Has anyone gotten complete numbness in legs from gabapentin?
I started taking gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy almost a month ago. Over the last week my legs often go completely numb from the knee down. I can only assume it is the gabapentin. Has anyone else had this happen? Is it normal? I don’t have a doctor’s appointment for another six weeks, and I would like some first-hand information from other gabapentin users.
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For about 4 years I had burning mouth, tooth, and tongue. I was given gabapentin and the burning kept getting worse and Dr wanted to increase dosage and I said no as it seemed gabapentin caused more burning pain. I was switched to pregabalin and with pregabalin it caused burning pain in other areas of my body so I took the very lowest dose. Dr did up dose to 75 and I started having body jerks. I returned to 25 mg pregabalin and took pain pills which worked pretty good but of course worse off. I looked to other reasons for the burning 3 new crowns? Tested for dental allergy and tested positive for dental material used. Replaced 3 crowns three times-spent money and burning continued. I stopped all medication pregabalin and pain pills and felt so much better but still had the slightest burning in my mouth. Trial and error tge dental specialist agreed to do a root canal on the burning tooth which he said thru CT scan was only showing inflamation. After root canal I was told I did need the root canal as tissues did not look healthy. I kept burning. I had the tooth removed and sent for testing which showed 12 different bacteria. Took antibiotics. My mouth, tongue, and tooth kept burning. I stopped pregabalin and pain pills 3 times and each time I felt better and more like myself but still had slight burning. I always thought pregabalin made the burning worse. Finally went to emergency room with the burning mouth. The PA was pretty smart and had my burning gone within an hour. She recommended I get an esophagus scope. I asked my dr for referral to specialist. Turns out the diagnosis after scope was reflux ( silent) and Barrett’s. I began treatment for reflux taking a ppi 40 mg twice daily and sucralfate liquid before meals and at bedtime. After two weeks I noticed the extra dose of sucralfate I took about 3 am stopped my burning after about an hour. That was hopeful. I had HOPE finally. After two months of treatment for reflux I was able to dose down and stop the pain pills and pregabalin completely. Reflux treatment was stopping the burning in my mouth.!!!! I stress that it took time on the reflux treatment to get my burning stopped. I am 4 months out on reflux treatment. During day if I get a little burning break thru I chew a pepsid complete and the burning stops pretty quickly! I was totally shocked I had reflux! My doctor and specialist did not think have the esophagus scope would help my burning but both were wrong but happy to be wrong. The specialist just by trial and error said we will see if you get results with treatment for reflux. My body is so much more relaxed not dealing with the burning mouth, tongue, and tooth. I do follow all reflux guidelines on line in regard to eating small meals, not eating foods that aggravate reflux, not eating after 6 pm, drink only water, have a lift pillow for my bed to raise upper body or u can lift head of bed 6 inches. I took all those guidelines very seriously! I am burning free many hours a day and it’s wonderful!!!! Some days I just have that little burn break thru which pepsid ac complete tablet takes care of. The ppi’s I tried are patapazole( caused ankles and lower leg swelling ) Prilosec ( which caused nasal drainage, wheezing, and a cough-it was like I got rid of the burning and now I have a cough which I put up with for about 45 days before going to Dr and getting steroid dose pack). Upon completion of dose pack my burning increased. I then switched to Nexium OTC. 40 mg twice daily, sucralfate 10ml 30 minutes before meals and at bedtime, and baclofen 5mg 4 times daily last dose at bedtime 1 hour before sucralfate. You can discuss treatment with your Dr. but that’s what eliminates my burning mouth for a majority of my time. It does take time and patience. Good luck. My doctors and I are all very surprised Reflux treatment helped me so much. I never knew I had any reflux. Life is good once again.
