Has anyone tried the Lifewave X39 Patch for Neuropathy?

Posted by golfgame @golfgame, Dec 29, 2023

Having recently learned of the Lifewave patch system, I wonder if anyone has tried that in the battle of Neuropathy.

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I'd say that is amazing!


Not familiar with this product. More info @ ???
Thanks for sharing.
Donna Lagasse


Not familiar with this product. More info @ ???
Thanks for sharing.
Donna Lagasse

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There is an earlier post in this discussion on the X39 patch with a link for more information - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/988093/


I just joined Lifewave because I saw a lot of people having good experiences. I started using on my husband X39 and Y-Aeon patches because he suffer of low back pain and on his foot. Medications didn't work (any medication, including shots) for his foot pain. He told me after 3 days using the patches his back pain is better and he only feel sometimes pain in his foot. So far, he is improving.

I was having issues with my mobility in my right arm. I have a bump on my sternoclavicular joint and I used Y-aeon and in my second day I would say I was able to feel less pain and my muscle is not tight.

I am not sure what exactly is going on but is working. I am not sure if I should be trying to sell the product. I can keep you updated because I think this info between all of us is helping.

The company don't allow us to post pictures and the name of the patches in social media. That was weird for me and I just found this and I want more scientific evidence if possible.


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