Heart issues bradycardia or tachycardia change after Covid?

Posted by emmster @emmster, Jul 5, 2024

Hi I’m new here.. have your unique heart issues bradycardia , tachycardia or any other than normal heart rhythm been significantly changed by experiencing covid?

If so were you fully vaccinated, partially or not at all?

My 3 covid events.. have effected my life significantly.

I had Moderna vaccinations twice and one booster. I cannot take any more due to extreme reactions.

I’m battling long covid for the second time. I have had increased BP and subsequent high BP related TIA. Resolved very quickly no lasting issues. My heart rate is fluctuating..my blood pressures are usually 140+/100+ p: 60’s normally no medication seems to control it. I follow the diet too.

If this story resonates with you please share your experience of and learned skills.

Thank you

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@emmste- I got Covid in Feb. 2023. I was fully vaccinated and took Paxlovid. Then I became continually short of breath and heart rate started slowing and becoming more and more irregular. Finally in May 2023, I was diagnosed with complete heart block and had a pacemaker inserted. I had some complications with the pacemaker and had a few bouts of congestive heart failure. The docs wouldn’t commit to saying Covid was the cause - they all said not enough data. On top of that, my previously well controlled asthma has flared up again. Now, after a year and half, I feel like I’ve got a handle on these issues but not back to normal life. Is this all due to long COVID?? No answers.


I have the same low heart rate 48 to 60 with high blood pressure of 166/98, I take Clonidine when this happens. So I monitor my blood pressure every couple of hours. This happened after I got Covid August 2023. I believe this is something I have to live with, I’m 72 & glad I survived Covid.


My husband is 60. Less active last few years, but healthy with no cardiac issues, etc. He did have Covid at one point and recovered without meds. After our 4th Moderna vaccine (it was a 2nd booster), he started having PVCs. Preventricle contractions. Very symptomatic. Sadly been in the ER twice. Now his bp is suddenly elevated. On 2 channel blockers now.
We have heard from the cardiology team that they have seen this after boosters.
*we believe in vaccines, but it is alarming to hear about all these cardiac issues AFTER the vaccines.

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