I usually automatically wake up pretty early in the morning 5 or 6 ish. This morning First thing I take a drink of water. I brush my teeth and gargle. I heat up a cup of water in microwave. I take one Nexium and drink the cup of water. I then go sit in my recliner with feet up but I don’t recline. It’s natural for my bladder to become overly active and sometimes painful when I drink water. I take the baclofen 5 mg about an hour or so after taking the Nexium but could take it 30 minutes before Nexium which I sometimes do. The baclofen helps with my bladder spasms so I can drink more water to help eliminate the stomach acid. The baclofen also is beneficial as a reflux treatment. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant and helps reduce some pain and helps with the esophagus spinster which helps reflux so it does several things. That’s just how I start my day. I take the sucralfate liquid 10 ml about an hour or so after taking the Nexium and baclofen. 30 minutes after drinking the sucralfate liquid I will usually eat a light breakfast oatmeal with strawberries or I just eat a banana…. Both are good to help reduce acid. Good luck
I have been on Gabapentin for 10 years and have had no side effects from it. Hopefully you can find something else to help you.
I am on gabapentin 600 mg. How much do you take? Now my pain specialist is saying that it's new scar tissue from the non-evasive surgery. I had a discectomy and laminectomy. I have to contact the surgeon to get a new MRI since I haven't had one in 2 years to see if that's the problem. More time waiting which is a pain!
To everyone who gets stomach aches from a change in meds, or meds of any kind (except NSAIDS which cause gastric problems) CHECK THE INGREDIENTS!!!! It doesn't have to do where it comes from! It might have to do with putting lactose or gluten in the meds as an inactive ingredient! You might have become gluten or lactose intolderant! The USA has gone to large contracts and the drugs are cheaply made. The VA was feeding me medications for two years (NOT looking at my medication profile!) and I was getting stomach aches from the meds. The pharmacist finally called me to say they can't supply my meds because of the contracts. One day we should get together and make the manufacturers CHANGE the formulations. Because they CAN. The solution is taking a lactaid/lactase pill with the medication. If it helps then that is the problem. You've got to complain. Also I want to caution you about the "numbness" in your feet. If you stop the gabapentin and it resolves you know it was causal. IF it doesn't, than it means the numbness is an impinged nerve root exiting your lumbar spine and not the medicine. Good luck. I hated the gabapentin even at the smallest dose. Do exercises stretching your lumbar out. I finally had lumbar fusion in 2019. It fixed the numbness but need more 6 years later as I only had a small piece done and more is deteriorating. Had a great epidural yesterday in the facet joint area, fixed me right up. Hope it will last for a bit! I have degenerative disc disease so its a process.
I wish I could get the word out to all who have been prescribed Gabapentin. Commonly a new med can be prescribed for other conditions it is originally meant for. It seems that this med, meant for seizures, has been handed out like candy for everything! It's also addicting! The new opioid :<
I was put on it and the side effects were awful. They didn't start right away but when they did, I ended up needing a walker. The burning and or pins n needles have not gone away! I've been off for 6 yrs. I've read many reviews out there on this med. They need to stop giving it for anything!
no meds or injections help me.
i read about a new pain med but forgot the name--good results in a study
I was given Gabapentin 300mg for neuropathy. I hated it. I’d wake up very, very groggy, like a hangover! So my doctor lowered the dose to 100mg. Same reaction in the morning.
HOWEVER, one night, out of nowhere, that old restless leg syndrome was keeping me awake. Nothing relieved that. I eventually took a gabapentin 300 and in 20 minutes, that RLS was gone and I fell asleep quickly.
I've been taking 3600mg of gabapentin a day for years to dull the pain in my feet, and it helps, a little. No side affects that I'm aware of, but I'm taking a total of 11 prescriptions at the moment, so it's kind of hard to tell what might be causing what.
Im having some issues. I have severe polyneuropathy. Im taking gabapentin too. 1800 mgs a day. My feet are numb and hurt. They tingle and sometimes at night i get these pains in my feet where it feels like my feet are going to pop or explode. I dont know if this medicine has made it worse or not. Im thinking it could possibly be. Not necessarily my legs more of my feet. I understand what you're feeling in a way. Ill be discussing this with my visit at the neurologist next month. Im glad i saw your post. I hope things get better for you and anyone else who's experiencing this. Be blessed everyone 🙏