Health query: Interpreting CT scan results

Posted by stephjade86 @stephjade86, Apr 21 4:08pm

Please someone can help me, screenshot is last CT results. I don't understand

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Welcome, @stephjade86. It looks like you have received the results of a recent CT scan before you've had a chance to discuss with your doctor. This is best done with your doctor since the CT scan results are only one piece of the diagnostic process. Your doctor knows your medical history and information of other testing you may have had done.

Seeing results prior to your appointment can be nerve-wracking. When do you meet with your doctor?


Under so many hospitals at the moment as well as the epilepsy nurse. The discharge letter showing the results from the CT I have only been there once and that was after a seizure. What is likely to happen. Someone will get in touch with me


What is likely to be the treatment


Under so many hospitals at the moment as well as the epilepsy nurse. The discharge letter showing the results from the CT I have only been there once and that was after a seizure. What is likely to happen. Someone will get in touch with me

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@stephjade86, it sounds like you were discharged with the CT results and no follow-up care. Do you have a PCP that you can make an appointment with?


I saw the results on patient knows best app. Mdt meeting was suggested in script will I get informed


What is pcp. I have neurologist


Your CT scan appears to show no abnormality except for the incidental finding that you may wish to investigate further. You don’t say why you had the scan but you indicated you have epilepsy. Did you fall as a reason for CT? Our wonderful moderator Colleen is correct you should discuss results with the ordering doctor.


What is pcp. I have neurologist

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My apologies for the acronym. PCP is primary care physician. Have you talked with your neurologist? What did you learn?


No one has mentioned nothing to me. I had MRI Brain and 3 weeks later having another but not sure why

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