Has anyone gotten back to normal after one complication after another?

Posted by britelite @britelite, Apr 25, 2023

I’m 78 yr old female in good health. Able to swim 2 K and walk 1 mile 3 X week.
I tested positive for COVID on Feb. 10, 2023. I just had a cough - no other symptoms. Took a course of Paxlovid. After about a week, tested negative and was able to go back to short spurts of exercise - swimming and walking. After another week, noticed severe exercise intolerance. I’d get short of breath and my pulse would slow to 48 and become irregular. Saw cardiologist and EKG was essentially normal. Wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor which showed some irregularities but doc did not feel they were significant. In the meantime, chest congestion was getting worse so my internist put me on a course of prednisone. Then my blood pressure shot up to 210/110 and I landed in the ER. I was trending toward hypertension so I was put on Amlodipine. I’ve gotten my BP under control and have days when the shortness of breath is not too bad. (I use an Albuterol inhaler which helps). Then today (3/25) I woke up really lightheaded and had what I think was an anxiety attack. I was afraid I was going to die. I’m feeling better as the day goes on but still lightheaded. It’s just one thing after another. I wonder if I’m ever going to get back to normal.
I’m retired and don’t have to worry about work but my heart goes out to the younger ones who are experiencing similar post COVID symptoms and are unable to get back to work or a semblance of a normal life. I’m grateful to be able participate in this forum and read about other’s experiences and know that I’m not alone in all this. Thank you.

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I've been living with Long CoVid for 13 months. I'm 62, was in good health for my age, and had all my vaccinations. The hardest thing for me is how hard it was to get seen by a doctor who had an inkling about Long CoVid. After I saw my PCP had no clue or plan, I asked him to refer me to the Long CoVid Clinic near me. It took 9 months after his referral. In the meantime, my employer wants a doctor to verify my limitations and illness. Applying for short-term and long-term disability requires medical documentation and test results that match what the doctor is diagnosing. Most of the tests on Long CoVid patients show nothing and they all cost money. My fear is losing my job and health insurance at a time I need health insurance the most. My symptoms have stagnated. I don't get better, I don't get worse. Some hours are better. But Pacing is the key. Right now I can't go more than 10-20 minutes of any activity without having pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and lightheadedness. I'm considering getting hiking walking sticks for extra support as my Physical Therapist has me walking 3 times a week for 10 minutes , taking breaks every 1-1 and 1/2 minutes. Duloxetine did nothing for me. Took it for 2 months with no improvement anywhere. AS debilitating as the illness is, it is the anxiety I have of how will I afford healthcare and my bills that is most concerning.

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My heart goes out to you and the others who still need to work to support themselves. I am fortunate enough to be retired and on Medicare and supplemental medical insurance. I’ve had a couple of ER visits and a pacemaker implant but still suffering from shortness of breath. I’m sorry I have no real solutions to offer except my emotional support. Are you in the Long Covid Clinic now? Can those docs provide the necessary documentation for disability insurance? I’m going to try acupuncture and pay out of pocket for that. I wish you the best.


God bless you all. I read your stories and feel you are reading mine. Currently I’m having trouble breathing deeply. I’m having panic attacks. I’ve been depressed and am looking for answers. I have strictures in my esophagus and am scheduled for a second treatment to stretch my esophagus.
What are the breathing exercises? Can someone explain box breathing? Also, does acupuncture help?
Thank you all for your willingness to reach out and help others. I’m getting no real help with my regular doctors. I often feel I know more about post Covid than they do.

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Hi @poppy67. Know what seems simple can be very difficult in this post covid world so hope ok I share a simple way of box breathing shared with me. Count to 4- slowly inhaling and allowing lower abdomen diaphragm to expand comfortably. Hold breath to same slow count of 4. Exhale slowly same count of 4 while drawing in diaphragm lower abdomen. Finally hold breath- same slow count of 4. These 4 moves would each create a side to form a square box🙂. I found this truly helps reset nervous system to help with so many symptoms and especially helpful middle of night or those difficult anxious times which are caused from our physical symptoms and not from us being anxious people that thank goodness most healthcare systems are finally recognizing. Best to you and all in this healing journey🌈


Ordered mango tea leaves..praying it works for me..willing to try anything. Thanks

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I will pray right along with you. That's how I felt I'll try anything. I swear by both of them for me


Thank you for sharing. Please let us know how things go with the. Acupuncturist and thanks for the direction on box breathing.

