Has anyone heard of Covid affecting the liver?

Posted by tracyblethen @tracyblethen, Oct 7, 2023

I got sick March 12, 2020. Since then I’ve been diagnosed with RA, spondyloarthritis, and IGG4. I developed a food allergy to pork and fish that has progressively gotten worse. When I eat food that has touched pork in any way I get diarrhea and massive blood in my stool. I got fish contamination from a beef bowl at a Korean restaurant and my ALT was 657 and my AST was 391. It went back down but no tests have shown cause. Now when I feel like it’s Russian roulette to eat and I have spent thousands with no answer. I have been through retuxan treatments and have only had rheumatologist find anything at all. Gastroenterologist found nothing and has moved on to lucrative patients and now my liver is acting up. It feels like I’m unable to control my pH and if I eat food my body doesn’t like now, my pH changes and I’ll get vaginal discharge that burns my legs and my liver gets hard. I see an allergist on Tuesday. I need help and no one seems to know how to help me. My gall bladder is fine. Colonoscopy showed nothing. Before my liver reacted I kept being told I was making it all up and to go see a psychiatrist. I’m tired of being gaslit and I don’t know what to do. I’m terrified and the hell never stops. I can barely walk now arthritis is so bad, I can’t be intimate with my husband anymore and I’m terrified to eat. Anything that could give me hope would be appreciated. I’m broken from this. Included are initial liver tests and tests from a week later. My chloride will also be bad randomly.

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Hello!Every blood test they run I have had really elevated numbers for the liver.I can barely walk as well due to the loss of strength in the trunk of my body.My arms and legs are still strong though.My Belly is big and it was never big before.My GI can't find a thing besides horrible constipation.I have had so many other tests and scans run and they can barely find a thing.A few minor things with the spine and neck.Low vitamin B6,vitamin B12 and iron.I also had high Epsten Barr titters.I was doing research and Epstein Barr can be reactivated by Covid and it can affect the liver.You should have them check for it next time you have blood work.An antiviral and diet might work to heal you.I was speaking to My doctor and he was saying the problem with Covid is that it hides from conventional tests and they will never find a thing.I have so many symptoms and they just can't find much.They also don't know how long it lingers in the body for.You might want to see a Functional Doctor. They are use to seeing really rare cases and they always look outside of the box.They are also very familiar with epstein barr.Before I was diagnosed with Hashimitos Disease the only thing they could find was high epstein barr titters as well.The doctors had no idea what was wrong with me.


Hi tracyblethen. @j77 has described this to a tee for so many. There are also many who have posted improvement so hopefully this gives you the light at end of tunnel to maneuver everchanging symptoms that seem to lessen and resolve with time and the individual measures you find helpful for your bodies healing needs. We’re all here for you and past posts to glean so much helpful info. 🌈


Bless you. I will say this....my bloodwork was all over the place after having Covid last year. It sounds like you have a lot of inflammation. I am not sure about your liver levels, BUT, Alkaline Phosphatase can be elevated from being overweight (fatty liver) or from inflammation in the body. My Alkaline Phosphatase is within normal range when I lose weight and goes back up when I gain weight. Have you had an ultrasound done of your liver? Praying for you right now. Blessings & Hugs...


Bless you. I will say this....my bloodwork was all over the place after having Covid last year. It sounds like you have a lot of inflammation. I am not sure about your liver levels, BUT, Alkaline Phosphatase can be elevated from being overweight (fatty liver) or from inflammation in the body. My Alkaline Phosphatase is within normal range when I lose weight and goes back up when I gain weight. Have you had an ultrasound done of your liver? Praying for you right now. Blessings & Hugs...

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What will an ultrasound of the liver do/show?


Bless you. I will say this....my bloodwork was all over the place after having Covid last year. It sounds like you have a lot of inflammation. I am not sure about your liver levels, BUT, Alkaline Phosphatase can be elevated from being overweight (fatty liver) or from inflammation in the body. My Alkaline Phosphatase is within normal range when I lose weight and goes back up when I gain weight. Have you had an ultrasound done of your liver? Praying for you right now. Blessings & Hugs...

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It’s definitely a food reaction. It was back to normal after two weeks. I had to stop taking any pain medication for arthritis for fear my liver can’t handle it so quality of life is down significantly.


What will an ultrasound of the liver do/show?

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Had an ultrasound of liver and was told it’s perfectly normal looking in every way.


Had an ultrasound of liver and was told it’s perfectly normal looking in every way.

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That's wonderful! I'm sorry about you having to stop the pain medication. I know it's hard to deal with the pain. Prayers....


What will an ultrasound of the liver do/show?

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If you have a diseased or fatty liver it will show up on ultrasound. You can have a fatty liver and not be one that drinks alcohol (I don't drink at all) or you don't have cirrosis of the liver and it may just be fatty. When I lost weight my Alkoline Phosphatase came back down into normal range. When I gain weight, it goes back up again.


My son is having these problems and the dr. Isn't sending him for a liver scan or additional testing. I'm very concerned and wondering it could be portal thrombosis. He's an adult so i can't intervene on his behalf. Worry in silence.

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