Headed to PRC…

Posted by angieleigh @angieleigh, Aug 3, 2023

Alright… I’m in. Flight booked, shuttle scheduled, realization starting to sink in that I’m doing this. Three weeks in Rochester, MN for the Pain Rehabilitation Center program… besides an open mind, what are things I can bring with me to ensure this is the best experience possible? I have the packing list and I know comfy clothes- but… is there anything any of you would recommend that have completed the program? I’ve not shared with many because I don’t think they would understand… I have put on an award winning performance the past 18 or so years pretending I don’t hurt… and I know that has more than likely continued to contribute to the pain I experience on a daily basis. So in a way, I feel very alone. I have the support of my husband and daughter… I don’t think my mom truly gets it and my dad still has no idea I’m going. Through trying to explain to my mom, she has begun to share more about her mom- my granny- and I have a feeling she experienced debilitating, chronic pain… So- all that to ask… what do I need for this to be successful?!?! Thanks in advance!

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I have suffered with progressing Fibro pain and deconditioning for 22 Yrs. I also have Histamine z intolerance, POTS, Neck Dystonia very painful and insomnia, and Mast Cell Release Syndrome. Im allergic to Sunflower oil which seems to be everywhere in good industry. and have many food reactions on Lyrica 11 Yrs. I’m 72 and very depressed and dying would be fine with me. Have fine supportive husband but no family support except my daughters and not often. Have sarcopenia. By the time I got into the Mayo PRC I would have expired. Have not applied.


Hi @angieleigh, please meet @connie2023 who was also accepted to the PRC program and scheduled for the end of October.

It might be nice, and helpful to connect with someone who is also preparing to go.

I'm excited for your both!

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@angieleigh I am looking forward to hearing about your trip to the Mayo PRC. I am scheduled to go to the one in Jacksonville toward the end of October. I am fortunate that my husband (and our dog) will accompany us. We decided to rent an AirBNB for the time we are there. I, like many of us have a lot of food sensitivities/allergies, so eating out is very difficult for me. We rarely go out to eat as it is just not enjoyable. Plus, my pain from CRPS (mainly in my right foot) really escalates in the evening so I am pretty much house bound after 6:00pm. I think it is because I finally allow myself to relax after tamping down my pain all day and the pain some roaring back. Yes, I too could win an Academy Award for putting on a smile and pretending "all is well". I actually have people come up to me and say "I am so glad that you are all better now". I wish it were true!!

Please post about your experience at Mayo PRC and let us know how you are doing, and how you feel after completing the program. I will do the same after my visit. Plus, any tips you can pass along to me would be most welcome. I am in limbo right now as to what to expect. Mayo said they would provide more detailed information about two weeks before my start date.

I wish you the best of luck. I can tell by your post that you are a very determined woman and that you "have what it takes" to make your experience with the Mayo PRC a very rewarding one!


I have my appointment with the psychologist on Aug. 24 so I don’t know how long after.

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Awesome news! Please, keep us posted.


Ha, ha, ha! When you wrote PRC, I thought you meant People's Republic Of China! Silly me! Just started on this website, so I had no clue. I hope you joined me in a giggle and had 2 seconds when you didn't think of pain. Good luck on your journey. 😘


Ha, ha, ha! When you wrote PRC, I thought you meant People's Republic Of China! Silly me! Just started on this website, so I had no clue. I hope you joined me in a giggle and had 2 seconds when you didn't think of pain. Good luck on your journey. 😘

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Hi @nisaba7, you sure gave me a chuckle! Ha ha, thanks for that.

Welcome to Connect, so glad you've found the community. If you don't mind sharing, what motivated you to join?


Hi @nisaba7, you sure gave me a chuckle! Ha ha, thanks for that.

Welcome to Connect, so glad you've found the community. If you don't mind sharing, what motivated you to join?

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I’ve been diagnosed with Mesenteric Panniculitis I’ve just had a bad flare up 4 weeks in and still in pain took steroids but they increased my thyroid condition, just wanting to know if anyone else has it and what they do.


