Has Anyone taking Camzyos Experienced Higher Blood Pressure Readings?

Posted by Chiaska @bestseller2025, May 25 8:51am

I had been on Carvedilol for 4 years before starting Camzyos about a month ago. My fatigue issues have lessened significantly and now I can exercise and have a more fulfilling lifestyle in general. But, I am experiencing high blood pressure with Camzyos, and according to my regular doctor that is because Carvedilol lowered my blood pressure. Has anyone else dealt with this issue and if so, what has your cardiologist suggested? I would appreciate knowing what others have been advised. Thank you for any feedback. Debra

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Yes, I have high blood pressure. They had to put me on another med due to the increase of a stable blood pressure readings BEFORE starting CAMzyos. The pharmacist indicates this has been a side effect and takes time to regulate it with meds back to normal. How they explained it to me is the blood flow through the heart is going through normally which can increase blood pressure or any other conditions that may of been lurking before taking the drug.


I take Camzyos and my regular blood pressure medication, Candesartan and a calcium channel blocker. The blood pressure fluctuates wildly and it has taken a while to get the dosage correct. My cardiologist has said nothing about taking me off either of those. I suspect that they all have a different function.


I've been on a calcium channel blocker for ... years (and still am). My BP went up slightly when I first went on 5mg Camzyos, and then up again slightly when I went up to 10mg. I was prescribed Losartan in addition in addition to the calcium channel blocker, and BP numbers have come back down to about the same as my pre-Camzyos values. For me, it's a small price to pay. Camzyos completely took away 17 years of progressively worsening symptoms. If I have to take another med to keep BP in check - bring it on! Your mileage may vary.


Yes, I have high blood pressure. They had to put me on another med due to the increase of a stable blood pressure readings BEFORE starting CAMzyos. The pharmacist indicates this has been a side effect and takes time to regulate it with meds back to normal. How they explained it to me is the blood flow through the heart is going through normally which can increase blood pressure or any other conditions that may of been lurking before taking the drug.

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Hi mspope...I really appreciate your comment and I would like to know what med your cardiologist recommended? And how many mg of Camzyos are you taking and how long have you been on Camzyos? Thank you so much! Debra


I take Camzyos and my regular blood pressure medication, Candesartan and a calcium channel blocker. The blood pressure fluctuates wildly and it has taken a while to get the dosage correct. My cardiologist has said nothing about taking me off either of those. I suspect that they all have a different function.

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Thank you Susan for your reply. What mg amount of Camzyos are you taking? How long have you been taking it? Has your lifestyle improved? Debra


I've been on a calcium channel blocker for ... years (and still am). My BP went up slightly when I first went on 5mg Camzyos, and then up again slightly when I went up to 10mg. I was prescribed Losartan in addition in addition to the calcium channel blocker, and BP numbers have come back down to about the same as my pre-Camzyos values. For me, it's a small price to pay. Camzyos completely took away 17 years of progressively worsening symptoms. If I have to take another med to keep BP in check - bring it on! Your mileage may vary.

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I love your sense of humor...."bring it on!" Thank you so much for all the info you shared with me. I will investigate your meds with my doctor. I have only been on Camzyos for just over a month. I was on 5mg. Now 1 day ago, I started 10 mg. My doctor said that we should wait a bit before he places me on a med for my BP. I also have long COVID, so I still don't know where my fatigue originated...with HCM or long COVID or maybe a combo of both. In any event, I am just grateful to have my energy back. It hasn't helped my brain fog though! 🤫 Debra


Thank you Susan for your reply. What mg amount of Camzyos are you taking? How long have you been taking it? Has your lifestyle improved? Debra

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I’ve been on Camzyos since November 2023 My blood pressure is a concern of mine because it’s up to 170 some evenings. I take 32 mg of Candesartan. I started in May 2023 on 8 mg and have increased the dosage myself (doctor says I can go to 32 where I am now.) I find that I get exhausted easily and I could sleep 12 hours a night! All the best, fellow travellers


I’ve been on Camzyos since November 2023 My blood pressure is a concern of mine because it’s up to 170 some evenings. I take 32 mg of Candesartan. I started in May 2023 on 8 mg and have increased the dosage myself (doctor says I can go to 32 where I am now.) I find that I get exhausted easily and I could sleep 12 hours a night! All the best, fellow travellers

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I control my high blood pressure as follows (150 mg metoprolol plus 40 mg Benicar are not enough to control my blood pressure):
I have been now 9 weeks on Camzyos 5 mg once a day. My septum thickness has reduced from 2.2 cm to 1.4 cm.
I lost 20 pounds by eating half of the large amounts of food I used to eat.
I changed my diet for more fruit and vegetables.
I take 2 miles walk every single day even after having foot surgery (walking slow).
I eat only 3 times a day, no snacks anymore.
I eliminated all the salt from my food. I do not eat any process food anymore for it has a lot of sodium that raises my blood pressure.
Eggs in my breakfast I eat only 2 eggs instead of 4 I used to eat and I do eat only the white eggs. Notice the eggs by itself no matter how fresh they are they have already salt (sodium that raises the blood pressure).
I quit my stressful job. I avoid stress as much as I can.

The results are: my blood pressure with medicine listed above used to be in the range of 150/95 to 135/85.

With all the changes I made in my life noted above (eliminating the salt/sodium from my food), now my blood pressure is in the range of 130/80.

I hope that helps you and you have good control of your blood pressure.

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