Headed to PRC…

Posted by angieleigh @angieleigh, Aug 3, 2023

Alright… I’m in. Flight booked, shuttle scheduled, realization starting to sink in that I’m doing this. Three weeks in Rochester, MN for the Pain Rehabilitation Center program… besides an open mind, what are things I can bring with me to ensure this is the best experience possible? I have the packing list and I know comfy clothes- but… is there anything any of you would recommend that have completed the program? I’ve not shared with many because I don’t think they would understand… I have put on an award winning performance the past 18 or so years pretending I don’t hurt… and I know that has more than likely continued to contribute to the pain I experience on a daily basis. So in a way, I feel very alone. I have the support of my husband and daughter… I don’t think my mom truly gets it and my dad still has no idea I’m going. Through trying to explain to my mom, she has begun to share more about her mom- my granny- and I have a feeling she experienced debilitating, chronic pain… So- all that to ask… what do I need for this to be successful?!?! Thanks in advance!

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I never got back to your amazing message- thank you!

I was at the PRC from August 15th- September 6th. And- WOW! You are right. One of the hardest things I have done, but so very worth it. I was also there without my family for the duration of the program, but found instant connections with the other participants. We may have had a variety of reasons why we were all there, but the common thread was overwhelmingly that we all experienced chronic pain. To feel instantly understood and validated was so powerful for me.

It was also way more emotional than I had anticipated it would be. I found myself working through some really big feelings and emotions as topics were discussed. They encouraged everyone to continue to seek therapy/ counseling on our return home and while this is something I know I have needed for quite sometime, I finally took the reins and found a therapist close to home that I feel comfortable continuing these conversations with. I loved Mayo's approach to chronic pain with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and I did not think I was going to like the group sessions. I was pleasantly surprised because I feel like this is where the majority of my "aha" moments took place. Hearing others who have experienced day-to-day pain and the thoughts and feelings they have surrounding that and how their families/friends either help or hurt during this. It was so powerful...

Thank you so much again for your message and if I can ever be a contact for anyone with questions, please know I am more than happy to share my experience. I was blown away by the staff, therapists, and experience that I received.

Take good care and thankful to have this space!

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Hi Angie, just checking in to see how C-Life is treating you?


I am interested in attending PRC in Jax. Just getting my PCP to send records right now. I was thinking last night how great it would be to be among the living again and what are some ways to make life more doable now. I bought a less expensive folding cart last night like the too expensive ones I have been viewing for groceries etc. Start tapering off my Prednisone now so I don't flare while there.

I will also need a "less expensive" airb&b/vrmo to rent. I found one but how do you plan in advance/coordinate when you are going to be able to get a place for 3+ weeks. I can't commit to a start date till I have a place I can afford obviously.

How did all that go for folks. Luckily my insurance pays for the program, but ill be more than a year+ paying off my housing bill. I won't get a room in someones house as I don't need that extra stress of the unknown. A tiny place alone is a better choice for me.

Big commitment. This would be instead of a therapeutic retreat I've really looked forward to attending in October most likely.

On the other hand, if I can do life, like out of bed, my small graphic design biz might be back on track!

Yup, 8 -5 (up at 6ish daily) is frightening tho I won't be even close to alone in this. I miss socializing too. Getting to know other folks there will be good.

Does everyone start the same day or do new people start all the time? I know if this is all comes together easily, its meant to be. So I'm tempering my thoughts till I know its 100% paid and my financial investment isn't more stress than id gain? (I know id gain more!)

Would love stories. Did anyone go Jax in the dead of summer?


I am interested in attending PRC in Jax. Just getting my PCP to send records right now. I was thinking last night how great it would be to be among the living again and what are some ways to make life more doable now. I bought a less expensive folding cart last night like the too expensive ones I have been viewing for groceries etc. Start tapering off my Prednisone now so I don't flare while there.

I will also need a "less expensive" airb&b/vrmo to rent. I found one but how do you plan in advance/coordinate when you are going to be able to get a place for 3+ weeks. I can't commit to a start date till I have a place I can afford obviously.

How did all that go for folks. Luckily my insurance pays for the program, but ill be more than a year+ paying off my housing bill. I won't get a room in someones house as I don't need that extra stress of the unknown. A tiny place alone is a better choice for me.

Big commitment. This would be instead of a therapeutic retreat I've really looked forward to attending in October most likely.

On the other hand, if I can do life, like out of bed, my small graphic design biz might be back on track!

Yup, 8 -5 (up at 6ish daily) is frightening tho I won't be even close to alone in this. I miss socializing too. Getting to know other folks there will be good.

Does everyone start the same day or do new people start all the time? I know if this is all comes together easily, its meant to be. So I'm tempering my thoughts till I know its 100% paid and my financial investment isn't more stress than id gain? (I know id gain more!)

Would love stories. Did anyone go Jax in the dead of summer?

