Heart failure after heart attack 25 year old

Posted by marnie10 @marnie10, Feb 28, 2018

Hello everyone,
I’m seeking to understand how my 25 year old daughter could be in heart failure caused by ha heart attack. My daughter had some surgery on her coronary artery artery in August 2016. The patch that was put on the coronary developed a platelet clot/blockage which caused her to have a heart attack in January. They now have prescribed her several medications one of which is Plavix which is meant to avoid clots in the coronary. She is also on several meds for heart and several of the medications including immune suppressant‘s for her underlying disease of Takayasu arteritis. She has a mechanical valve and a dacron aortic root and his had some work done on her subclavian arteries.
Has anyone else had work done on the coronary and been put on Plavix to avoid clots?

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@marnie10- I had a stent placed in my lower decending artery back in 14 and was on Plavix for a year before the cardiologist decided that a 81 mg aspirin was adaquate. I think that most patients that have heart work done are often on a blood thining type of med to minimize possible clotting problems. I'm also on a beta blocker to slow down the heart. Sounds like your daughter has been through a lot already in her life! What a great asset she has like a mom like you!
God bless you both!


When I read what your daughter @you have been through I certainly count my blessings In 1996 ,22yrs ago on Feb 18 I had triple by -pass ,the Dr. put me on 81mg aspirin which I still take every night God bless you both I'm on cholesterol med that's all .


@marnie10- I had a stent placed in my lower decending artery back in 14 and was on Plavix for a year before the cardiologist decided that a 81 mg aspirin was adaquate. I think that most patients that have heart work done are often on a blood thining type of med to minimize possible clotting problems. I'm also on a beta blocker to slow down the heart. Sounds like your daughter has been through a lot already in her life! What a great asset she has like a mom like you!
God bless you both!

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Thank you for this info. My daughter Was never placed on Plavix as she was already on boyfriend and Aspen. I heart failure rate is quite low and very concerning.


When I read what your daughter @you have been through I certainly count my blessings In 1996 ,22yrs ago on Feb 18 I had triple by -pass ,the Dr. put me on 81mg aspirin which I still take every night God bless you both I'm on cholesterol med that's all .

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Thank you. God keep you safe.


Hello @marnie10,

You're correct about Plavix (clopidogrel) being used to prevent blood clots after a recent heart attack or stroke. Here's some more information from Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/clopidogrel-oral-route/description/drg-20063146

@tresjur @ajm027 @pamelaann1 Mentors @predictable @cynaburst may be able to share more information as they've written about Plavix in recent discussions.

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's struggles at such a young age! We have a fantastic discussion on Connect, and I'd sincerely encourage you to scroll through the conversations:
– Staying healthy physically (and mentally) post heart attack https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hi-there-i-just-now-joined-your-group-and-after-reading-a/

I'd also like to invite @tazzy @jimmorris900 @shakuni11 to share their experiences with valve replacement and/or aortic root surgery.

In this Mayo Clinic webpage about Takayasu's arteritis, I came across this information, "With Takayasu's arteritis, the aorta and other major arteries become inflamed. Over time the inflammation causes changes in these arteries, including thickening, narrowing and scarring. Not everyone has these early signs and symptoms. It's possible for inflammation to damage arteries for years before you realize something is wrong." https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/takayasus-arteritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351335

@marnie10, may I ask when and how was your daughter diagnosed with Takayasu's arteritis? Have the doctors considered it to be a probable cause for the heart attack? We're so glad you've joined Connect, and look forward to getting to know you and your daughter better.


I was diagnosed with TAK at 28 after a C section and severe infection. I too am in heart failure. I am certain because of the Takayasus- it is not a death sentence, can easily be managed for some of us with just medication. Luckily I have had no surgeries and believe my disease to be dormant at this time after nearly 8 years of high dosage prednsione. I just wanted to say I'm sorry, its unfair and very difficult to deal with. Tak has provoked many SVT episodes and arrythmias for me. I now have 3 valves that leak- originally when found it was 1- I have an electric issue with my left atrium, occlusion in my aorta and left carotid. Now am having severe left temple pain amongst so many other symptoms. I would think the heart condition is the secondary disease and the Takayasus is actually the first. Unfortunately for us so many drs simply don't know as much as they should about it an a there is little research being done- I'd like to add my SED rate CRP have always been normal- so lab work is not the only indication that your daughter maybe flaring like most drs assume. I know this post is a bit dated and I hope she is doing much better. But I always like to tell other TAK patients about my experience because nobody told me and my drs didn't know and now I have so much permanent damage. Its absolutely dreadful but we push on. Its amazing what we can push our bodies to do even when we are at out weakest with no hope in sight.

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