Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and IVIG Treatment?*

Posted by michaelpaul @michaelpaul, May 5, 2017

Has anyone been recommended IVIG treatment for Hashimoto's thyroiditis? I have found plenty of references for IVIG therapy for Hashimoto's encephalopathy, but not for thyroiditis alone. Thanks in advance for any comments.

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Thanks for the info John but if surgery removes the thyroid then you have to
go on meds anyway for the rest of your life to replace not having the hormones.
I don't understand any benefits.


Hashimoto thyroiditis diagnosed a year ago. No known morbidity.
On eltroxin but TSH is zero with marginally high active hormones.
Antithyroid globulins very high and relentlessly rising.
Patient feels contantly tired.
Any tips on management? Do steroids play any role esp on background of of rising antithyroids?

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Msinvula, You can read my previous post regarding my journey with Hashimoto's. I will tell you IV therapy has been a great therapy for me. I have been doing an immune IV followed up with a glutithione IV. This has made my antibodies lower significantly. Find a functional/integrated medicine doctor or nurse practitioner that will test all your thyroid numbers, vitamins and minerals, your hormones, it is all connected. Get your vitamin D number up and read about Amino acids because they make a difference. Glutithione turns into a tripeptide that turns into Amino acids that do wonders for you and that is only one there are several that help. I also have been taking a lipo injection, not for weight loss but for the l-caritine, great for boosting energy. I hope this helps, it's a journey, read and try things for yourself, you have to advocate for yourself. Best wishes.


A comment on surgery to remove thyroid, avoid it at all cost, unless it is life threatened, like a thyroid storm. There are too many alternatives that work which one should try before surgery. Our thyroid effects every cell in our body, we need to do whatever we can to heal it to the best of our ability.


Thanks for the info John but if surgery removes the thyroid then you have to
go on meds anyway for the rest of your life to replace not having the hormones.
I don't understand any benefits.

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@darlia @kjo1 I also have Hashimotos and I see a functional medicine doctor for this. He is against destroying the thyroid. He prescribes desiccated pig thyroid hormones because a lot of patients cannot convert the individual hormones in the synthetic prescriptions, and he tests for all of them, T3, T4 reverse T3, etc. The natural pig version prescriptions like Armour and Nature Throid have all the components in them, and many patients only feel better taking them. I would recommend trying this first.

My doctor told me that the mercury leaching out of my old silver amalgam fillings was affecting my thyroid because it is toxic and located in close proximity to the thyroid. At that time, every time I ate, I had a sore throat later and my blood tests could not record the level of antibodies against my thyroid because it was off the charts. The action of chewing and abrasion on an old silver dental filling causes the mercury vapor to escape. I even tested that theory by using a blender and not chewing my food, and my throat didn't hurt after that. My doctor advised me to have all the fillings removed and replaced with safer alternatives and I did that with a biological dentist. Then, my levels of antibodies were low on my blood tests and I no longer got a sore throat from chewing. Since then, my thyroid has improved and I was able to lower my dose of Nature Throid. It can fluctuate. After a period of time, I had to raise the dose again, but not as high as the original dose of hormones when I started with all of this.

The glutathione that kjo1 mentioned is a master antioxidant in the body for detoxification, and it makes sense that detoxing can improve thyroid function. Magnesium and Vitamin D also help with this. Detoxing has worked for me too with removal of the mercury. I also have some old root canals in my teeth and have had some problems. That happened because of trauma when I broke my teeth as a kid. According to my dentist, the material placed in a tooth with a root canal contains cadmium, a heavy metal. The bacteria is still inside the tooth and can eventually over time be released through the root into the jaw bone. That has happened to me too, and an oral surgeon cleaned out the infection in the bone. I still have the teeth with the root canals and they are probably affecting my thyroid function too.


Hello @michaelpaul, welcome to Connect.

I would like to invite @rwgiroux and @bburleson1 who have received IVIG treatment, although for a different disorder, but may be able to give some insight to the treatment itself.

