Having Issues doing Anything This Morning

Posted by freedancer69 @freedancer69, Jul 13, 2024

I had a week with very few symptoms and got a lot of work done. Got up this morning and can hardly get out of my chair. Every time I try I get dizzy, breathless, feel tight in my chest, fast heart rate, feel weak and faint. I can't seem to shake it this morning and I have so much to do.

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Hello @freedancer69
Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm so glad you found this site.
I think HCM is so weird...I too had days that I could do everything as almost normal, and other days I was just so tired and any minor exertion caused me to get short of breath and have tachycardia.
But I would never want to just shrug my shoulders and say "it must be just HCM" because it certainly could be something much more urgent.
Have you reached out to your cardiologist's answering service or the on-call physician? I would not hesitate to do that, and if you feel worse, I would recommend an urgent walk-in clinic or the nearest hospital ER.
Are you feeling any better since you posted this?


@freedancer69, I agree with @karukgirl that you should check with a medical professional to be on the safe side. Tightness in the chest and a fast heart rate need medical attention just to be sure.

Did you call a doctor or go to ER? How are you doing now?


I prayed and asked God to please stop everything as I had so much to do being it is Saturday. I just wasn't in the position at the time to go to the ER. As soon as I prayed, all the symptoms stopped and I have had no symptoms since. I won't take it lightly however. If this happens tomorrow, I will definitely go to the hospital. I live by myself and I did not want to drive myself or pay for an ambulance ride. My boyfriend was at the church Men's Breakfast and his phone was off. Anyway, God answered my prayer and gave me a reprieve for now. I just get so frustrated with it! It is so unpredictable. One day nothing and the next day I can't do anything but stay sitting. It is the craziest ailment I have ever dealt with.


Unfortunately, this is common for me too. When a person with HOCM feels well, it is time to conquer all the tasks you can. But the next day, you are down due to the fatigue and exhaustion. I've realized that I need to do 15 minutes of an activity or housework, then rest for 10 minutes. This seems to help a bit. I thought I could build up endurance. It has been more than 1.5 years since I had the septal and apical myectomy. I keep trying.


Yes, it’s exactly the same for me. If I pace myself and rest then get back to it, that works for me, too. I can do almost everything I need to. I can do most things I used to do. However, there are a few that I have to either let go or change. I feel frustrated sometimes because I had so much energy and endurance before. But fortunately, I am alive with the prospect of a good life ahead of me. I feel very lucky to be alive because I have lived my whole life with HOCUM without ever knowing I even had it. I also keep trying.


Hello. I think we all push ourselves too hard. Most of us are ‘mature’ and as such have age related limitations which we must acknowledge. Add to this our HOCM we are undoubtedly going to be tired after trying to do our long list of jobs. Be kind to yourself and know when your body is saying ‘slow down there, my friend’


I prayed and asked God to please stop everything as I had so much to do being it is Saturday. I just wasn't in the position at the time to go to the ER. As soon as I prayed, all the symptoms stopped and I have had no symptoms since. I won't take it lightly however. If this happens tomorrow, I will definitely go to the hospital. I live by myself and I did not want to drive myself or pay for an ambulance ride. My boyfriend was at the church Men's Breakfast and his phone was off. Anyway, God answered my prayer and gave me a reprieve for now. I just get so frustrated with it! It is so unpredictable. One day nothing and the next day I can't do anything but stay sitting. It is the craziest ailment I have ever dealt with.

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I'm glad to hear you are doing better @freedancer69.
You got some good advice and feedback from other members and @colleenyoung , and God heard your prayer.
It is also a important to listen to your body, and when you feel tired and out of sorts, don't push to get things done. On the days you fee like you don't even have HCM, use that time to get things done! I hear you about this being such a weird disease. You just never know what each day will be like and it is frustrating for sure.
Hopefully, if this type of episode happens again, you will be in a better place to not have to make such difficult decisions...you will either call your doctor right away or head to ER.
I am happy to hear you won't take it lightly next time...God is looking out for you!


The heat and humidity takes its toll on everyone, especially us HCM patients. I found I must limit outdoor physical activities, walking at the mall or on a gym treadmill instead. Stay well hydrated. Even with A/C, the humidity levels are higher and that may be contributing to the breathing difficulties and fatigue.


I do not know where you live but for me, the heat makes a huge difference. Wipes me out.


I live in the Nevada desert and this summer I have thanked my lucky stars for my solar panels which fortunately were installed for no installation fee. Temperatures this summer for the last few weeks have stayed between 120 and 109 degrees during the day, Now I pay a set very reasonable monthly fee for the panels and a nominal monthly power bill. But it allows me to keep the temperature at 75 degrees, which is about as high as I can tolerate. I feel that is not only saving my life but also allowing me to have a reasonable quality of life, I still have to pace myself and stay hydrated, but I feel so lucky. I am 84. And had my surgery 4 1/2 years ago. It isn’t easy but I keep trying and it is worth it.

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