I am having a VERY difficult time with Klonipin withdrawal

Posted by lisalynn @lisalynn, Jun 29, 2023

I have been on Klonipin for a BIG Panic disorder for over 15 years. I recently had to wean down off of 3 to none fast. The withdrawal was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have my normal prescription now. However, at a lower level. But, I am still having a withdrawal symptom that is plaguing me. I am still taking it, but half of what I had been. I hear my Heart thumping in my ears, very loud and fast, 120 beats per minute. Did anyone else have that symptom? Or describe their withdrawal? Oh, and I NEVER want to speak to that new and cold Psychiatrist I have.
Struggling. Thanks.

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I tapered very quickly and have not had any in 2weeks and I feel like I am losing my mind. My anxiety is dibilitating. This drug should never be prescribed to anyone ever!!

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I don't know if you've actually started your newly prescribed Buspirone yet or if it's not helping yet?? If you came off of any amount of klonopin quickly, especially 6mg daily, I would think is why you are experiencing such intense anxiety right now. Your body becomes dependent on this medication after only a short period of time. You definitely need to discuss with your physician and hopefully he will understand what you are dealing with. Unfortunately, I really believe many docs don't understand the issues this medicine can create or the importance of taper over considerable time. If he's the same doc who had you on that klonopin, you may want to seek out another physician who understands this situation better. I would be truly upset with any physiucian who gave me this stuff. The sleep doc who gave this to me and I had words after he disregarded the issues it created for me, and I was on a very small dose. Your body is going to need a period of time to adjust but hopefully another medicine can help with your anxiety in the interim. Praying for you!

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