Has anyone tried the Lifewave X39 Patch for Neuropathy?

Posted by golfgame @golfgame, Dec 29, 2023

Having recently learned of the Lifewave patch system, I wonder if anyone has tried that in the battle of Neuropathy.

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A year ago my physician told me I was extremely deficient in B12 and I foolishly didn’t address it. At that time I noticed some cramping on my left foot especially in the toes. It was intermittent so I didn’t pay much attention to it. It happened primarily when I was driving.

I started to experiencing burning in my left foot and tingling in my right hand in February. When I googled those symptoms I realized I needed B12 And saw my physician. I’m very thin and he felt as though perhaps I don’t metabolize an oral type of B12 well. So I started getting IM shots and noticed some relief but it was temporary. Went to my PCP and she prescribed gabapentin. It makes me loopy so I don’t take it.

A colleague asked me about Lifewave and it sounded like hooey to me so I didn’t do anything. The burning subsists. I’ve tried epsom salt soaking, topical analgesics (still do) but I’m desperate because my husband and mother have debilitating neuropathy and I’ll do anything to prevent it from getting worse. So I bit the bullet and started Lifewave. I’m definitely experience something but still have burning. My toes have stopped curling so I’m hopeful that is a sign. My sense is this takes a minute so I will happily report back when I have been on the patches for 1 month.

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Are your doctors monitoring your B12 levels? Just wondering if it’s still a problem of having B12 deficiency.


Yes. I see an endocrinologist. Had blood work done and will recheck in august. Getting weekly shots so the labs show a massive amount of B12.

I should also mention I’ve had my first bout of Raynaud’s this year. So when my feet are cold, it’s super bothersome. That’s why I soak in Epsom salt and warm water. The burning started late March. I don’t have numbness just a burning sensation in the ball of my left foot primarily and the arch of my right foot. I have slight numbness in my right hand but I don’t do anything repetitively to have Carpel Tunnel.

As an aside, my husband has advanced Parkinsons and debilitating lower back pain. Saw a spine surgeon, got an MRI (he’s a wreck), went to PT and the pain worsened. Went to the spine surgeon on april 17th and was referred for pain injections. Because of pesky insurance, we had to wait so I started patching him with X39 at the base of his neck during the day and the Aeon patch at night (I place it at the base of his spine). He goes along with anything I try because I’m his care partner so he’s trusts I won’t do anything to hurt him. His lower back pain vanished. I’m stunned. So is he.

We’ve put off the injections for now…..his face isn’t as gaunt. He’s much more mobile. I’m a skeptic by nature but I can’t deny he’s changed since we started this.

There is seriously a detox with this. I was light headed and felt vacant so I started drinking tons of water with a pinch of Himalayan sea salt and while I’m still experiencing some symptoms they have diminished. It’s still early at just 9 days in.

I’m not selling this stuff (I was turned off by the MLM nature of it). Seeing my husband be more mobile and expressive gives me hope.


Welcome @bebp12, Unfortunately I'm not sure @cjlangaz is still following Connect since they only posted the one time on Jan 1st and have not returned or responded to other posts.

Did you see my earlier post in this discussion on the X39 patch? - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/988093/

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Yes, I did. I'm about to cut contact with the person. I read the LinkedIn article and did some research on the NIH website. Thank you!


Lifeway has been around for over 10 years. A research study showed that there was no difference in relief from those who got a placebo. A scam? I leave it to you.


@golfgame - I wasn't able to find any peer reviewed information studies on using Lifewave X39 for neuropathy using Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/). Most of the information on the product is provided by the company which is kind of a red flag for me. You might want to check out this article on the topic.
--- LifeWave X39 stem cell patch story has holes: https://ipscell.com/2023/02/lifewave-x39-stem-cell-patch-story-has-holes/.

I did a search of Connect and found one post in another discussion from a member on the product but I don't believe it was being used for neuropathy symptoms - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/829696/.

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I just got off the phone with an X39 seller. I explained to her why I wasn't buying it. She is very nice, so we ended up talking for a while about what I am doing to deal with pain, but X39 won't be one of those things for the reasons that you cited. I suggested they do a peer-reviewed study that proves their points with a larger sample size. I will try dang near anything at this point, but there was nothing concrete to back up the claims for me.


I have just come across this x39 patch myself and have been wondering the same, found some studies on it, but they are all small samples 40 or less people. Studies have been performed by the company, which can be bias.

So, I have just purchased this patch from Amazon, I guess is the easiest way to try since Amazon is great about returns. when products do not live up to their expectations.

Background on me 37 years old female, 155lbs 5'2" I had a laminectony/ disectomy on the L4-L5 in 2017 since I had suffer from a drop foot, radiating pain to lower extremities, and pain on lower back, hip, knee and foot. My main issue is the lower back pain. I have flare ups that are so bad I can't move or do much and honestly is freaking mentally & emotionally exhausting!!!

I am giving this a try and will check back with you guys when I have some findings.

For other that have similar issues to me I have tried things that have helped me, just thought I would mentioned them in case someone can benefit from those.
-PEMF I used a guy that is in Claremont CA IG: @ASBTheraphy he knows he stuff highly recommended if your in the area if not look for one in your area I believe you can find a provider by going to electronsplus.com/providers
-PT therapy and trust me after having been to many PT therapist not all are created equal, you really want to focus on someone that deals with body mechanics. I found this guy IG: YourSpinDoctor, he really helped find out parts of my body that I wasn't even aware that were weak and helped me improve my life. they do have dr. i. some states not all , but I'd you can't find someone in their network look for someone that works with body mechanics I believe is the term
-also some stuff I to consider is supplement. I started taking magnesium threonate, L-theanine, and potassium citrate . Obviously this is not medical advise, just sharing some things that helped me along my journey but please do your due diligence before using.

I am also looking into exosome stem cells. a lot more pricier so I am trying this before giving that a shot, but incase some of you have info on that, it would be much appreciated.

I should receive the patch Thu May 16, will update my findings.


I would like to hear any results that have helped you.
Thank you for your time.

Nancy Newman

Have you tried Mayo?


I would like to hear any results that have helped you.
Thank you for your time.

Nancy Newman

Have you tried Mayo?

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for sharing your experience. This is a great place to find what is working or not working for others.


I would like to hear any results that have helped you.
Thank you for your time.

Nancy Newman

Have you tried Mayo?

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Hi Nancy @nupenini, You will notice that we removed your email address to protect your privacy since Connect is a public forum available to anyone with Internet access. Members can share personal contact information using the private message feature of Connect. See the Help Center for more information - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/help-center/.

I wasn't sure who you were asking for results that have helped. When you use the Post Comment box at the bottom of the discussion without adding a member name (@xxxxxx), your question is asking everyone in the discussion which is OK if that is what you meant to do. If you click the Reply button directly under a person's post, they will receive an email notification automatically. When you add their member name to a post, they will also receive an email notification from you.

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