Hi Angie @angieleigh, I am absolutely thrilled for you! You just made my day! You and I connected in this conversation back in February.
My apologies for not following up on your progress. I try my best, but sometimes I miss a reply. In any case, I am pleased to find your new discussion: Headed to PRC this morning. You go girl!!

Congratulations are in order for becoming an active participant in your overall health and seeking a plan for a better quality of life. By taking a leap of faith and preparing for the 3 week PRC program, you are giving yourself opportunity to grow, change and become more stable, moderate and flexible. It will not disappoint, trust me. Your family will benefit as well by being able to join in on family day discussions and learn the logistics of the program and what you are experiencing daily. I graduated Jacksonville PRC and that is how it worked, I believe Minnesota will be the same. My husband was my participant via Zoom, and most likely yours will be, too, but it sounds as if your Mom could gain clarity on your condition and learn to support you better.

By asking what to bring to ensure your best possible experience tells me you are 100% ready despite the pit in your gut. It's scary, but remember -

Rehab = bravery with the acceptance of doing things different.

That is the mindset you should pack along with comfy, breathable clothes of course. As you will find, how you go is not how you will leave. You have so much to look forward to. Comprehensive whole person care from a medical team of therapists, doctors and nurses, fellow patients (students) who will become your peer group and possibly new friends for life. It is a shared experience for sure and no one will truly understand the depths of the program unless they go through it.

I traveled from NY to FL with my husband to begin PRC. I almost cancelled because of "symptoms" = anxiety, fear, deconditioning, debilitation etc... but my family supported and encouraged me. I kept telling myself there has got to be a better way for me and I knew I needed change. Honestly, I kept a lot of thoughts in my head about sick children who are brave and fight through disease and cancers with fortitude. I told myself "I CAN do this, I'm not dying, I will get through it". My husband stayed for one day then had to return home for work, and because of COVID and quarantining, he did not come back to get me as planned. I was in a hotel solo for 23 days. I faced time every night with my kids and certain supportive family members, sometimes through tears to my husband, but distraction is huge and you'll begin learning tools right of the bat to apply. Can't lie, it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the most impactful, rewarding experience of my life. It's awe-inspiring. You will be challenged, and have to work hard, but I believe that you can and will make it happen.

I'm tagging fellow PRC graduate Larry @ldb who graduated in 2010. He has wonderful insight and is supportive.

@roxxxy2626 was referring to this gentleman who is a former PRC graduate:

He is not part of Connect, but I found him while googling and he gives a solid account of how the program works. I went in blind other than what I knew from the Mayo PRC website so, not sure if a birds eye view is more helpful or just diving in is...who knows???

I am super proud of you for persevering through the past 18 years and opening your mind to rehabilitation and learning. You should be so proud of yourself, it takes courage! You got this, and If I can answer any questions, I am happy to help. When do you leave and get started?

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I never got back to your amazing message- thank you!

I was at the PRC from August 15th- September 6th. And- WOW! You are right. One of the hardest things I have done, but so very worth it. I was also there without my family for the duration of the program, but found instant connections with the other participants. We may have had a variety of reasons why we were all there, but the common thread was overwhelmingly that we all experienced chronic pain. To feel instantly understood and validated was so powerful for me.

It was also way more emotional than I had anticipated it would be. I found myself working through some really big feelings and emotions as topics were discussed. They encouraged everyone to continue to seek therapy/ counseling on our return home and while this is something I know I have needed for quite sometime, I finally took the reins and found a therapist close to home that I feel comfortable continuing these conversations with. I loved Mayo's approach to chronic pain with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and I did not think I was going to like the group sessions. I was pleasantly surprised because I feel like this is where the majority of my "aha" moments took place. Hearing others who have experienced day-to-day pain and the thoughts and feelings they have surrounding that and how their families/friends either help or hurt during this. It was so powerful...