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Hi poppy67..thanks for your reply..hugs to you too...this long haul covid is unreal..and life is sometimes a minute at a time...people do not get this..they can just go on with their daily activities and not think twice about it. I cherish my good moments...I get done with work and then I have to come home..my digestive issues from long haul control me...I am unable to control it...medications have numerous side effects which make the issues worse. I wish people could understand us and know that this is not our fault, we are not making this up, and we would do anything to change this if we only could. It has been since December 21, 2021 for me. It is hard when you go to a physician for help and they tell you there is nothing we can do for you, and maybe with time this will go away. Hang in there my friend. I love this site as I feel that I do not have to feel so alone. This is a socially isolating syndrome. Sincerely kitty2


Were you prescribed Naltrexone for long covid or fibro? Did it help? If so, can you explain what symptoms it helped relieve? Thank you.

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I read about naltroxene in a different COVID fb group. I was extremely fatigued and bed bound. I took 1.5mg naltroxene (told my doctor about it & he said he’d prescribe it). It helped me a lot within 2 days. It was a lifesaver for me. I have increased by 1mg monthly and have maintained at 4.5mg, the final dosage. I am still housebound but not bedbound. I can fix simple meals and do simple activities like crochet, sew and read for pleasure. I have heard naltrexone has helped others but also has not made a difference for some. It is worth a try!!! It’s $30 for 30 day prescription, not covered by insurance, at our local compounding pharmacy. Good luck to all!!


My heart goes out to you and the others who still need to work to support themselves. I am fortunate enough to be retired and on Medicare and supplemental medical insurance. I’ve had a couple of ER visits and a pacemaker implant but still suffering from shortness of breath. I’m sorry I have no real solutions to offer except my emotional support. Are you in the Long Covid Clinic now? Can those docs provide the necessary documentation for disability insurance? I’m going to try acupuncture and pay out of pocket for that. I wish you the best.

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Thank you for your caring spirit. I wish I was retired, as trying to work and keep health insurance is the most troubling aspect. I am at the Long CoVid Clinic at OHSU. I will ask my doctor when I see her Thursday. It's depressing enough to see so many things I want to do, but can't, as my body literally runs out of energy. I am lucky enough to have a supportive family. Good luck with the acupuncture. I'm afraid it will relieve the symptoms temporarily, but not the underlying issues and I can't afford it for that. Would lo9ve to hear how it works out


I was hospitalized in November 2021 for a week with Covid pneumonia. Although my symptoms have gotten better, I’m still dealing with the brain fog/dizziness. After seeing multiple doctors and hearing all my tests are normal-I have taken a different route. Currently seeing an acupuncturist (for about a month now). She has done more for me than any of the doctors. And she continues to try different things. So through acupuncture treatments, herbs and changing my diet-I am having better days. She said it may take a few months. Hoping this is finally my answer!
Hang in there and praying we all find relief soon!!!

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Acupuncture really helped me too. I’m so glad I’ve found a good practitioner who treats a lot of post COVID clients. She’s been more supportive than many of my doctors.


Acupuncture really helped me too. I’m so glad I’ve found a good practitioner who treats a lot of post COVID clients. She’s been more supportive than many of my doctors.

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I’ve been looking for an acupuncturist in DFW area who treats long Covid. Does anyone know of someone?


Hi @poppy67. Know what seems simple can be very difficult in this post covid world so hope ok I share a simple way of box breathing shared with me. Count to 4- slowly inhaling and allowing lower abdomen diaphragm to expand comfortably. Hold breath to same slow count of 4. Exhale slowly same count of 4 while drawing in diaphragm lower abdomen. Finally hold breath- same slow count of 4. These 4 moves would each create a side to form a square box🙂. I found this truly helps reset nervous system to help with so many symptoms and especially helpful middle of night or those difficult anxious times which are caused from our physical symptoms and not from us being anxious people that thank goodness most healthcare systems are finally recognizing. Best to you and all in this healing journey🌈

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Thanks for making this simple!
It works! If anyone hasn’t tried this I urge you to give it a try. Follow the steps given by law59. They are the best I’ve tried.
So simple to do but so effective.

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