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I scored for you as you prepare to travel to PRC! If you were headed to Rochester, I would have a ton of recommendations for you, but I’ve heard Jacksonville is nice, too! To answer your question, people begin on different days, but you’ll end up with pretty much a small core group… we had one large group that was broken up into about 6-8 at any given time. We’d come together with the big group as a whole for meditation/ relaxation and for therapeutic recreation in the gym. It was nice to have the smaller group for some of the heavier topic days. I love how Mayo incorporated so many different disciplines into the program. The OT was great and very helpful- they gave you plan out your weekends and in the beginning this feels like a very daunting task, but I began to embrace it and loved exploring Rochester! I joined an athletic club for two of the weeks I was there so I could be outside at the pool (and read “The Body Keeps the Score”) and tried a couple classes when I was up for it. I also sought out weekend events like the farmers markets, an antique/ craft fair, and walkable stores from my hotel… made the weekend go by much faster. In Rochester there were several hotels that offered extended stays for reasonable prices- o was able to walk to Mayo and take advantage of their gym at the hotel for PT exercises they’ll give you… also, a hidden gem I found was the Mayo Health and Wellness Center- I got a couple of massages while I was there, which was so relaxing to do- I’m sure Jacksonville has something similar! Wishing you the best of luck- this was so helpful for me!


I scored for you as you prepare to travel to PRC! If you were headed to Rochester, I would have a ton of recommendations for you, but I’ve heard Jacksonville is nice, too! To answer your question, people begin on different days, but you’ll end up with pretty much a small core group… we had one large group that was broken up into about 6-8 at any given time. We’d come together with the big group as a whole for meditation/ relaxation and for therapeutic recreation in the gym. It was nice to have the smaller group for some of the heavier topic days. I love how Mayo incorporated so many different disciplines into the program. The OT was great and very helpful- they gave you plan out your weekends and in the beginning this feels like a very daunting task, but I began to embrace it and loved exploring Rochester! I joined an athletic club for two of the weeks I was there so I could be outside at the pool (and read “The Body Keeps the Score”) and tried a couple classes when I was up for it. I also sought out weekend events like the farmers markets, an antique/ craft fair, and walkable stores from my hotel… made the weekend go by much faster. In Rochester there were several hotels that offered extended stays for reasonable prices- o was able to walk to Mayo and take advantage of their gym at the hotel for PT exercises they’ll give you… also, a hidden gem I found was the Mayo Health and Wellness Center- I got a couple of massages while I was there, which was so relaxing to do- I’m sure Jacksonville has something similar! Wishing you the best of luck- this was so helpful for me!

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Thank you so much. All input from any of the PRC clinics definitely welcome. I found a small vermo that is only 10 minutes from the hospital that is Affordable but of course for that amount of time, I need to schedule in advance a bit to coordinate.

I want non-invasive treatment so this sounds perfect. When drs are a hammar, I look like a nail who should be injected or get a spinal cord stimulator. Um. No.

I have an kind of acute thing going on after a fall so may get my pcp to order a CT/ultrasound to r/o issues that coyld interfere right now (?gluteal tear from fall) but it might just be "too bad, more back, live with it" in which case the timing is good before I go further down the depression rabbit jole further.

I wonder what the do if I was there over 4th of July? Its 16 days I'm guessing day 1 is intake, orientation. So the therapy groups aren't people who all know each other? Id hate to jump into a well formed group. You know how we psin people can feel so easily excluded - real or not.

I have a really good 1:1 psychologist in place slreafy who is so into me doing this and is able to check in while I'm there.

I'm even thinking who can I hire for the month that I'm gone to come in and clean my house from top to bottom! Someone I trust. On their own schedule. Leave a house and come home to a home. Laundry, bathrooms, deep clean..?maybe even see if I can get it painted as its needed since I moved in 7 years ago.

Wouldn't that be spectacular. Damn the credit cards? Do everything that makes me want to live!

The best chance of success. My house is just a wreck. Depressing. Go away to fix my head, come home to a fixed house! Sounds amazing right?

All input about how y'all did at any PRC welcome. I'm watching some vids on YT, success stories.

You know when I go to a doctor they just want to operate. I need to go someplace that's just going to help me adjust to where things are no more surgery, no injections, nothing intrusive, nothing invasive. Doctors get frustrated if you go and say you want to be diagnosed but you don't want to be treated. But you know if you have cancer and you just want to know you have it and that doesn't mean that you're forced to do chemo and that's how I'm looking at this just tell me what you can do to help me help myself.

I was thinking if it's closed over 4th of July weekend my sister is only 2 hours away so I could go there overnight for the 4th of July which would be nice to see her as I live in NC. I will drive down.

Thanks. Gave everything I need per letter from Jax today. Ball rolling. No wait list right now.


I’ve been diagnosed with Mesenteric Panniculitis I’ve just had a bad flare up 4 weeks in and still in pain took steroids but they increased my thyroid condition, just wanting to know if anyone else has it and what they do.

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Might I ask how it affected your thyroid. I'm on prednisone tapering slowly from 20/day for 2 weeks and have hard to control hashimotos. (And CRPS, etc.)

Everyone is different and I take LDN to help control my thyroid which does a good job but didn't think about thyroid. Thanks.

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