Has anyone gotten complete numbness in legs from gabapentin?
I started taking gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy almost a month ago. Over the last week my legs often go completely numb from the knee down. I can only assume it is the gabapentin. Has anyone else had this happen? Is it normal? I don’t have a doctor’s appointment for another six weeks, and I would like some first-hand information from other gabapentin users.
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get rid ofGarbage!!! Anxiety drug not for nerves. Drs afraid to give you Percocet or Oxy, which work. Also Lidocaine cream or 1/3 of a patch help.
Find a PT who will do CUPPING on your feet / legs. 4-6 sessions and you 50% or more relief onward
I had minimally evasive spine surgery in October. Now I'm feeling tingling, numbness running down both legs. My pain specialist said it's probably from developing scar tissue the came on after surgery. I had a new MRI on Friday. I hope the neurosurgeon or my pain specialist can remove this feeling. I' m already on gabapentin, norco, and tizanidizine for pain, but these new numbness and tingling is annoying.