I would also like to invite @crystalgal, @kyjeanne, @taterjoy, @michellecrcrn, @dogmamat, @sebley12, @jillnc, @taffmorello, to this discussion as they have all been diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and may be able to answer your question on whether or not they have been offered IVIG treatment.

@michaelpaul, has your medical provider suggested IVIG treatment to you? If you don't mind sharing, what are your concerns regarding this treatment?

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I have Hashi's too. But where is the research to back up this treatment?


Thanks for the helpful info. I'll show my endocrinologist.


@darlia @kjo1 I also have Hashimotos and I see a functional medicine doctor for this. He is against destroying the thyroid. He prescribes desiccated pig thyroid hormones because a lot of patients cannot convert the individual hormones in the synthetic prescriptions, and he tests for all of them, T3, T4 reverse T3, etc. The natural pig version prescriptions like Armour and Nature Throid have all the components in them, and many patients only feel better taking them. I would recommend trying this first.

My doctor told me that the mercury leaching out of my old silver amalgam fillings was affecting my thyroid because it is toxic and located in close proximity to the thyroid. At that time, every time I ate, I had a sore throat later and my blood tests could not record the level of antibodies against my thyroid because it was off the charts. The action of chewing and abrasion on an old silver dental filling causes the mercury vapor to escape. I even tested that theory by using a blender and not chewing my food, and my throat didn't hurt after that. My doctor advised me to have all the fillings removed and replaced with safer alternatives and I did that with a biological dentist. Then, my levels of antibodies were low on my blood tests and I no longer got a sore throat from chewing. Since then, my thyroid has improved and I was able to lower my dose of Nature Throid. It can fluctuate. After a period of time, I had to raise the dose again, but not as high as the original dose of hormones when I started with all of this.

The glutathione that kjo1 mentioned is a master antioxidant in the body for detoxification, and it makes sense that detoxing can improve thyroid function. Magnesium and Vitamin D also help with this. Detoxing has worked for me too with removal of the mercury. I also have some old root canals in my teeth and have had some problems. That happened because of trauma when I broke my teeth as a kid. According to my dentist, the material placed in a tooth with a root canal contains cadmium, a heavy metal. The bacteria is still inside the tooth and can eventually over time be released through the root into the jaw bone. That has happened to me too, and an oral surgeon cleaned out the infection in the bone. I still have the teeth with the root canals and they are probably affecting my thyroid function too.

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Hello Jeniffer, John suggested I reply to you. I had a hot nodule in 1995, most of my thyroid was removed, I am Hypo. Hashimoto's, chronic severe urticaria, in remission now. I had oral lichen "planus" not sure of spelling. I have Adhesive Arachnoiditis, research showed it effects the immune system. Dr. told me I should never have had my thyroid removed, she was right there was a change in me. Other than the hives and lichen p. I have no idea how else Hashimoto's has effected me?


Hello @michaelpaul, welcome to Connect.

I would like to invite @rwgiroux and @bburleson1 who have received IVIG treatment, although for a different disorder, but may be able to give some insight to the treatment itself.

I would also like to invite @crystalgal, @kyjeanne, @taterjoy, @michellecrcrn, @dogmamat, @sebley12, @jillnc, @taffmorello, to this discussion as they have all been diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and may be able to answer your question on whether or not they have been offered IVIG treatment.

@michaelpaul, has your medical provider suggested IVIG treatment to you? If you don't mind sharing, what are your concerns regarding this treatment?

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Can you explain more about IVIG. I have Hashi's


Can you explain more about IVIG. I have Hashi's

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Hello, @rarelybees2889 If you scroll further down this page to the discussion by @johnbishop , you will find some articles that talk about Hashimoto disease. When we’re you diagnosed with Hashimoto? Is there anything about IVIG that bothers you? Some people on this discussion have Hashimoto and hopefully, they will chime in. Let me tag @michaelpaul , @kjo1 and @msinvula and @darlia


Can you explain more about IVIG. I have Hashi's

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Hi @rarelybees2889 -- Here is the earlier post I made that Becky @becsbuddy mentioned may help answer your questions.

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