Thank you so much again for your message and if I can ever be a contact for anyone with questions, please know I am more than happy to share my experience. I was blown away by the staff, therapists, and experience that I received.

Take good care and thankful to have this space!



I never got back to your amazing message- thank you!

I was at the PRC from August 15th- September 6th. And- WOW! You are right. One of the hardest things I have done, but so very worth it. I was also there without my family for the duration of the program, but found instant connections with the other participants. We may have had a variety of reasons why we were all there, but the common thread was overwhelmingly that we all experienced chronic pain. To feel instantly understood and validated was so powerful for me.

It was also way more emotional than I had anticipated it would be. I found myself working through some really big feelings and emotions as topics were discussed. They encouraged everyone to continue to seek therapy/ counseling on our return home and while this is something I know I have needed for quite sometime, I finally took the reins and found a therapist close to home that I feel comfortable continuing these conversations with. I loved Mayo's approach to chronic pain with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and I did not think I was going to like the group sessions. I was pleasantly surprised because I feel like this is where the majority of my "aha" moments took place. Hearing others who have experienced day-to-day pain and the thoughts and feelings they have surrounding that and how their families/friends either help or hurt during this. It was so powerful...

Thank you so much again for your message and if I can ever be a contact for anyone with questions, please know I am more than happy to share my experience. I was blown away by the staff, therapists, and experience that I received.

Take good care and thankful to have this space!

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Congratulations!!! Incredible to hear, Angie. I am so happy for you and proud that you made it! I hope you're very proud of yourself, too. Thank you for such great feedback. It is no cake walk that's for sure but as you mention, along with PRC being one of the hardest things you'll ever do, it was the most rewarding. The way you explain the "aha", powerful and emotional breakthrough moments is going to be very helpful to the next person considering attending.

How has C-life been going for you since returning home?Applying all of the tools and principles to everyday life is when the real work begins. Have you kept in contact with your classmates for peer support or joined the PRC private fb support group?



I never got back to your amazing message- thank you!

I was at the PRC from August 15th- September 6th. And- WOW! You are right. One of the hardest things I have done, but so very worth it. I was also there without my family for the duration of the program, but found instant connections with the other participants. We may have had a variety of reasons why we were all there, but the common thread was overwhelmingly that we all experienced chronic pain. To feel instantly understood and validated was so powerful for me.

It was also way more emotional than I had anticipated it would be. I found myself working through some really big feelings and emotions as topics were discussed. They encouraged everyone to continue to seek therapy/ counseling on our return home and while this is something I know I have needed for quite sometime, I finally took the reins and found a therapist close to home that I feel comfortable continuing these conversations with. I loved Mayo's approach to chronic pain with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and I did not think I was going to like the group sessions. I was pleasantly surprised because I feel like this is where the majority of my "aha" moments took place. Hearing others who have experienced day-to-day pain and the thoughts and feelings they have surrounding that and how their families/friends either help or hurt during this. It was so powerful...

Thank you so much again for your message and if I can ever be a contact for anyone with questions, please know I am more than happy to share my experience. I was blown away by the staff, therapists, and experience that I received.

Take good care and thankful to have this space!

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@angieleigh thank you for your very timely post! I leave for the Mayo PRC in Jacksonville on Friday to start my 16 days of the program on October 23rd. So happy to hear how much you benefited from the program. I am excited and looking forward to everything except the early morning arrival and the long days. Fortunately, my husband and our dog will be with me to help and support me. If there is anything you can think of that I should know before I go, please message me or post a response here.


@angieleigh thank you for your very timely post! I leave for the Mayo PRC in Jacksonville on Friday to start my 16 days of the program on October 23rd. So happy to hear how much you benefited from the program. I am excited and looking forward to everything except the early morning arrival and the long days. Fortunately, my husband and our dog will be with me to help and support me. If there is anything you can think of that I should know before I go, please message me or post a response here.

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Hey there, Connie - it's been a minute. Wondering how you did in Jacksonville last October? Hope you're doing well.

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