Horrible abdominal Pain- all tests say I am fine but I am not

Posted by jojo13 @jojo13, Sep 1, 2021

I am new here and hoping you guys can help. I have had horrible abdominal pain for weeks now, once it was so bad I was on the floor crying. It is almost like a burning, gnawing feeling. It is in my abdomen and down by my hip bone- so more pelvic I guess. I am bloated and nauseas most of the time. I wake up with the pain and it can last all day. It ruins my day to day life. I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy yesterday and both came back fine. I was told to go home and eat better. This morning I woke up in terrible pain and it has not let up all day. I know my body and something else is wrong, not just diet. There are also horrible noises that come from my stomach all day which I have been told is IBS but this pain can not be just IBS. Does anyone have any insight? I am thinking of going to the Mayo Clinic but don't know what tests they would do. Perhaps there are some blood tests I can get done on my own? Any help would be awesome. I just want to feel better again and not like I am crazy. I am a female 41, 5'4 and 127.

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I went to my Gastrointestinal doctor and it seems back in October he had asked me to go get a CT with contrast (I am usually good about these things so I have no idea how I didn't do this) due to this finding a few months prior, "Mildly dilated loop of small bowel felt to represent jejunum in the left midabdomen which measures 2.7 cm in maximal diameter." ---this was when I had gone to the hospital because the pain was so bad. Since then I did have a hysterotomy so I am wondering if more adhesions or something formed and caused this to become an issue because at the time the doctor at the hospital was not concerned about it. I am wondering if anyone has had an issue similar? I am going next week to get the CT with contrast and really hope to get answers because while the pain has been better, my "bathroom" habits are not good and as soon as I eat anything my stomach starts with the noises etc. My appetite has also gone down to almost nothing.


I went to my Gastrointestinal doctor and it seems back in October he had asked me to go get a CT with contrast (I am usually good about these things so I have no idea how I didn't do this) due to this finding a few months prior, "Mildly dilated loop of small bowel felt to represent jejunum in the left midabdomen which measures 2.7 cm in maximal diameter." ---this was when I had gone to the hospital because the pain was so bad. Since then I did have a hysterotomy so I am wondering if more adhesions or something formed and caused this to become an issue because at the time the doctor at the hospital was not concerned about it. I am wondering if anyone has had an issue similar? I am going next week to get the CT with contrast and really hope to get answers because while the pain has been better, my "bathroom" habits are not good and as soon as I eat anything my stomach starts with the noises etc. My appetite has also gone down to almost nothing.

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Did you try taking the Carnett test to see if you might have ACNES? (Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome). A doctor in Phoenix has a procedure for this.


I'm experiencing stomach pain! I went to the emergency room and they did a CAT scan and found nothing! They had given me Maalox and such but that didn't help. They wanted to put me on Opioids, but I didn't want to go that route. I want to figure out what is going on not just mask it. I also just had a colonoscopy which didn't show anything. Any other ideas! I should add: I only eat yogurt and peanut butter!


My daughter in law was going thru something like this and they finally found a hernia in the middle of her stomach. It had a weird name I had never heard of. They finally took out the hernia earlier this month. She is so happy now and a changed person. Pain free finally. I will add you to my prayer list. I know what never ending pain is like. God Bless you.


I'm experiencing stomach pain! I went to the emergency room and they did a CAT scan and found nothing! They had given me Maalox and such but that didn't help. They wanted to put me on Opioids, but I didn't want to go that route. I want to figure out what is going on not just mask it. I also just had a colonoscopy which didn't show anything. Any other ideas! I should add: I only eat yogurt and peanut butter!

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If that's all you eat, your gut isn't getting the right nutrients, bacteria or fiber or lots of stuff. You need to see a reputable nutritionist.


I went through something similar and had adhesions. I think the lack of diagnosis early maybe damaged my entire large intestine is redundant and torturous. Have you had any prior surgeries? Or, endometriosis can be a possibility too? I had all constipation and gastro symptoms with the endometriosis? The pelvic area is tricky for women.
Don't ignore your body and keep looking for answers.


I'm experiencing stomach pain! I went to the emergency room and they did a CAT scan and found nothing! They had given me Maalox and such but that didn't help. They wanted to put me on Opioids, but I didn't want to go that route. I want to figure out what is going on not just mask it. I also just had a colonoscopy which didn't show anything. Any other ideas! I should add: I only eat yogurt and peanut butter!

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You definitely need to eat fruits, vegetables and who grains to get more nutrients and fiber for your gastrointestinal system. Where is your pain in your abdomen (near your rib cage or below your belly button)? You should see a gastroenterologist to have them do an abdominal ultrasound, bloodwork, endoscopy and HIDA scan (checks gallbladder function). Good luck getting answers!


See your primary care doctor. Get a stool test. Consider antibiotics but one that doesn’t extensively damage flora nor repeat infection
Take probiotics three times a day, make an appointment with a highly Reputable Gastroenterologist
Try a low residue diet till you feel better
Stay hydrated Drink electrolytes
Wish you the best!


Talk to your doctor about trying acidophilus probiotic. It helped to relieve my abdominal stress. Should mention it is OTC...no prescription necessary.


I just joined this group so I see you posted quite some time ago. I have suffered with severe abdominal pain for over ten years. I've seen several gastroenterologists. First of all I think you need more testing from a gastroenterologist. Do you have diarrhea or constipation. I will just mention the tests I've had besides colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Breath test for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth--Complicated but simply put the good bacteria in your colon migrate to your small intestine Many docs have not even heard of it. Difficult to treat. I tested positive. Sitz mark test for intestinal motility. Again Positive for me. Deforgraphy and anal manometry--tests for pelvic floor issues. Again positive for me. I feel you need to find a good gastroenterologist if you don't currently have. Don't give up ,change docs if you need to. It was the 6th GI doc that did the breath test and diagnosed the SIBO. He was great and sent me to another GI doc who did all that additional testing and I was then referred to a GI motility expert. Although I am still working with GI docs to try to manage symptoms many people have found relief with antibiotics, diet, pelvic floor PT. It's a difficult and chronic condition but there are options for treatment and many find relief and some are cured. Again don't give up. Good Luck I wish you the best

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