoke with hundreds of women who have had that surgery. Some were in extreme pain afterwards, some had a relapse prolapse within a short length of time ( A YEAR OR TWO) others were fine. One size does not fit all and I am not interested in going through an operation that is not necessary for me or women like me.

I do have a normal sex life and when one has a prolapse bladder , it goes back up where it belongs as soon as you lay down in bed. No problem there. When I get up, I do not have a piece of cloth on. I have a very supportive prolapse support garment called the Hideaway. If you google Hideaway prolapse garment you can read about it and what the testimonials say from other ladies like me who are not having surgery. This Hideaway is not just a pad, it is supportive material inside a sling with adjustment elastic for your comfort. It stops the prolapse from coming out all day long and you cannot even remember you have it on it is so comfy.

Now as far as bleeding and dryness goes. I have none of that because I use natural Vitimin E gel capsuls and stick a pin in them, squeeze out the gel and apply it every night to inside of the vagina area all around the prolapse etc. It is a great natural mostiurizer for menopausal women as well and it has healing properties in Vtiimin E natural gel capuls. You can also apply coconut oil if you are allergic to Vitimin E.
I know someone who has a rectal prolapse and she is wearing the Hideaway support garment as well and she is fine. She puts the Vtiimin E gel on her rectocele and like you said she gently pushes it back in, puts on her support garment and she is good to go for the day. Not everyone wants surgery or needs surgery.

Of course if you are in pain, cannot go to the bathroom, have sexual issues, then you would probably have to have some sort of surgery. In the meantime those who are managing their prolapse without surgery are doing just fine. There is no messy sex as you say, it is quite natural and fine, as again, the prolapse goes back up inside when one lays on their back. So for those out there suffering silently, don't be afraid. A prolapse is not life threatening, it is life altering and you have to learn what is best for you. Blessings to all the ladies who walk in my shoes.


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Thank you for your kind words of advice. I have had too many surgeries.
All with problems.
Take care


My surgery went well! It was a little more involved than most people's so my advice would be to not wait as long as I did. I had issues with pressure on my tailbone during the 3 hour ride home which caused extra pain. All in all even though it took a little longer than most women, I am all healed up now and so happy with not having to rush to a bathroom anymore and no bulge!

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So relieved to hear the surgery went well.
Can I ask who was the physician at Mayo?
Did he/she use a mesh?
What type of surgery procedure was performed?
Thank you

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