Anyone had a successful experience w/ Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center?

Posted by swimbikerun @swimbikerun, Mar 17, 2022

Just wondering if anyone has had success with the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center program? That seems to be the direction my dr's are moving in but there are aspects of it that give me pause. For instance, the idea of discontinuation of pain meds. The strongest meds I'm on is Tylenol so a focus on this would not be very beneficial for me.

If anyone can share their experiences positive or negative with the 3 week rehab program I would greatly appreciate it. Also, is Mayo the only/best option? It requires travel for me with 3 weeks of hotel/etc expenses so would nice if there were other options closer to home.

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@swimbikerun I came across this link that offers an accurate birds eye view into Mayo's pain rehabilitation program. Being a PRC graduate, I can attest that I think you will find it quite helpful.

Please let me know what you think. Thanks.


I am signed up for the PRC in Phoenix in May but wondering what of the costs are NOT covered by insurance? I will have to stay in an AirBnB or similar, so that is a huge financial commitment. I believe it will be worth it though.


I am signed up for the PRC in Phoenix in May but wondering what of the costs are NOT covered by insurance? I will have to stay in an AirBnB or similar, so that is a huge financial commitment. I believe it will be worth it though.

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Hello @4corazon - This is fantastic news! How have your plans worked out for accommodations and cost that insurance may not have covered?

I sure hope you are still going because I can verify that the program is definitely worth while. How are you feeling about going, as May soon approaches?


I was sent to the rehab. Meanwhile, I’m not on opiates just Advil they do not diagnose there. My hip was popping and clicking. I was told they do not diagnose or refer you to another doctor if they find something. All the things they were going to teach me. I already do the thing I was worried about was my leg giving out and I’m falling so I didn’t find it helpful at all.So


I was sent to the rehab. Meanwhile, I’m not on opiates just Advil they do not diagnose there. My hip was popping and clicking. I was told they do not diagnose or refer you to another doctor if they find something. All the things they were going to teach me. I already do the thing I was worried about was my leg giving out and I’m falling so I didn’t find it helpful at all.So

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Hi there, @harpas7, welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing your experience with being sent to the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilition Center. I'm so sorry to learn that your visit was not successful. Did you begin the 3-week program, or had you decided it wasn't for you during the interview process? I'm curious who recommended you try the PRC? How unfortunate because it is a wonderful program that has helped turn many lives around, including mine. Do you mind sharing more about your health journey and overall symptoms?


PRC at Mayo JAX was the best thing that ever happened. It's more than pain or chronic symptom management; it's life management. At 67, I now have the tools to live my happiest and healthiest life despite an untreatable diagnosis. Prior to the clinic, I was totally deconditioned after months in bed and wondered if I could do anything in the gym or get through an 8 hour day. But the PRC team delivered for me having assured me they would make it possible. I kicked butt in the gym despite lung issues 🙂 , learned new ways of doing everything from vacuuming to problem solving to even forgiving. If anyone has a chronic condition of any kind, do not miss going! Find a way. Medicare pays for the class, and I was so desperate for help, I swallowed my pride and did a Go Fund Me for travel and lodging expenses. I wish every single person could go through this program in high school; I think had I been equipped with the knowledge and techniques I learned a couple of months ago, it's possible I would never have needed to go. True statement.


I am signed up for the PRC in Phoenix in May but wondering what of the costs are NOT covered by insurance? I will have to stay in an AirBnB or similar, so that is a huge financial commitment. I believe it will be worth it though.

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You can see my longer comment, but GO and don't look back. You might check The Casa in Paradise Valley for an affordable place to stay. It's a Franciscan Renewal Center that is quite lovely and there are meals. You aren't obligated to participate in any of the religious aspects. If you explain why you need accomodations, they might discount beyond their rates which are reasonable for the area. Paradise Valley abuts Scottsdale where Mayo Clinic AZ is. Best of luck to you as you get ready to begin your best life 🙂


Hi there, @harpas7, welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing your experience with being sent to the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilition Center. I'm so sorry to learn that your visit was not successful. Did you begin the 3-week program, or had you decided it wasn't for you during the interview process? I'm curious who recommended you try the PRC? How unfortunate because it is a wonderful program that has helped turn many lives around, including mine. Do you mind sharing more about your health journey and overall symptoms?

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I did go for the first appointment. But like I said, I’ve been dealing with the pain on my own for years. The reason I was sent there was because I was in arbitration with another doctor not from Mayo. I did have orthoscopy surgery done on March 10 and it’s amazing I can see why people would need this pain management service but it was not for me. I feel great now and I wasn’t on pain medicine. at any time because I refused it because I knew there was a fix but because of my situation they could not help me because of hospital policy. I am no longer in arbitration hip feels great and thank you for at least trying to help me.


I did go for the first appointment. But like I said, I’ve been dealing with the pain on my own for years. The reason I was sent there was because I was in arbitration with another doctor not from Mayo. I did have orthoscopy surgery done on March 10 and it’s amazing I can see why people would need this pain management service but it was not for me. I feel great now and I wasn’t on pain medicine. at any time because I refused it because I knew there was a fix but because of my situation they could not help me because of hospital policy. I am no longer in arbitration hip feels great and thank you for at least trying to help me.

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Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining. Yes, many people do benefit from the Mayo pain rehabilitation program (including me) but, PRC wasn't the right fit for your situation. It sounds like you are doing wonderfully, and that orthoscopy did the trick for your hip! You must be very pleased.

I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at in your x-rays, but will assume it's before and after results. 👍🏼

May I ask how you learned about Connect? Did you join as a patient, caregiver or both?


Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining. Yes, many people do benefit from the Mayo pain rehabilitation program (including me) but, PRC wasn't the right fit for your situation. It sounds like you are doing wonderfully, and that orthoscopy did the trick for your hip! You must be very pleased.

I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at in your x-rays, but will assume it's before and after results. 👍🏼

May I ask how you learned about Connect? Did you join as a patient, caregiver or both?

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I am a patient and a care giver for my wife and in-laws I put the arthroscopy pictures up because actually it was an easy procedure that I suffered six years with, and it was an easy fix

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