Has anyone taken Remeron?

Posted by h622467 @h622467, Jun 6 8:55am

My brother has terminal cancer and had lost a lot of weight. His doctor prescribed Remeron and not only is his anxiety gone but he’s gained 20 pounds. Would love to hear other experiences. I have lung disease and have absolutely no appetite so I’ve lost 20 pounds that I couldn’t afford to lose. It may be my mental state, and not my lung disease, that caused the loss of appetite. Trying to get more information. Right now I’m trying Lexapro but it’s too early to tell if it’ll help. Thank you.

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. I was prescribed Remeron following
A cancer diagnosis. It really helps anxiety and appetite.


For me it did not work at all.

In reply to @h622467 "Okay. Thx." + (show)

Okay. Thx.

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I take 7.5 mg mainly for sleep. Works for me.


I take it 7.5 still have some trouble staying asleep, tried Togo off of it had terrible anxiety it wasn’t worth it went back on better now.


Thanks for your response. I think I’ll give the Lexapro a little longer. Haven’t been on it long enough yet.


Lexapro helped me more than Remeron - which did nothing. I took Lexapro for almost two years and then went off it. It helped with depression and anxiety during that time.


Good to know. I’ve only been on Lexapro for a month so will give it another month before I try something else. Some days I think it’s starting to kick in. Really need some relief from this terrible depression. Have no motivation or energy at all.

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