Hypersomnia and Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Nov 5, 2023

I recently watched a YouTube video, The Role & Treatment of Autonomic Dysfunction in Sleep Disorders. Dr. Pocinki
It is from the Dysautonomia Support Network.

Dr Pocinki discussed hypersomnia and the possibility that it is caused by things like, stress, pain, and depression.

I found this interesting because it has given me a point of reference, something I can work on to hopefully improve my sleep.

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I masterbate before I go to sleep it helps me sleep or you can take cold medicine like NyQuil before bed


I was so glad to see the Chill Pill device but I guess it’s a gimmick.


I was so glad to see the Chill Pill device but I guess it’s a gimmick.

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@magyar chill pill? What is that?


Hypersomnia doesn’t mean that you have trouble falling asleep. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime…

It means your brain doesn’t go into a deep sleep long enough for you to feel rested after sleeping all night.


@magyar chill pill? What is that?

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A new device I came across. But no research, sketchy poor feedback. There are others. Electric stimulation of the brain to help with sleep. Sounded too good to be true.


I just discussed all you afore mentioned with a neurologist and the fact my memory is a mess. My neurologist said I had no dementia and my inability to fall asleep with continued waking was in fact from stress, pain, anxiety, depression, & creative mind. My brain is fine at 75 with no dementia. He suggested I should share his findings with my doctor. He said medication from my psych doctor . Monitoring anxiety and sleep aid I will do better if not great. It is like pulling elephants thru a knothole to get anxiety or sleep meds from any doctor. Pain meds are impossible. Before everyone under the sun were not druggies I had meds I did not abuse and I lived a normal life. Now all doctors are trying to take meds away and claim you may get addicted. I never did before and frankly the idea that I can is scary. They can track it all thru the pharmacy. In my old age I would love to sleep all night and feel happy when the sun rises. I never heard of any 75 year old junkies.

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