High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?
I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke or sudden death.
I take a statin and baby aspirin. I have never been sick, have excellent cholesterol, low blood pressure and I am not overweight. I have no other health problems and I have never been sick. But I feel like a walking time bomb which has caused me a lot of stress. I am 70 yrs old.
I wonder how others with this condition feel emotionally?
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Glad your doing well!
I’m in similar position as you. High score - 1602 - good cholesterol, sugar and weight. Age 63. I eat well for the most part. I was very upset too but my doctor explained that it’s just one marker for risk. I have been taking a statin and he added Zetia. He didn’t seem terribly concerned about it. I have also read that statins can raise your calcium score. Doc really wouldn’t comment on that. Makes me wonder if the test is the best option when you’re taking a statin. Causes a lot of anxiety if it comes back with a high score.
61 yo
Hi @keithl56
Sounds like you are doing well! Good for you---I think many people often for good reason panic and look for every pill to take to reduce their risk. What ever someone wants to do in my book is their business--it seems like you took some stress out of your life by being balanced and taking a prescribed med. Out of curiosity---what age were you with a CAC of 1014 in 2018?
The key to good health is a good doctor you feel comfortable with. Please make sure your doctor supports your good health! If not, find another one.
I think for me getting a calcium score was a wake up call--my was not horrible compared to many, but it made me think about the bigger picture. Their is a saying by Confucius “We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.” I modified this quote a little bit in my mind. I believe we have two lives---the first we are born into, the second is when we learn we are not immortal. For me that 2nd life opportunity is eating better, exercising, taking meds when necessary and trying not to stress too much. CAC scores is but one part of the equation.
try Praluent also or look into it. i had a high calcium score (462 and I'm nearly 70) and doc put me on Praluent which is a twice-monthly injectible and my LDL dove down from 77 to 22 in one month. from what i know the trick is to get the LDL down so....so far, so good. i don't notice any side effects
If you have good insurance and/or can afford the injectable cholesterol lowering medication like Repatha it should remove the muscle soreness issue and work better than oral statins on most individuals.
Same here. I'm 65. Had a score of 110 when I was 55. Retested this week and now 490. I can't have lived a healthier diet and exercise routine, so am at a loss and feel discouraged. I hear words like risk and probability, but don't know how to translate that to what will happen to me personally. So I'm going to go on statins again even if there is muscle soreness, keep exercising and eat well. And hope that I'm not a person that contributes to the probability number.