Has anyone tried the Lifewave X39 Patch for Neuropathy?

Posted by golfgame @golfgame, Dec 29, 2023

Having recently learned of the Lifewave patch system, I wonder if anyone has tried that in the battle of Neuropathy.

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I wanted to report back on my neuropathy symptoms. I have since learned that I have pernicious anemia which is why I have neuropathy. I am administering 3ml shots of methylcobalamin daily and the symptoms have started to abate. I still have it but it isn't the unbelievable burning pain I was having.

I learned this because I went on vacation and while gone, I was wearing b12 patches. When I returned, my feet were on fire. I went to a clinic and received a b12 injection. I went the next day and asked for another one. The nurse there was willing to give it to me but stated that I couldn't get more than 2 in a week. After much study and my symptoms of light headedness, extremely cold hands and feet, cold intolerance (I live in Texas and its 90 degrees and I'm wearing a sweatshirt in the house), unexplained weight loss (I've lost 20 lbs in year), I researched and found a site in the UK that explained what my symptoms could be stemming from. I do have gastric issues and do not retain b12 through diet or by mouth with tablets.

I am continuing to wear the X39 patch because I have encountered many other benefits, better sleep, the crepey skin on my arms is gone etc, but it hasn't benefitted me like daily small dose b12 shots. I purchased shots at a b12 store and am converting them from 1MG dose shots into 3 smaller dose shots of 3ml. I will report back when I have been doing this for 90 days as that is how long it takes for red blood cells to regenerate.

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1. Tell us pls, where you are applying the x39 patch.
2. Are you using two at a time?
3. How long before you started seeing any positive results?

I started them but I am not using them now.


Hi, I have a neurofibroma nerve sheath tumor in my T1 C8 nerve root, causing a lot of discomfort. However, I've started using the x39 patch about 30 days ago, including the Aging, skin, and pain patches. I opted for the Diamond package and have seen remarkable improvement. My skin, pain, sleep, and overall wellness have all improved. I'm hopeful to seek an opinion from the Mayo Clinic on my scan results, but being in Canada, it's not easy. In the meantime, I'm choosing to forego radiation treatment for the moment, and continue with the patches long-term. So far, I have nothing but positive things to say about them. I hope that helps.


1. Tell us pls, where you are applying the x39 patch.
2. Are you using two at a time?
3. How long before you started seeing any positive results?

I started them but I am not using them now.

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I am applying the X39 at the base of my neck. I bend my head forward and place it where the bend ends. I use one patch and wear it 12 hours.
I use the Aeon patch at night. I place it 2 inches below my navel.
I started these patches on April 17. I noticed the crepiness in my arms disappeared after about 8 weeks (which blows me away because I was so self-conscious about my arms).

My husband had debilitating lower back pain. It's hard to watch someone in so much pain. We went to a spine surgeon who did an MRI and said his lower back was trashed and recommended him for steroid injections. He has Parkinson's so isn't a candidate for surgery. We had trouble with insurance so the shots were delayed. I decided to try these patches. I place the Aeon patch at the base of his lower spine. Within a few weeks, his back pain disappeared. We never did the injections.

Look, I realize it's an MLM and I'm not selling it. But there is something legitimate here. My husband showed me he can touch his toes when before he could hardly move.

I think you have to commit to use them consistently for a period of time and see what happens. I'm 62 so I'm going to stick with it for 6 months. They say one month for each decade. Hope this helps.


A year ago my physician told me I was extremely deficient in B12 and I foolishly didn’t address it. At that time I noticed some cramping on my left foot especially in the toes. It was intermittent so I didn’t pay much attention to it. It happened primarily when I was driving.

I started to experiencing burning in my left foot and tingling in my right hand in February. When I googled those symptoms I realized I needed B12 And saw my physician. I’m very thin and he felt as though perhaps I don’t metabolize an oral type of B12 well. So I started getting IM shots and noticed some relief but it was temporary. Went to my PCP and she prescribed gabapentin. It makes me loopy so I don’t take it.

A colleague asked me about Lifewave and it sounded like hooey to me so I didn’t do anything. The burning subsists. I’ve tried epsom salt soaking, topical analgesics (still do) but I’m desperate because my husband and mother have debilitating neuropathy and I’ll do anything to prevent it from getting worse. So I bit the bullet and started Lifewave. I’m definitely experience something but still have burning. My toes have stopped curling so I’m hopeful that is a sign. My sense is this takes a minute so I will happily report back when I have been on the patches for 1 month.

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My daughter-in-law has severe neuropathy related to her breast cancer diagnosis 10 years ago. Thankfully, she's cancer-free but not neuropathy-free. At my urging, she recently tried LifeWave and reported that after the very first night, she reported noticing an immediate lessening of her pain level. She's excited to continue incorporating the patch and is now a 'true believer'!


My daughter-in-law has severe neuropathy related to her breast cancer diagnosis 10 years ago. Thankfully, she's cancer-free but not neuropathy-free. At my urging, she recently tried LifeWave and reported that after the very first night, she reported noticing an immediate lessening of her pain level. She's excited to continue incorporating the patch and is now a 'true believer'!

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Which patch or patches is she using?


I started wearing my X39 patch in May and I can say my siatic nerve problem is gone in a weeks time, i know people not gonna believe it, but i advise you to try it. My skin is clearer and tighter, also a lymph node i had under my right arm for 2 years since covid is desolving. I honestly can say I wake up with no pain.


Which patch or patches is she using?

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X39 patch


My mother was able to stop the tingling on her foot by placing x-49 on the bottom of her foot. X-39 didn't work as well as X-49.


How long did that take to stop the tingling?


How long did that take to stop the tingling?

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As soon as she put the patch where her issue is, it was gone.

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