Help me sleep without ambien

Posted by emmabell @emmabell, Nov 19, 2022

Hey everyone

I started another thread a while ago but thought I’d update my situation and ask for moe advice.

Havd severe insomnia. Been on Ambien 10mg since a year. But I quickly develope tolerance and wake up after just 3 hours and need to take another one. Sometimes I end up on 30 mg a night. And it makes me feel terrible.

6 months ago I started diazepam 5mg smd noticed it made me sleep better and for longer. I still hade to take one Ambien, but that was a major difference to me. I felt more rested, and less side affects. So I kept going for well half a year until i got too tolerant to the diazepam as well and started having to take more ambien again. Its a mess!

Ok so what I’ve done: ive managed to taper off de diazapam, About 25% every second week. I’m now down to 2,5mg a night. The ambien i still need to take, when I go to bed and then every time I wake up.

I have 2 ideas: 1, once I’m off Diazepam, I start them again and see if I get the same boost as last year?

2, I take some Melatonin before bed and hope that does something…


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I cannot go to sleep without Ambien and/or diazepam since I had covid, did what your sleep expert told you work.

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When I started setting my alarm clock every morning, yes I was still on sleep meds. I am now mostly off them. I take them when I am out of my normal routine (like when travelling) but other wise, about 80% of the time, I don't take meds any more. I think that resetting my body clock helped me get off having sleep meds every night. I still get anxious about not sleeping and having to deal with being tired the next day - but hopefully that will start to improve as well. Hope things work out well for you!


When I started setting my alarm clock every morning, yes I was still on sleep meds. I am now mostly off them. I take them when I am out of my normal routine (like when travelling) but other wise, about 80% of the time, I don't take meds any more. I think that resetting my body clock helped me get off having sleep meds every night. I still get anxious about not sleeping and having to deal with being tired the next day - but hopefully that will start to improve as well. Hope things work out well for you!

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I try not to over think and stay in the present. Reading a boring book helps. Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. Listening to ocean waves at night. Lastly. I read that acupressure wristbands might help as well.

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